I’ve been told to go to that place of Peace within, but realised just now that it is a far more common place to find oneself in than just during meditation. Maybe you figured that meditation, deep or otherwise is required to get there, but what if I tell you you enter the vortex thousands of times per day?

These images might be a nice base to illustrate things: our train of thought is much like this, only usually a bit more chaotic. But it still has a center, the center where our thinking muscles are relaxed, and we are in between thoughts. That happens during meditation when you attempt to release and let go any thoughts, but it happens also in between the thoughts of a normal day’s work. All those moments you stop to gather your thoughts for just a moment, staring at that fly on the wall, or going to the coffee machine on auto pilot. Even the seemingly non-relevant pauzes we introduce in a conversation get us there temporarily. That is basically why I love the train, just being brought from A to B with no demands made on me other than having to stay awake enough to get off at the right stop. 
And occasionally you run into someone who’s open enough to bridge the gap between a polite hello and an animated discussion. They’re rare, I’ll grant you that, but such a treat to encounter! And if you’re lucky, they say just the right things to keep you in the vortex even during your thoughts. And then a relatively uneventful train ride might just become the next revolution in your personal development!
One funny observation though: it’s during obstructions in train traffic, that the frequency of meeting people like these seems to skyrocket. Being snowed in on the way home last winter, I never felt more part of the world and the people in it. Normal everyday routine seems to dull us, make us not notice a lot of what we see around us.  It’s when situations arise, that the true human seems to come out.
So if we treat every day as a new one, instead of the rerun of yesterday or the rehearsal for tomorrow, wouldn’t we notice far more? 
Love your art of observation,