Energy Changes to Prepare us for a Reality Shift


by Miles Simons, Webmaster PAO

Right now, many lightworkers, starseeds and spiritual people are experiencing tremendous physical energy fluctuations. It may help to know that you share your journey with others. Let me tell you mine.

In my dream, a wide circle of humanity had formed around several spiritual beings. I was part of that circle, and was wondering when we would be going home. It seemed as if we had been away for a long time. Next, I began looking for my wife, who had disappeared from the group. As I searched, I realized that I was having a life-changing moment and had to make a choice. All that awaited us at home were material possessions but, though I felt a close and welcoming connection to Spirit here in the circle, I still could not quite let go of the need to return home.

Before I could make a fateful decision, I awoke. My pericardium, diaphragm and thymus were vibrating, as they had been for several weeks, primarily at night. Over that time, my sleep patterns have been restless: many nights consist of waking every few hours, unable to fall back to sleep until the vibrations have been tamed. Asking my guides for help has become a regular routine and I have discovered it is much easier to connect with them during the quiet hours of night and early morning. Energy fluctuates as I follow my daily routines: some days are tiring and weak, while others feel relatively normal. There is no predictable pattern. The good news is that this time round, unlike a similar experience two years ago, my fear levels have subsided dramatically.

One of the insights received by my guides was to use my hands to help recover from, and balance, body vibrations. They told me to make a connection to the universal light and breathe in that light through the hands. Rest hands on points that need to be comforted or healed: move them around slowly to allow healing light to penetrate problem areas. This advice has helped greatly in calming my vibrations.

Another insight was not to fight the changes I am going through. Not to feel sorry for myself, or fret about the inconvenience. Not to see this as merely a physical experience. The message I received was that this was a blessing as the world approaches a reality shift. Our bodies are being readied for a higher vibration, a necessary step in preparing for the imminent shift. I often get notions or messages as to what needs to be done to help my body recover from the rebuilding of my chakra system. This is the real cause of the vibrations and energy fluctuations. As earth undergoes changes, so must we: both of us need to reach a higher vibration level. Our bodies are experiencing changes similar to Gaia's own. Her earthquakes, floods, windstorms parallel our own upheavals. As our chakra systems expand from 7 centers to 13, our bodies are being inwardly stretched and, like children, we are feeling growing pains. While our light bodies are expanding, the process of shifting from coarse to fine energy is arduous. Some light workers report that our human auras have expanded from a few inches to several feet or more in width, even without any active spiritual effort, while those who actively focus on their light bodies are increasing the size of their auric fields to several hundred feet.

The process of allowing oneself to accept that which cannot be seen, only felt, is very difficult. Whenever I fall back into the pattern of being only in the physical realm, my fears begin to creep in. The more I relax and accept these changes as the next step of my journey into a welcome new reality, the calmer and more open to insights I become. We have been so preconditioned to accept the explanations of mainstream society: the time for us to move past that smokescreen is long overdue.

It is comforting to know that I am not alone on the journey, that many of you are experiencing this process as well. We are all getting what we need and what we are able to handle. Why is this happening intensely to only a relative handful of us? Most certainly, it is a clause in our life contract. As spiritual consciousness shift pioneers, we have agreed to pave the way for others.



  1. Thanks for sharing your experiences – I see similarities with my own recent experiences which have been rather intense. I asked for guidance in finding people with similar experiences, just as a sort of confirmation, and here it is 🙂 So thanks – Love is all, Jay

  2. Thanks for sharing your experiences – I see similarities with my own recent experiences which have been rather intense. I asked for guidance in finding people with similar experiences, just as a sort of confirmation, and here it is 🙂 So thanks – Love is all, Jay

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