Category: quran

Is Alternative Media Also Falling for Islamophobia Propaganda?

Makia Freeman, ContributorThe propaganda of Islamophobia and the agenda of painting all Muslims as crazy and evil is in full swing. In the face of the latest mass shooting in San Bernardino, California (another blatant false flag attack) we need to be careful to avoid the knee-jerk reactions you can see among mainstream politicians and media. All Muslims are not evil. Ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the dissolution of the Soviet U [...]

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Unfettered Religious Freedom Really Does Mean the Freedom to Do Harm

Valerie Tarico, GuestFreedom to discriminate with impunity?  It’s worse than that.Almost universally, the religious freedom claims pursued in the U.S. over the last two decades seek the freedom to do harm, most often the freedom to harm queers, women, children or religious outsiders, or America’s secular government institutions. It’s Not Just About Bigotry and Homophobia In recent years, religious believers have sought and largely won a cascading ar [...]

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12 Worst Ideas Religion Has Unleashed on the World

Some of humanity’s technological innovations are things we would have been better off without: the medieval rack, the atomic bomb and powdered lead potions come to mind. Religions tend to invent ideas or concepts rather than technologies, but like every other creative human enterprise, they produce some really bad ones along with the good.I’ve previously highlighted some of humanity’s best moral and spiritual concepts, our shared moral core. Here, by way of contrast [...]

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The Egyptian revolt and the Mayan Calendar…


Thursday, February 10, 2011

In the following article, Carl Calleman zeros in on the Egyptian revolution via the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar. The piece will give you an idea of how the cosmic impetus of the Ninth Wave fits in...

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Kryon – The End of History


a message from Kryon

channeled by Lee Carroll

Monday, 20 December, 2010

at Seattle, Washington  (posted 27 December, 2010)

At the top of every channeling page is a statement that it is a transcription of a live c...

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