Posted at the Buffalo Diaries on 1/13/11…


There is Light… There is Love. Shadows have been exposed, processed and released. I am experiencing a lightness of being that is refreshing and new. The process continues, layer upon layer exposed to be viewed, evaluated and released. The old ways are not working , they must be changed… transmuted and resolved to find the juicy center that exists wrapped within the enigma of past experience. Presence cultivated and brought into my experience has revealed much that I was still holding onto.

Today, I sit in the Heart of Sedona where it all began… Over the past 3 years I have come and gone from this place, watched as the ebb and flows have permeated the experience here and in this moment I am refreshed by the vibrancy and life that is building here. It is a parable… Life energy continues. Movement… energy is constantly in motion, flowing, moving with the cycles of time and space… I can learn from this. Stay in motion… Flow.

My experience these past weeks has been preparatory for something so Big as to have perhaps eluded me my entire life, but now I am realizing that it all comes down to this moment… this breath… Yes, I have said this before, I know… and sometimes I have found that I forget, getting caught up in the depth of my letting go and while I am in the throes of release, my world has appeared bleak. But, that is not the Truth… Not at all… Full circle, I come back to the process and acknowledge it, embracing myself fully and allowing.

It is up to me… Only me. There is no other in the statement, “I take Total Personal Responsibility for all my thoughts, words and actions I have ever created…” I am the Creator of my Reality. I am the One… So, I continue… And that is how it works. I came here to learn and experience. To find myself and embrace who and what I am in each moment…. To Remember. Yes, I have forgotten and Yes, I have made mistakes in the past, but I choose to leave all that behind, waking up to the present moment as it is… From this place, filled with Love and Kindness, Compassion and Forgiveness I choose. What vibration do I carry with me in my heart now?

I am the Love of All Creation expressed uniquely in this physical form of body clothes, come forth to experience physicality, learn, share and grow. I am the brush stroke, chinese calligraphy written in ink not me, rather the essence of the intention to share beauty and Love. There is only the current running through me, guiding me… Let my conditioned mind go like the overused hard drive about to fail, I selectively backup the data based on my current understanding of my Truth. That stuff was just clogging up space and the defragging no longer keeps up so it is time to purge. And as the delete key gets pressed over and over, the expanse opens… zeros and ones, singular bytes of information go poof in the ethers as I cross the antiquated data across the veil…

I have come to understand that I am becoming what I am becoming… Actions borne in the moment from Love and Kindness are creating a new reality around me. Things come… things go… I AM constant. Continuously improving and moving to higher ground. Old things fade when not aligned to the new vibration and this allows for the expansion. I release… I let it go and in that I am opening up the door wide to accept all that is coming to me. High Vibrations bring High Vibrations, so I do the work and the rest just has a way of coming together…

There is much Love to share right Now, so I do…

Much Love and Kindness to all on the Journey!


the Buffalo Diaries