Category: galactic wars

Music of the Spheres

Clearing of the Draco fleet in sublunar space is proceeding nicely and according to the plan. All Draco presence beyond Lunar orbit has been cleared completely and all space beyond Lunar orbit is now declared liberated space. Many angelic beings are n...

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Dragon Endgame

In January 2019, the Chimera group realized they will be defeated, so they issued a distress call for assistance across the Galaxy and received no response. Realizing that and being aware of powerful Age of Aquarius planetary configurations of 2020, th...

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Operation Mjolnir

Operation Mjolnir is a special operation of the Light Forces to enforce implementation of the Galactic Codex within quarantine Earth.Mjolnir, also called Hammer of Thor (compare Norse: Thor, Roman: Iuppiter, Greek: Zeus, Egyptian: Wsir, late Atlantean...

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Important Situation Update

Year 2017 will see much more presence of the Light on the surface of the planet than any of the previous years, as the presence of the non-physical Light particles from the Galactic Center has increased greatly. On the last day of 2016, there were many signs in the sky in the form of polar stratospheric clouds and other unusual cloud phenomena:


Some people have interpreted this increased Galactic Light as a sign of a possible Galactic Superwave (read: the Event) in 2017:

In the meantime, clearing of the Chimera Group continues. Recently, an infiltration of the Chimera Group within the rank of the Light Forces inside of this Solar system has been detected. The Chimera was even able to hijack one of the teleportation portals that was transporting captured Cabal members that were about to be taken to the Galactic Central Sun and these were siphoned off to a Chimera base in the Kuiper belt. This situation has already been resolved.

It has also been discovered that the Outer barrier / Tachyon membrane is to a certain degree permeable to plasma anomaly and under certain conditions negative plasma entities can cross that membrane through the tunnels of Set in both directions, in and out of the Solar system. The plasma outside of our Solar System is not yet completely free of primary anomaly, especially the plasma filament that stretches along the Orion arm:

Plasma anomaly in this region originates from the Orion galactic wars the the last few million years and has been almost completely healed, but the small amount remaining still interacts with the Yaldabaoth entity. The highest concentration of the anomalous plasma is from Rigel star system towards the Taurus dark cloud, also called Taurus molecular cloud:

As a response to all this, a large powerful galactic Light group hundreds of millions strong has entered the Solar System and it will assist in the final clearing of the Chimera. The identity of this positive group must not yet be revealed.

Also, the Resistance and all breakaway groups that are allied with the Galactic Confederation have begun „intense activities inside of this Solar system and beyond, on a level never before encountered.“

All breakaway groups (SSP and underground ones) that are not yet allied with the Galactic Confederation are still infiltrated by the Chimera.

On the surface of the planet, this infiltration is even stronger. Many times, when things are not going according to the plan, that is a clear sign of infiltration. ALL positive groups on the planet suffer from infiltration from Chimera or their minions. Many geopolitical events are confirming this.

The reals reason why Daesh could retake Palmyra was infiltration very high in the Russian military command. Embarrassed, Russian analysts gave their own explanation why that happened:

They forgot that simple computer vector analysis of photos from powerful Russian spy satellites would easily discover a group converging to a single point.

The Cabal wants to also infiltrate other BRICS countries as well, and they are behind drastic war on cash in India:

The most dangerous of all is Kissinger's strategy to side with Russia against China through Trump, attempting to break the Eastern Alliance:

Many people are beginning to understand that Trump is just a puppet and his policy is orchestrated by invisible handlers from behind the scenes:

On a brighter side, the Chinese have announced that the have managed to put the famous EmDrive prototype for testing on their space station:

Soft disclosure continues and asteroid mining is becoming mainstream:

There is even a website that estimates the economic value of certain asteroids:

For those who would like to become more directly involved in the planetary liberation, here is a very good example how a liberation group can operate (with a short Cobra interview added as a bonus):

Those who feel so guided can help feeding people in Malawi with their generous donations (on thew right hand side of the page little below the top):

Situation in Malawi and in many other places in Africa is far from perfect, but Light will reach there also.

Victory of the Light!

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A Short Situation Update

The Chimera group has used the September 1st annular solar eclipse as a trigger to reopen a negative plasma portal through the Congo energy vortex. You can see that the path of totality for the eclipse goes through Congo:  Exactly 67 minutes after...

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Proxy Galactic War in Syria

  Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Not much can be said about that now publicly.On the other hand, clearing of their Draco and Reptilian minions is now quite intense and has already reached the awareness of the mainstream population:http:/...

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31 “What If’s” That Question Our Reality

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.Editor, In5D.comWe are taught to assume that everything we have been taught is the truth, but what if it wasn’t?What if our educational system is just an indoctrination machine to train us to be economic slaves to the system?What if the indoctrination began in the crib with Black Magic lullabies?What if medical marijuana was actually genetically modified and did not help, but harmed you?What if our medical instituti [...]

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URIEL: Sports, Competition and the New Earth.


By Aurora Le. May 11, 2012.

* Aurora: My favorite clients to work with, by far, are the children. As the newest generation of Starseed begin to grow up, I’m finding more and more of them seeking answers to their questions ab...

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Cobra – Portal 2012 – Galactic Codex – 4 April 2012


April 4th 2012

Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the occupation of the Dark Forces, the last relic of galactic wars that raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years.

As the Galaxy was being liberated...

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Meet Supa, my Arcturian Friend


Greetings from Galactic Heart....

While Sheldan was writing his book, Your Galactic Neighbors, I had and extraordinary experience. It was as if a high-frequency vortex opened in our home, giving me, at least for the duration...

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Energetic Synthesis ~ June 2011 ~ SHOWDOWN


8 June 2011  

Channeler:  LISA RENEE

Dear Family,

It is now time to get down to the real business of true authenticity and transparency! The multiplicity of players that have returned to play out the ancient fina...

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SaLuSa 18-February-2011


We continue to draw nearer to you, not that you may necessarily notice as we keep many of our craft shrouded in a cloak of invisibility. How exciting it will be when we can at last be open in our activities on and off your Earth. Our ...

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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation – February 15, 2011


3 Cimi, 4 Zac, 7 Ik

     Selamat Balik! We return once again with more to discuss with you. Currently, our Earth allies are engaged upon a series of moves which is to lead to victory! Meanwhile, the dark...

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