Category: Divine Feminine-Masculine Union (page 2 of 5)

MARY MAGDALENE: Discerning What is Yours and What Belongs to Others


Received by Mercedes Kirkel Question: Mary, whenever I tune into my emotions it seems to me there’s always some sort of pain there. I find it difficult doing the process you have brought to us because it’s time-consuming and there’s always something there. I wonder if I’m picking up pain from somewhere or somebody else. […]

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By Mercedes Kirkel Hello friends,   As we enter 2017, I’m holding a vision of greater things ahead and a growing community of awakened beings responding to the call for humanity’s evolution.   My vision is rooted in the guidance I’ve received from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. They’ve given a very specific teaching, specifically for […]

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MARY MAGDALENE: Healing Body Shame

Received by Mercedes Kirkel   Question: I have a question about the process that occurs when we heal the deeper wounds of our inner Masculine and Feminine, which I understand allows a natural union to take place. Could you speak of what that union may be like?   Mary Magdalene: This is where you are […]

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YESHUA: The Spiritual Process of Incarnating on Earth

Received by Mercedes Kirkel   Yeshua: This is Yeshua speaking.   From the Masculine point of view, nothing is more wonderful than abiding as pure consciousness.   From the Masculine point of view, there is absolutely no difference between the pure Feminine, absolute love, and the pure Masculine, complete consciousness. They are two sides of […]

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MARY MAGDALENE: How Women Can Heal

Received by Mercedes Kirkel   Question: As we’re shifting the energy on the Earth today into a new dimension, I see part of the healing is for women to forgive, love, and honor themselves where they may have been shut down. How is this done in the most divine, sacred way, in giving permission to […]

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7 Things to Say (or Avoid) When Someone’s Grieving

By Mercedes Kirkel   I thought I was prepared for my mother’s death. I’d seen her declining. I’d talked to her about dying. I didn’t need to heal anything with her. I’d said my goodbyes. I believed she was going to a much better place and that we’d always be connected. And I felt glad […]

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MARY MAGDALENE: Advice on Sacred Relationship

Received by Mercedes Kirkel In a Group Channeling Occasion   Question: What can you share with us about your sacred relationship with Yeshua, and what advice would you give us to live in a sacred partnership like you did?   Mary Magdalene: I have shared to a certain extent already about my relationship with Yeshua. […]

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MARY MAGDALENE: Healing the Wounded Masculine

Received by Mercedes Kirkel In a Group Channeling Occasion   Question: I encounter beautiful souls in the Masculine body who have been hurt by the Feminine that has become very Masculine. How do we love and honor these men, to help heal and be ambassadors of your light, your love, and your mission?   Mary […]

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MARY MAGDALENE: Attracting a Partner for Your Highest Good

Received by Mercedes Kirkel In a Group Channeling Occasion   Question: Could you talk about attracting a partner that would be ideal for our higher self and how we can be assured that it is something for our highest good?   Mary Magdalene: There are two parts to this.   The first part is that […]

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MARY MAGDALENE: You Must Learn to Trust The Body

Galactic Federation of Light SaLuSa July 17 2015

By Mercedes Kirkel   Question: I think my next step is knowing that I am connected to Source and that I am loved. I would like some advice on how to do that better. Right now I’m just trying to align myself and remember I am in my heart.   Mary Magdalene: The strongest way […]

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MARY MAGDALENE: The Unique Role of the Feminine at This Time

By Mercedes Kirkel   Question: How would Yeshua and Mary Magdalene wish that we would continue the work in the time we find ourselves in?   Mary Magdalene: Time is not an issue for us.   The work is always the same. It is the work of love. Yet at different times that shows up […]

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MARY MAGDALENE: Receiving the Divine Feminine

An Excerpt From MARY MAGDALENE BECKONS: JOIN THE RIVER OF LOVE by Mercedes Kirkel [Note from Mercedes: This is the first message I ever received from Mary Magdalene, and it remains as true and timely now as when it originally came through. I offer it once again, in honor of Mary’s feast day.]   Greetings, […]

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5 Ascension Insights Most People Aren’t Talking About: Insight #2

By Mercedes Kirkel   INSIGHT #2: IT’S OK TO EXPERIENCE DOUBT   Many people experience doubt as part of the ascension process. It can even be seen as one of the signs that it’s happening. We’re detaching from being mind-based in the familiar 3D way and morphing into something new and unfamiliar. Doubt seems to […]

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