Author: UFOlogy PRSS (page 1 of 3)

Contact and Psycho-Spiritual Technologies

Contact and psycho-spiritual technologies are more connected than what we might think. We know that levels of consciousness are far different than what we are used to happening during contact experiences. The experiencer is often caught in the midst of it, unable to retain or reflect in process. Some do, but it is rare. The […]

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Contact in the Desert 2016

Contact in the Desert, now in its fourth year and as usual, brought dynamics of experience, perception and research in the thoughtmosphere provided some polarizing information among the presentations at . We all get polarized from time to time and have our moments of not knowing what to believe in. There is plenty of information from […]

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Heterodyning Vibrational States

William C. Treurniet and Paul Hamden, December, 2015 – an note from the curator… great article reprinted here. Heterodyning Vibrational States Summary. Beings in energetic realms often change a vibrational state for its own sake or as a means to accomplish certain tasks. In interviews with a Zeta, the extraterrestrial being confirmed that heterodyning used […]

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The Good Old Days

A View from the Bleachers Not that it really matters, but I’ve been watching the field of Ufology develop since my introduction as Bruce to Jim Delittoso in the late 80s. Zen hadn’t happened yet; still a few years away. Until then, I’d been relatively free of public engagement, let alone discussion of my experiences. […]

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UFOlidays… Greetings and Good Will

Happy Winter Solstice 2015 The year is winding down and we’ve had some major events that have rocked the world. In the US, we’re in the throes of campaignitis, where everyone gets a little crazy for a short time. I’m reminded of an old Latin saying, “Vocatus Atque Non-Vocatus, Deus Aderit.” What that means is, […]

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After It’s News, Then What?

The Sky is Falling! Hundreds of sightings, abductions and first-hand accounts have made it possible to distinguish several distinct alien species that have been in cahoots with military forces, deciding our future without ever consulting us. Contactee Alex Collier says he was allowed to share some details about these extraterrestrials: “The Draconians are the force […]

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The Hypostasis of the Archons

The Hypostasis of the Archons An Introduction By Bernadette Rezak (with comments by Zen Benefiel) In this day there is much “talk” about The Archons mostly in the Experiencer circles and more widely in the UFO lingo when speaking about certain Aliens. Being an Ordained Gnostic Priest and serving as a High priestess since 1990, it […]

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Aliens Among Us – Human Hybrids

Aliens Among Us – Human Hybrids This so reminds me of Ruth Montgomery’s book, and I hope if you haven’t read it that you do so. Alrightythen, the information this video presents I find to be personally conflicting with a vast experiential reality I know to be true for me. It includes several near-death experiences, […]

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Is Contact Imminent?

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UFO World Disclosure Day

UFO World Disclosure Day Continuing the Conversation The media is starting to pay more attention to the reality of off planet visitors and, most recently Mr. Bassett was interviewed regarding such. It’s been years of hard work for this man and many others who’ve been supporting the Disclosure Movement. Decades of work are beginning to […]

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Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-creator reprinted with permission of the author… Robert Torres   By Guest Author • June 26, 2015 Food for thought, Spirituality Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner [to the observer]. To count as synchronicity, the […]

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Contact in the Desert 2015

Contact in the Desert – 2105 Contact in the Desert is growing into a premier Ufology event drawing thousands from around the world. When I first arrived on site in 2013 and ran ​into Paul Andrews, I was surprised. Then I decided to rekindle an association that started back in 1998. Paul had invited me to come […]

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A Fresh Edition 

Supporting the quest for the truth in Ufology Fifteen years into the new millennium and, objectively, we’re still no closer to getting along with each other. It is still hard to tell the truth about human-centric agendas and relationships, let  alone extraterrestrial encounters. What would possibly cause us to think we’d be able to embrace, let alone accept, […]

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