Category: quantum physics (page 1 of 9)

Dr. Robert Davis

Aliens: Nuts & Bolts or Inter-dimensional?

The post Dr. Robert Davis appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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Joseph Selbie

Science + Religion = The Physics of God

The post Joseph Selbie appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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An Exoconscious Human Reality

By Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD During the so-called winter of 2005 in Scottsdale, Arizona, I taught one of the first ufology college courses in the nation. Naively, I assumed that my class would be filled with students curious about the history of UFOs, as the announced curriculum was a general history of ufology, beginning in […]

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Truth or Lies? What’s in your belief system?

A GROWING AWARENESS I think by now we can agree on some basic construction details, the ufo question notwithstanding. If we want to understand the matrix we have to start small. By small I mean from an atomic level. We’ve got some building blocks that comprise each atom, with the exception of one and I’ll […]

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Jason McLeod

The Dark Siege of Diabolical Infestations, Oppression and Possession

The post Jason McLeod appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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UFO Headline News Wednesday July 12th, 2017

In case you missed it here is the UFO Headline News for today

The post UFO Headline News Wednesday July 12th, 2017 appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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Kewaunee & Kelly Lapseritis

The Sasquatch People & their interdimensional connection

The post Kewaunee & Kelly Lapseritis appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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What Happened to the New Age? Sorting Truth from Nonsense

Richard Smoley, New DawnNot long ago I was walking through the aisles of a New Age fair in the suburbs of Chicago. All the usual suspects were there: booths for Baha’i and Eckankar; ladies selling essences and fragrances; bodyworkers offering ten minutes of chair massage; psychics inspecting the etheric fields of their subjects. Like most New Age events I have gone to over the past decade, the fair had a tired quality to it.I could simply be jaded. I’ve been going to such [...]

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Objective Reality vs. Perceived Reality

John Perkins, EvonomicsMy success as chief economist at a major international consulting firm was not due to the lessons I learned in business school. It was not due to the competence of my staff of brilliant econometricians and financial wizards.Those things may have helped at times. But there was something else that made it all happen. That something else was the same something else that elevated George Washington, Henry Ford, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr, [...]

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Scientific Breakthrough – Memories Can Be Passed Down Through DNA

via UTAOT,New research from Emory University School of Medicine, in Atlanta, has shown that it is possible for some information to be inherited biologically through chemical changes that occur in DNA. During the tests they learned that that mice can pass on learned information about traumatic or stressful experiences – in this case a fear of the smell of cherry blossom – to subsequent generations.According to the Telegraph, Dr Brian Dias, from the department of [...]

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Interconnected by Plant Consciousness

Inge Kuijper, GuestA look at the recent conferencet Plant Consciousness: Revolutionizing Our Relationship with Plants.When I decided to join the Plant Consciousness event in London, I was still enjoying the traveling life in Peru. As I had slowed down to become more sensitive to the subtle life of nature, I was excited about these topics of consciousness, quantum physics, the amazing intelligence of the plant world and teacher plants such as Iboga and Ayahuasca.​ [...]

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While the Old System Crashes a New One is Being Built

Philip J. Watt, ContributorThe powers that be are desperately attempting to institute safeguards to a system that is crashing. We just can’t have an economic model which funnels resources into the hands of the elite, and a social system that disregards an ethical and sustainable approach to the environment, without something eventually breaking. With their last breath they are creating secret trade agreements designed to implement a world government, yet there’s [...]

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God Particles from the Galactic Core

V. Susan Ferguson, ContributorIs the Galactic Center in our Milky Way sending our beloved Earth the healing energies she requires to realign in harmony with Cosmic Law? Chandra X-ray Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts and Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama report in Astronomy magazine that the center heart of our galaxy, known as Sagittarius A* has recently shown a ten-fold increase in its flaring.A new study reveals that Sgr A* has been producing one brig [...]

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