Category: Black Nobility (page 1 of 2)

Situation Update

As it has been said a few months ago, things are accelerating very fast since late September.

First, physical biochips have been cleared and all that is left in those locations in the body is a dead, inactive circuitry of the biochip. These biochip re...

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Urgent! Meditation to Stabilize the Financial System Every 4 Hours

A few days ago, one Black Nobility faction has used JP Morgan to trigger the collapse of SVB bank, the 18th largest bank in the USA:

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Toplet bombs are still the main reason why the Light forces can not intervene directly in the situation on the surface of the planet. The Light forces are now clearing the quantum and subquantum anomaly on the higher mental plane with maximum possible ...

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Planetary Initiation

Universe beyond our Solar system is already experiencing vast restructuralization as it is already entering the new cosmic cycle, when all creation will become aligned with the One.Meanwhile, our Solar system and especially planet Earth is still experi...

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Dragon Endgame

In January 2019, the Chimera group realized they will be defeated, so they issued a distress call for assistance across the Galaxy and received no response. Realizing that and being aware of powerful Age of Aquarius planetary configurations of 2020, th...

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Endgame Scenarios

War for liberation of this planet is reaching its climax.After the coronavirus outbreak in China was contained, the dark forces planted another, modified strain of the virus in Codogno, Italy. Codogno is just a few miles away from Piacenza, which was r...

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Financial System Update

There is a lot going on behind the scenes in the financial system. There is a split inside Black Nobility about how to proceed with their plans.One Black Nobility faction wants to crash the current system through repo market as soon as possible and re...

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Before the Dawn

Although we did not reach the critical mass in our Silver Trigger activation, the Light Forces achieved big victories in the last few weeks and most negative scenarios for planet Earth have been eliminated and positive timeline secured.Many sources are...

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Financial Reset

Our Silver Trigger activation has reached about 80% of the critical mass. Although we have not reached our goal, our achievement was significant, as it will still ease the planetary path towards the financial Reset. Tens of thousands of Lightworkers we...

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The High Priestess

On April 14th, 2019, full mysteries of the Goddess were finally anchored on the surface of this planet in a certain group, after centuries of suppression and after the last mysteries of Isis were completely discontinued at the Isis temple of Philae in...

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Soul Families Workshop Report and Planetary Situation Update

Our Soul Families workshop in Budapest was extremely successful. Many key instructions for cracking the Matrix on the surface of the planet were successfully transmitted to the very awake participants of the workshop, as you can see in the workshop not...

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Taiwan Conference Report and Planetary Situation Update

Our Ascension conference in Taipei was an energetic continuation of the Budapest conference. Days before the conference, Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan and Arcturian Light cloudships have literally invaded Taiwan to prepare the energies for the confere...

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Peace Meditation and Budapest Ascension Conference Report

We had very little time to gather people for our Peace Meditation and the critical mass has not been reached, but the meditation still had a deep impact on the geopolitical situation in Syria, minimizing the effects of the military escalation on Friday...

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