Category: scientists and ufos (page 1 of 4)

The Underwhelming UAP Report that Deepens the Mystery

RE: UAP Report Nonsence (all 9 pages) Shared this on my profile because it coincides with the UAP nonsense just released by our illustrious purveyors of preposterous notions… though they may actually be true. Not hard to predict the cluelessness ...

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Challenges of Experience and Inquiry with UFOs

Background Brief – Challenges  Challenges of being both an experiencer and behind the scenes researcher over my lifetime, with events I’m challenged with and find hard to believe, yet I was part of it, and so an experience system began repl...

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The New Science and Taking Life for a Spin around Self

Shaky Science with a little Spin around Self I’m not an astrophysicist, but the idea of a ‘nothingness’ like Smith speaks of resembles the notion of the Void… from which all things come, or so we believe. This idea of nothingnes...

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The New Science and Taking Life for a Spin around Self

Shaky Science with a little Spin around Self I’m not an astrophysicist, but the idea of a ‘nothingness’ like Smith speaks of resembles the notion of the Void… from which all things come, or so we believe. This idea of nothingnes...

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The New Science and Direct Experience Converge – Maybe

Grant Cameron posted a sentence from a image of the introduction to the book, The New Science, by Wilbert Smith. Wilbert ran the Canadian UFO investigations for some years during the early 1950s and was a brilliant thinker even as a teen. Wilbert claim...

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Bigger Questions w Ron James and Zen Benefiel

Time Dilation? The timing of our efforts and expectation of results don’t necessarily coincide with the intentions and process of unfolding information. Gaps happen, right? Non-linear and non-local activity have to be taken into consideration now...

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Galactic Federation – Confederation of Planets et al

In so many ways, I’m thankful for having both the ability and place to share where some fear to tread regarding the Galactic Federation. Many I know have had contact experiences since childhood, some of them able to describe precisely what happen...

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UFO Disclosure 2.0 – Understanding Our Place

Disclosure Has Happened? The cat is out of the bag. UFO Disclosure has happened! The government and military officially announced they have a program to study Unidentified Aerial Phenomena; UFOs the more common term. So now what? Both Drs Steven Greer ...

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Congruence and Confluence – Continuity of Collaboration

Random Searches for Intelligence I look for congruence and confluence, similarities across fields of experience/study that seem coherent. I’m still in process. 😉 I feel bereft of understanding at times, meaning the ability to relate it simply, ev...

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The Proverbial Question: Why Are Advanced Races Visiting Earth?

Acknowledging a Continually Evolving Reality In order to answer the proverbial question, we need some groundwork. Our present view from limited sight can only reveal so much. We have to be smarter in our universe view beyond the world view we have held...

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Correlating Material – Non-human Intelligence Conveys Communication

Non-Human Intelligence Conveys Unimaginable Truths Intelligence conveys that Ufology has long been plagued by the NHI side of the coin, beyond the nuts and bolts or the tangible evidence we tend to seek. The physical evidence is something we can touch....

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Ufology Presents Troublesome Times in the Search for Truth

An Inconvenient Truth in Ufology As an author and experiencer with some intelligence in the field of Ufology, I’ve been able to peer into the depths of my own experience and reflect a kind of ‘compare and contrast’ perspective. I am f...

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Mysterious Etherians Echo Quantum Theory – Wave to Form Action

While doing some research, this article came across the screen. No claims to authenticity are made here, discernment is key. The material presents interesting perspectives being discussed among present-day ufologists… nearly 70 years later. ETHER...

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