by Nancy B. Detweiler

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

        We live in intense times.  On the surface, we witness upheaval; everywhere we look we behold change.  Nothing seems the same. 

         Barely beneath the surface, runs a silver lining.  Earth humans are awakening to a glorious future in which we are to join our galactic families and the Ascended Masters. 

         For the moment, many are experiencing what St. John of the Cross termed the dark night of the soul.  As one avenue of comfort, I am posting a few pages from my book—A New Age Christian:  My Spiritual Journey—copyright 1998.  These pages reveal a portion of my dark night of the soul.  It was during this journey through the dark tunnel that I met my twin flame.  This experience taught me that regardless of how desperate our dark night of the soul becomes, there is always a silver lining weaving itself into our reality.

         Here are the excerpts with spaces in between pages.  Call me lazy; I don’t want to re-type the pages.  ðŸ™‚













         Since that seemingly bleak day in 1986, the silver lining within my life has emerged.  That drive to Richmond was my 3rd attempt to leave Winston-Salem.  I was forced to face the fact that my life was not working in Winston-Salem; I had to move.  Sometimes God is leading us to our good, but we refuse to follow.  As I look back, I am appalled that my refusal to make a change almost cost me tremendous good.  We never know what God has planned for us just around the corner.  Refusing to change may come at the expense of losing our way.

         In September 1988, I married a soul mate.  Before we married, John told me that he intuitively felt we would have three years together.  We had 3 years and 2 months.  He returned to the spiritual realms in November 1991.  Our time together was packed with fun.  We spent a year traveling to visit many of our relatives located from upstate New York to Florida.  Our climaxing trip was to the Middle East and Europe.

         Several years after John returned to spirit, my twin flame re-entered my life.  Uriel (his name, no relationship to Archangel Uriel) resides on the 5th dimension.  We communicate telepathically.  For years now, he has assisted me with my writings and when I made my living interpreting esoteric astrological Soul Maps.  I live with the conscious awareness that Uriel and my Venusian family are present with me.  I feel their love and companionship.  I know that I belong to a much larger family and community than we have here on Earth. 

         Each of us belongs to the stars.  We have a galactic family who watches over us.  We may, for the moment, feel alone.  We are not!  Our galactic family awaits our awakening to the fullness of life … our awakening to the presence of our twin flame within the cosmos, eager for reunion with us.

Even though we may be married on the 3rd dimension, twin flames await each one of us.  At the perfect, divine moment, we will all be reunited with our twin flame.  Some may already be married to their twin flames.  This is possible, but fairly rare. 

         2012 is to be a year in which many twin flames are reunited.  This reunion is very likely to take place while one is living on Earth and the other is living on the 5th dimension or higher.  As Earth ascends to the 5th dimension, multidimensional communication in a variety of ways will become commonplace.  We will no longer be limited to the 3rd dimensional physical plane.  In fact, this plane is disappearing.

         I look forward to reuniting on the 5th dimension with my twin flame, Uriel.  A thread of the silver lining of my life has been the presence of a ring not yet manifested in the physical.  This ring is the symbol of my union with Uriel.  I have seen this ring during meditation.  It is a band of gold thick enough to have embedded in it a sapphire and an emerald.  Around the stones is engraved the infinity sign.  A friend has also seen this ring as we meditatively conversed.  I know that I will soon wear this ring because Uriel and I will be reunited on the 5th dimension.  It manifested in spirit during my dark night of the soul, waiting in the background of my life until the day of our 5th dimensional reunion. 

               That day is just around the corner!  Take comfort in the fact that something marvelous also awaits you just around the divine corner!