Category: Reel (page 2 of 70)


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using th...

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Tahni Cullen

Has God's Words Made its Way Through a Nonverbal Autistic Child?

The post Tahni Cullen appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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The World’s Food Seeds are Going Extinct, but You Can Help

Alex Pietrowski, Staff WriterMost of the truly important news of our times goes unnoticed, under-reported or ignored by the corporate media, and as they focus on the ever-evolving narrative of human political drama, we are missing opportunities to participate in the most important struggles of our time. Seven generations from now, the destruction of the world’s seed diversity by corporate greed will have a much greater impact on the human condition than as much as any [...]

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The Insane Things the 1% is Doing With the Wealth They’re Stealing From Us

Alex Pietrowski, Staff WriterFor decades, independent researchers and real investigative journalists like Bob Chapman warned us about the financial bubble that was being created by the world’s political and financial elite. It was intentional, another planned cycle of boom and bust made possible by central banking institutions in corroboration with corrupt legislators and regulators, designed to create a debt bubble that would ultimately make it (supposedly) [...]

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9/11 and the Art Of Blaming Others: Isn’t 15 Years of the PsyOp Enough?

Bernie Suarez, GuestSeveral years back, when pressed by an activist about the need for true justice and accountability for the events of September 11, 2001 9/11 commissioner Bob Kerry stated that 9/11 is a “30-year-old conspiracy.” But what exactly did Kerry mean by this? I believe there are only two possibilities. Either he meant that:a- The 9/11 event took 30 years to plan or,b- He meant that the investigation time-period is expected to last for 30 years.I bel [...]

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The Emerging ‘Mark of the Beast’ System

Steven Tritton, New Dawn“Sleepwalking into the Surveillance Society”Modern technology has created a brave new electronic and borderless world. Surveillance and biometric capturing technologies have advanced significantly in recent years. ID programs have modernised with the likes of ID smartcards linked to huge databases enabling fast and secure electronic authentication among other surveillance functions.Advances in digital technologies have made it possible now to const [...]

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Consciousness and Unified Physics are the Keys to Our Future

Rob Parker, ContributorWhat is consciousness anyway?Is it a “tingly” warm feeling you get while meditating? Is it a mystical religious out of body experience? Well, for some maybe, but to the extent symbolic words metaphorically explain– it’s the ineffable quality of “what’s missing”.So, let me clarify. Many have experienced the death of a beloved family member or pet and attended a viewing or funeral. Upon viewing the deceased, the “th [...]

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The Truth About Mind Control, Antibiotics and Beneficial Bacteria

Will Hartfield, ContributorMost of your body is, well, not human. Single-cell bacteria living in and on your body – mouth, nose, skin, but especially gut – outnumber your human cells by at least three to one, totaling a whooping 100 trillion(1). These bacteria are called microbiomes and together they form your personal microbiota, which has a huge impact on your physical as well as mental health. There’s a growing body of research that proves just how beneficial the [...]

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Greg Giles ~ Beyond Discernment ~ Who are the Authentic Channels? Part 1

I wish to make it clear that the complicity of Freemasons in this mind control program which uses synthetic telepathy, or voice to skull (V2K) technology, is not a theory I am proposing but point of fact, as the group that had been sending me the '...

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Pharmaceutical Marketing Supported by Deceitful Clinical Research

Alex Pietrowski, StaffThe business model for bringing lucrative new pharmaceutical drugs to market includes very robust marketing budgets, and 9 out of 10 pharmaceutical companies spend more on advertising than they do on research. And why not? Americans spend an average of $1000 per person, per year onpharmaceutical drugs, and the effort to capture these dollars is leading more companies to fast track or even fabricate the research involved in bringing a new drug to market [...]

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Dow Chemical Punished for Lying About the Safety of New Herbicide

Alex Pietrowski, StaffA potentially dangerous new product, Enlist Duo, from Dow Chemical might actually undergo the scrutiny it deserves, now that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has asked the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to abandon its approval of the herbicide. New information that the EPA discovered in a review of Dow’s patent application for Enlist Duo – which Dow seems to have conveniently omitted in its application to gain the agency&rsquo [...]

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This is How Much Big Business Paid US Senators to Fast-Track the TPP Deal

Alex Pietrowski, StaffDebate around the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) continues to mount. The recently-released 6,000 page agreement, encompassing 18,000 categories of goods and services and a region that accounts for 40 percent of the global economy, hasn’t been ratified by the U.S. Congress or Senate. Yet, the U.S. President has made his support clear with statements such as, “We are both soon to be signatories to the TPP agreement,” [...]

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How a Shaman’s Medicine is Curing Combat Veterans of PTSD

Dylan Charles, EditorWars should not be waged so frivolously as hey are today, for the human spirit is too fragile to engage in such barbarity without suffering terrible consequences. Even the strongest, most dedicated, and most courageous of soldiers can be haunted for life after combat. Killing others and surviving death while buddies may not have been so lucky can do that to a man.“PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a condition that has had limited [...]

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