Category: quantum physics (page 3 of 9)

The Hidden Awakening Inside Religion

Soren Dreier, GuestWhen I booked a room at the Awakening Hotel, I didn’t know that writing something positive about Jesus was a no go. So I had to move out for a bit, again experiencing that there are some things you can’t say and some things you can say. I´m having this virus you see, that I think everyone should be entitled to express themselves freely and not have their thoughts filtered out by people who are so religious about religion t [...]

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5 People Changing the World As We Know It

Phillip J. Watt, ContributorThere are important changes happening on so many levels in our society. Collectively we are waking up, driven by the deep lack of satisfaction that we have for the way our social systems are designed and the destructive impacts that they’ve had both on humanity and the environment. Inspiringly, these changes are being led by many people who have devoted their lives to the cause.First, we need a philosophical shift, because individualistic behaviors w [...]

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3 Keys to Triggering a Radically Positive Shift in Consciousness

Justin Faerman, ContributorThere’s quite a bit of talk these days about raising consciousness, and despite a growing mainstream awareness it still remains a somewhat vague, mysterious and elusive topic.What exactly does raising consciousness mean? What does it entail? How can you measure your progress?All excellent questions that spiritual and esoteric traditions from around the world have been attempting to answer for millennia and the very ones I’ve been askin [...]

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Science Finally Breaking Through the Materialist Paradigm

Phil Watt, GuestQuantum physics illustrates that the classical, manifested world is not what it seems, yet the daily routine of waking up as an individual human being who is separated from the rest of the external world is our ordinary experience. However, every now and again, sometimes with a profound and ongoing impact in our life, we experience extraordinary feats of consciousness which blow our minds and hearts out of this world.These feats occur in many different [...]

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Quantum Consciousness

by Ervin Laszlo,I was delighted and honored to have the following article posted in the Pathways to Family Wellness magazine Spring 2012 issue. The article, as printed in the New Edge Science section of the magazine, is available in pdf format.Pathways to Family Wellness is a non-profit quarterly print and digital magazine with a mission to support you and your family’s quest for wellness.I call it “quantum consciousness”: the consciousness we access when we use the [...]

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Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-creator

Robert Torres, ContributorSynchronicity: is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner [to the observer]. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance.If you believe synchronicity is simply coincidence, then you haven’t read any of the top experts in the field. The famous psychotherapistCarl Gustav Jung coined the term synchronicity in the 1920s to refere [...]

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3 Scientific Fields that are Evolving Humanity’s Worldview

Phil Watt, ContributorThe collective perception of humanity has been highly influenced by the scientific method, especially over the last few centuries. This consensus has continually evolved throughout that time by transcending old ways of thinking about the ‘reality’ of the universe. It hasn’t stopped either; the accumulating scientific evidence, especially from the quantum, psychological and parapsychological realms, is facilitating a meta-paradigm shift that is [...]

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Explorers of Higher Dimensions: The Power of Active Consciousness

Amy L. Lansky, PhD, Guest[The following is excerpted from Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within by Amy L. Lansky, PhD (R.L.Ranch Press, 2011)]At each moment of time—the Now—you stand at the gateway to an infinite number of possible futures in higher dimensional space. This gateway is the Choice Point.Some of these futures are more likely to occur than others. If you do nothing, one of these probable futures will play itself out in a fairly predictable [...]

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Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-creator reprinted with permission of the author… Robert Torres   By Guest Author • June 26, 2015 Food for thought, Spirituality Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner [to the observer]. To count as synchronicity, the […]

The post Synchronicity appeared first on UFOlogy PRSS Blog.

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Quantum Phase: Time, Parallel Realities and the Brain

The ‘Many Worlds’ TheoryThe eminent physicist and co-founder of string theory, Michio Kaku, has actually said:“[I]f you have a radio in your living room… and you have all frequencies in your living room; BBC, Radio Moscow, ABC, but your radio is tuned to one frequency — you’re decohered from all the other frequencies. You’re only coherent [wave phase and amplitude in alignment; either exactly or in whole number ratios] with one frequency. We [...]

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Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesn’t Exist If You’re Not Looking at It

Anna LeMind, GuestAccording to a well-known theory in quantum physics, a particle’s behavior changes depending on whether there is an observer or not. It basically suggests that reality is a kind of illusion and exists only when we are looking at it. Numerous quantum experiments were conducted in the past and showed that this indeed might be the case.Now, physicists at the Australian National University have found further evidence for the illu [...]

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Tesla’s Missing Papers and the Technological Race of the Cold War

PBSOne of the more controversial topics involving Nikola Tesla is what became of many of his technical and scientific papers after he died in 1943. Just before his death at the height of World War II, he claimed that he had perfected his so-called “death beam.” So it was natural that the FBI and other U.S. Government agencies would be interested in any scientific ideas involving weaponry. Some were concerned that Tesla’s papers might fall into the hands of the [...]

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Parallel Realities and Timelines: Entertaining a Wild Possibility

Gilbert Ross, ContributorThe idea of parallel universes is certainly not something new. It has been entertained in popular media since the existence of universes existing simultaneously has been theorised in Quantum Physics. Many Sci-fi novels and T.V series scripts have been written based on the idea.The basic assumption behind the notion is that there are possibly an infinite number of other universes besides our own which vary either in minor details or else entirely indistinguish [...]

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