Category: Great Attractor

Earth’s address within a massive supercluster of 100,000 galaxies ~ Video

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Astronomers have mapped the Milky Way's position to the outskirts of a supercluster of galaxies, newly dubbed Laniakea, meaning "Immense Heaven".

The distribution of galaxies throughout the universe is not more-or-less even; instead, galaxies tend to cluster together, bound together by the pull of each other's gravity. These groups can be a variety of sizes. The Milky Way Galaxy, for instance, is part of what is called the Local Group, which contains upwards of 54 galaxies, covering a diameter of 10 megalight-years (10 million light-years).

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But this Local Group is just a small part of a much, much bigger structure, which researchers at the University of Hawai'i Mānoa have now mapped in detail. Coming in at over 100,000 galaxies, the massive supercluster has been given the name Laniakea -- "immense heaven" in Hawaiian.
The new 3D map was created by examining the positions and movements of the 8000 closest galaxies to the Milky Way. After calculating which galaxies were being pulled away from us and which were being pulled towards us -- accounting for the universe's expansion -- the team, led by astronomer R. Brent Tully, was able to map the paths of galactic migration -- and define the boundaries of Laniakea.

Traditionally, the borders of galactic superclusters have been difficult to map, but studying the gravitational force acting on our neighbouring galaxies has provided some important clues. All objects inside Laniakea are being slowly but surely drawn to a single point -- a force known as the Great Attractor, a gravitational anomaly with a mass tens of thousands of times the mass of the Milky Way.

Everything that is being pulled towards the Great Attractor is part of Laniakea -- although it's possible that Laniakea itself might in turn be part of a structure that is larger still.

"We probably need to measure to another factor of three in distance to explain our local motion," Tully said. "We might find that we have to come up with another name for something larger than we're a part of -- we're entertaining that as a real possibility."

The full paper, "The Laniakea supercluster of galaxies", can be read online in the journal Nature.

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For the first time, our region of the universe has a map and a name ~ Video

washingtonpost.comScientists have redrawn the cosmic map of our corner of the universe, using new tools to define which galaxies interact with our own. The so-called supercluster of galaxies that contains the Milky Way has been named "Laniakea,"&nbs...

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18 February 2012

Channeler: Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


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Prelude to 2012


a message from Allison Rae

Friday, 18 November, 2011  (posted 22 November, 2011)

Solstice. Stillpoint. Night of creation. Ancient memories echo from the depths of this vast womb. Mother Earth sings the lost songs ...

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Sleepin’ in Left Field

Dropping out of Work, and back into Warp. That always happens when it's a Wrap. It's in the other court now, so it'll be lightyears before I ever expect it back. Whoosh!!! Oops, that was quick! That nasty Enemy Mine (great flic by the way) must have found a wormhole to bounce it off a great attractor, which of course threw the babel fish for a loop, and made it break the Thought Barrier. I'm not sure, but this game of Q-Ball suddenly seems to have become a lot less relaxed....

Still, there is idle time left over on my TerraQuad 420, and that automatically gets rerouted to Community Services: trying to crack the DNA codes in a single drop of Premium BP Crude, to see if this killed the bird lying on the mayor's doorstep this morning. Not the kind of stuff I'd really like to do, but he IS a member of the community, and I do have what it takes to help him out.

I'm mostly a lefty as far as manual dexterity is concerned, but since my virtual and cerebral dexterity balance it right out, I fully dig the Model / View / Controller architecture of my mind. No need to push anything to the limit, as this time I see the fish achieving point of entry near the Rigellian border, upsetting a bunch of Romulans in the process. Just passing through, guys!

On the other hand, I've had enough: withdrawing my attention from the fish, the @#$%=> Ultra-reality interrupt: My colleague back on Earth comes in with the temporal solution for our joint computer problem. He fixed the server and now wants me to testdrive the client again, to see if it holds up in communication. No cigar, so back to our respective pre-idle conditions.

Actually, there once was a time when people's minds needed to be stretched because of the lagging of cosmic expansion. The hacker's test in Swordfish was one of the main tools to achieve that aim: pile a hefty reward, a huge challenge, a perceived limitation and a bloody hot distraction into the mix, and you never know how a cow catches a hare, as they say in Holland. Well, somehow he bloody well did, and he did bloody well too! But to take it even further: Why did the cow want to catch the hare?

Love your Conundrums,


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