Category: silver trigger

Let Them Eat Paper

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Before the Dawn

Although we did not reach the critical mass in our Silver Trigger activation, the Light Forces achieved big victories in the last few weeks and most negative scenarios for planet Earth have been eliminated and positive timeline secured.Many sources are...

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Financial Reset

Our Silver Trigger activation has reached about 80% of the critical mass. Although we have not reached our goal, our achievement was significant, as it will still ease the planetary path towards the financial Reset. Tens of thousands of Lightworkers we...

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Silver Trigger Final Update

Time is approaching for the Silver Trigger and the energies are rising as more and more people have made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass.If the critical mass is reached, the Li...

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Silver Trigger Interview

The energies of our Silver Trigger are already building up and we have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass.    You can listen to this Cobra interview that delves deeper into the energetics of the Silver Trigger:https://www.y...

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Silver Trigger Update

As we are approaching the critical point of November 11th, there are deep underlying structural changes in the global financial system.The Jesuit plan for financial crash that would then lead to a global cryptocurrency similar to Libra has collapsed.F...

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It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the...

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