Category: Christianity (page 2 of 8)

Republican Jesus: The Rise of Radical Christianity

Irwin Ozborne, Contributor“If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn’t help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we’ve got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needed without condition and then admit that we just don’t want to do it.” -Steven ColbertIn a small Middle-Eastern town, the community had been under the rule of a harsh dictator for nearly four decades. He [...]

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Celebrating Genocide – The Real Story of Thanksgiving

Irwin Ozborne, ContributorThanksgiving: Celebrating all that we have, and the genocide it took to get it.Thanksgiving is one of the most paradoxical times of the year. We gather together with friends and family in celebration of all that we are thankful for and express our gratitude, at the same time we are encouraged to eat in excess. But the irony really starts the next day on Black Friday. On Thursday we appreciate all the simple things in life, such as having a meal, a roof over [...]

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Religious Children are Meaner and More Punitive than Secular Kids, Study Finds

Alex Pietrowski, Staff In a study to find out if kids who grow up with a strong religious background are nicer, more compassionate and more kind than secular children, it was revealed that religious kids are simply more mean, less-tolerant, more-punitive, and less-forgiving than kids who don’t grow up in a religious household.Looking at mostly Christian, Muslim and secular children, researchers from a number of different universities around the world coordinated to compare [...]

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Celebrating Genocide – Christopher Columbus’ Invasion of America

Irwin Ozborne, Guest“In 1492, the natives discovered they were Indians, discovered they lived in America, discovered they were naked, discovered that the Sin existed, discovered they owed allegiance to a King and Kingdom from another world and a God from another sky, and that this God had invented the guilty and the dress, and had sent to be burnt alive who worships the Sun the Moon the Earth and the Rain that wets it.” ~ Eduardo GaleanoA good friend of mine, a membe [...]

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Where is Jesus in the Awakening?

Zen Gardner, GuestI began a reply to a very sincere question on my last post Cunning Craftiness and the Tools of Manipulation and it turned into quite a long explanation. It brings up a lot of important aspects regarding what’s going on right now as people are genuinely concerned about these recent turns of events and what seems to be unfolding, and are subsequently digging deep to get some spiritual footing in order to grasp as well as prepare for what appears to be quick [...]

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Entering The Angelic Realms

Soren Dreier, GuestAngels seem to have become out of fashion on the account of other metaphysical realm entities such as ghouls, nature spirits, ghosts and other non-biological beings getting the majority of the attention. I would like to bring them back on the table.There is always a choice to be made: whether to describe their realms theoretically or as an experienced metaphysical reality.Since I said in a recent post: ´We need a lived spirituality´, I will go [...]

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Hidden American History, Delusional Leaders and the Kali Yuga

V. Susan Ferguson, ContributorWe live in the era of delusions and mirages, the Age of Conflict and Confusion, the Kali Yuga. The Sanskrit text the Linga Puranapredicted the symptoms of our current Age of Confusion, the Kali Yuga:*People will prefer to choose false ideas.*Base [low minded] men who have gained a certain amount of learning (without having the virtues necessary for its use) will be esteemed as sages.*Thieves will become kings, and kings will be the thieves [...]

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The Pagan Origins of Modern Day Christianity

Documentary Film – Gnostic ideas influenced many ancient religions that teach that gnosis, variously interpreted as knowledge, enlightenment, salvation, emancipation or ‘oneness with God’, may be reached by practicing philanthropy to the point of personal sacrifice such as poverty, sexual abstinence, search for wisdom, and service to others. Here’s a deeper exploration of the gnostic origins and pagan rituals that have led to modern day Christiani [...]

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STO, STS, and Densities

Originally Posted @ MontalkThis article explains the system of “densities”, “Service-to-Self”, and “Service-to-Others” as discussed in the Ra Material and Cassiopaean Transcripts and shows how they relate to the occult concepts of the etheric and astral planes. Instead of summarizing what’s already been said, my aim here is more to provide new insights and resolve some common misunderstandings. Why is the idea of “densit [...]

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What I Received in France

By Mercedes Kirkel I’ve just returned from my travels in the Languedoc and Provence regions of southern France, visiting many sites that are associated with Mary Magdalene. Though I’m still integrating all that happened, I feel strongly moved to share about my experiences because so many of you have communicated your support, blessings, and connection […]

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Third Density Embrace – Are the Gods Jealous?

Julian Rose, Contributor‘Is sexuality to be dispensed with – as the price for spiritual emancipation?’ – asks Julian Rose.What if I posited that ‘third density’ is where the wandering ethereal spirits of the cosmos most want to be..That it is within third density existence that the setting for a final and full awakening is to be manifest.. That spiritual aspiration which seeks to evolve as an ‘out of body’ state, is a form of [...]

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Unfettered Religious Freedom Really Does Mean the Freedom to Do Harm

Valerie Tarico, GuestFreedom to discriminate with impunity?  It’s worse than that.Almost universally, the religious freedom claims pursued in the U.S. over the last two decades seek the freedom to do harm, most often the freedom to harm queers, women, children or religious outsiders, or America’s secular government institutions. It’s Not Just About Bigotry and Homophobia In recent years, religious believers have sought and largely won a cascading ar [...]

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Psychoactive Plants in the Bible

Kevin Loftis, GuestChristianity was founded on the use of religious plants of psychoactive effects. The use of these drugs on religious experiences made Christianity so viral. Jesus had a military-like camp ground which he erected where ever he stayed. The “Tabernacle”, he dubbed it, was a tent like structure Jesus used for psychological warfare. Inside was a complex mind altering system he dubbed the word of god. This led to his victory in Jerusalem and the creation of f [...]

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