Category: ET Communication (page 1 of 4)

Ascending at the Speed of Surrender – new book

5.0 out of 5 stars WORLDLY AND OTHERWORLDLY on April 19, 2023 Verified Purchase There is a new way of being human that is emerging on earth. Zen Benefiel is among those in the vanguard. In plain down-to-earth language he shares his story. It is a story...

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Kosta Makreas – Founder, ET Let’s Talk & The People’s Disclosure Movement

Kosta Makreas – Founder, ET Let’s Talk & The People’s Disclosure Movement interviewed by your curator, Zen Benefiel for One World in a New World And now for something completely different… with an invitation to engage Star F...

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Conversation with God – Is There a ‘Perfected’ Form, Fit and Function?

Coming of Age I’m not anyone special, though my experience is unique and weird. It started with a voice inside, advanced to trips to an orange cigar-shaped cloud a few years later and culminated in an NDE in college that presented a profound path...

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The New Science and Direct Experience Converge – Maybe

Grant Cameron posted a sentence from a image of the introduction to the book, The New Science, by Wilbert Smith. Wilbert ran the Canadian UFO investigations for some years during the early 1950s and was a brilliant thinker even as a teen. Wilbert claim...

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UFO Disclosure 2.0 – Understanding Our Place

Disclosure Has Happened? The cat is out of the bag. UFO Disclosure has happened! The government and military officially announced they have a program to study Unidentified Aerial Phenomena; UFOs the more common term. So now what? Both Drs Steven Greer ...

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Congruence and Confluence – Continuity of Collaboration

Random Searches for Intelligence I look for congruence and confluence, similarities across fields of experience/study that seem coherent. I’m still in process. 😉 I feel bereft of understanding at times, meaning the ability to relate it simply, ev...

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Effects of Exploration into Experiencer Elucidations

Making Sense Common Among the Fray Have we explored the effects of experiencer elucidations as well as we can? To date there have been so many attempts to clarify the concept of contact with extraterrestrial and/or non-human intelligence. Academic stud...

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Soular Revolution – an EVO-LEAP of Conscience for Our Time

Moving Beyond the Cognitive Dissonance We cannot separate the transcendent activity on Earth now from the admonitions of the communications we’ve been able to decipher from our Star Families. The connections ought to be obvious to even the most r...

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Ufologists Have Many Questions About the Surreal Times

Social Distancing in Ufology Ufologists’ questions permeate a surreal environment. Perusal of social platforms and various groups seem to offer evidence of further division in the field, with obvious questions about the involvement of non-human i...

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The Proverbial Question: Why Are Advanced Races Visiting Earth?

Acknowledging a Continually Evolving Reality In order to answer the proverbial question, we need some groundwork. Our present view from limited sight can only reveal so much. We have to be smarter in our universe view beyond the world view we have held...

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High Entropy N.H.I. Data Transfer Hypothesis

We, humans, co-create our reality every second of every day. This alien pervasive intelligence manifests in each of us possibly very differently. Because we are all different minds. You question a 100 experiencers you could possibly get 100 different a...

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Are Human Appearing “ETs” Operating on Earth?

A “Contact Download” suggested to me that perhaps they are. J. Burkes MD 2019 There is a fascinating literature about human appearing ETs living among us. I even thought I might have met one at the Los Angeles International Airport when I took Dr. Gree...

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It’s No Wonder We’re a Bit Confused by Intelligence

Intelligence is Over-rated I’ve been involved with this field for several decades openly and a couple more as an early experiencer of high strangeness. It certainly doesn’t make be an authority, yet I do have some perspectives that few seem...

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