Category: CSETI

Dr. Joseph Burkes

Contact of the Alien Mind

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CONTACT NETWORK HISTORY PROJECT A Close Encounter of the Third Kind with Love. Joseph Burkes MD 2015 It has been said that consciousness is the “golden thread” that ties us to UFO intelligence. After all if the ET hypothesis is correct and UFOs are an extraterrestrial manifestation, then we are going to be very different […]

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Native Elders Reveal Centuries Of Extraterrestrial Contact Lore

by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.Dr. Boylan’s websiteFor ten days in June, the Yankton Sioux Reservation on the windswept high plains of South Dakota was a gathering place for indigenous tribal leaders from around the globe and hundreds of Native and Euro-American listeners. The occasion was the Star Knowledge Conference and Sun Dance, convoked by Lakota (Sioux) spiritual leader Standing Elk in response to a vision. The vision showed that Native American spiritual knowledge about the Star Na [...]

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Why No Quality UFO Video?

WHY DOES UFO INTELLIGENCE DENY EXPERIENCERS QUALITY VIDEO DOCUMENTATION OF CLOSE ENCOUNTERS? Joseph Burkes MD 2014 For over 20 years I have witnessed numerous UFOs in the course of fieldwork with contactee networks. Twenty years ago in the fall of 1994 UFO intelligence revealed to me the mechanism by which they create “hologram” like visual […]

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Convincing People about UFOs?

  WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO CONVINCE PEOPLE THAT UFOs ARE IMPORTANT? Joseph Burkes MD 2014 UFO historian Richard Dolan has described the initial reaction of many people to his passionate interest in the subject. They express interest, might even describe something they saw on TV concerning the phenomenon and then after a few minutes […]

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Earth’s Quarantine Force Field Discovered By NASA?

NASA recently discovered what appears to be a ‘force field’ over Earth, fueling the fire over whether our planet has been under spiritual and physical quarantine as many have suggested.According to Daniel Baker, director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, the electron barrier exists in the Van Allen belts, a pair of donut-shaped belts that ring the Earth teeming with protons and electrons. The Earth’s magnetic field holds the belts in place, but th [...]

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Contact in the Desert recap

The second Contact in the Desert event at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center was held this last weekend. Attendance grew to well over a thousand people in spite of the sweltering heat. When asked about possible date changes the event organizer, Paul Andrews, stated that the reason Perseid Meteor showers are most visible then. I’m […]

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First Contact Imminent

First Contact Imminent It was February 13, 2001 sometime around midnight in Phoenix, Arizona. I’d just gotten horizontal after an evening of chatting with folks on SpiritWeb about the Ashtar Command and what the ‘contactee’ experience was like for me. It had been going on for decades, since childhood, with no sense of malevolence whatsoever. I […]

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Making Contact – CE5 Style

Making Contact – CE5 Style For nearly two decades this document was part of the official CSETI training materials. I believe many of the lessons described here still apply, Let’s face it; it’s OK to be somewhat apprehensive when going out into the field for the first time. Vectoring in ET Spacecraft to initiate a […]

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Dr. Steven Greer on World Puja Network

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World Puja Network Show - July 9, 2010 and CSETI Upcoming Events

World Puja Network Show - Ju...

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