Category: exoconsciousness (page 1 of 3)

The Underwhelming UAP Report that Deepens the Mystery

RE: UAP Report Nonsence (all 9 pages) Shared this on my profile because it coincides with the UAP nonsense just released by our illustrious purveyors of preposterous notions… though they may actually be true. Not hard to predict the cluelessness ...

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Honorable Paul Hellyer – Message to Congress (each one)

Perhaps there is hope. Dear American Friends, This complementary book entitled Liberation! The Economics of Hope, and accompanying letter, are sent to assist you in an unprecedented situation. Your lives and the continued existence of your country are ...

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Honorable Paul Hellyer – Message to Congress (each one)

Perhaps there is hope. Dear American Friends, This complementary book entitled Liberation! The Economics of Hope, and accompanying letter, are sent to assist you in an unprecedented situation. Your lives and the continued existence of your country are ...

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Conversation with God – Is There a ‘Perfected’ Form, Fit and Function?

Coming of Age I’m not anyone special, though my experience is unique and weird. It started with a voice inside, advanced to trips to an orange cigar-shaped cloud a few years later and culminated in an NDE in college that presented a profound path...

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The New Science and Taking Life for a Spin around Self

Shaky Science with a little Spin around Self I’m not an astrophysicist, but the idea of a ‘nothingness’ like Smith speaks of resembles the notion of the Void… from which all things come, or so we believe. This idea of nothingnes...

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The New Science and Taking Life for a Spin around Self

Shaky Science with a little Spin around Self I’m not an astrophysicist, but the idea of a ‘nothingness’ like Smith speaks of resembles the notion of the Void… from which all things come, or so we believe. This idea of nothingnes...

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ET Hybrid – Pondering the Possibilities of Human et al

Early Beginnings of Experience I went through a flap in the 60s, two years of what seemed like bi-weekly encounters on board an orange cigar-shaped craft at least a mile long it seemed. Was there an ET Hybrid connection? For a long time I entertained t...

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ET Hybrid – Pondering the Possibilities of Human et al

Early Beginnings of Experience I went through a flap in the 60s, two years of what seemed like bi-weekly encounters on board an orange cigar-shaped craft at least a mile long it seemed. Was there an ET Hybrid connection? For a long time I entertained t...

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Consciousness Across Dimensions – Considerations of an Overactive Mind

Existing Dimensional Frameworks We don’t really know, though I sense we can surmise that in the analysis of experiencer events, we can determine they occur across a plethora of worlds, a consideration of consciousness across dimensions, not neces...

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Bigger Questions w Ron James and Zen Benefiel

Time Dilation? The timing of our efforts and expectation of results don’t necessarily coincide with the intentions and process of unfolding information. Gaps happen, right? Non-linear and non-local activity have to be taken into consideration now...

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Galactic Federation – Confederation of Planets et al

In so many ways, I’m thankful for having both the ability and place to share where some fear to tread regarding the Galactic Federation. Many I know have had contact experiences since childhood, some of them able to describe precisely what happen...

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What is Non-human Intelligence?

A Question of Consciousness Curious about non-human intelligence? First of all, the current state of affairs in our world might indicate humans aren’t as conscious or intelligent as we think. Even knowing we are interdependent on Earth, we still fail t...

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Soular Revolution – an EVO-LEAP of Conscience for Our Time

Moving Beyond the Cognitive Dissonance We cannot separate the transcendent activity on Earth now from the admonitions of the communications we’ve been able to decipher from our Star Families. The connections ought to be obvious to even the most r...

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