Author: Steven Lanier's Journey - Main Research Blog (page 3 of 7)

Are You Ready To Go Home To 5D Earth?

Now is the time to start working in overdrive on our spiritual progression.  This window of opportunity is closing and it’s imperative for those who wish to make the transition to decide whether they want to be part of the new transformation of 5D Earth or remain in this three dimensional, fear-ladened reality.  Each day, we have the opportunity to synchronize our minds and bodies, through intention, prayer and meditation, to the cosmic source of abundant energy, which is h [...]

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5 Reasons to Expect Police Brutality to Get Worse Before it Gets Better

Few things are more disturbing than looking at the news each day to find yet another shocking case of American police officers using excessive brutality and belligerence against the public. There is no justification for this, and as the list of egregious rights violations by the police grows, more Americans may finally be waking up to what many of us have known for years: our nation is becoming a police state.With the proliferation of portable handheld and dashboard video cameras, and [...]

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18 Amazing Health Benefits From Honey and Cinnamon

Drug companies won't like this one getting around.It is found that a mix of honey and cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also note honey as very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without side effects which is also a plus. Today's science says that even though honey is sweet, when it is taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm even diabetic patients. HEART DISEASE [...]

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Cosmic Radiation And Light Changes DNA

*This article is based on academic research referenced in David Wilcock’s The Source Field Investigations and his follow up book The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe & You. I highly recommend you check out both of these books for further information. DNA is essential to any scientific understanding of life. One strand of the double-helix holds the complete code that is needed to clone an entire organism. The process of DNA f [...]

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And One By One They Too Shall Fall

Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that can harness the power of prediction and premonition. Premonition rarely arrives on demand. It’s a curious and elusive phenomenon that seems to migrate from out of no-where and into the now-here. Profound and inexplicable, premonition certainly falls within the psychic realms of higher consciousness.Prediction on the other hand can be expressed mathematically. One might consider rumbling storm clouds as a [...]

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Before the Fall: Evidence for a Golden Age

If you asked them what life was like in prehistoric times, most people would conjure up an image like the famous opening scenes of 2001: Space Odyssey– groups of hairy savages grunting and jumping around, foaming at the mouth with aggression as they bash each over the heads with sticks. We take it for granted that life was much harder then, a battle to survive, with everyone competing to find food, struggling against the elements, men fighting over women, and everyone dying young fro [...]

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New Evidence Lost Civilizations Really Existed

What if everything you’ve been taught about the origins of civilization is wrong? Be it that certain pieces of our history have been intentionally hidden, or that we have yet to discover and realize the true story of our past, new archaeological and geological discoveries are revealing that sophisticated civilizations have likely existed in prehistoric times.Until recently, the archaeological community has spread the view that the beginnings of human civilization started after the la [...]

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Creating the Future With the Moment Before Us

The future is often on our minds, whether or not we are thinking about the many global crises and how they will affect our world. Are we creating the future this very second or is the script already written? If it is it written, does it allow for possibilities and potentialities, or has everything already happened from beginning to end?I’ve heard folks talking about this since I was a little kid, when my dad stated that Methodists don’t believe in predestination and Presbyterians do [...]

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Why Don’t We Remember The Other Side Of The Veil?

Before you reincarnate to this planet, you will go through a series of tests to see if you remember anything about being on the other side of the veil.  Here's my story.I recently had a dream where I was on the other side of the veil making my soul contract.My soul mate's sister, Amie, agreed to meet me on this side of the veil because my soul mate wasn't going to incarnate with me.  Amie looked nearly identical to my exwife, Jodi, and our arrangement to meet one another was approved [...]

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How Your Intuition Reveals Your Brain’s Best Decisions

There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance. ~Albert EinsteinWe often hear a lot about the great strength of the human intuition, but rarely are we taught how to accurately listen and perceive our intuition. Even though it has been proven time after time, that ourintuition is often a better decision maker than our rational mind. And so, one must ask, how do we de [...]

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‘Soul Contracts’ – Is Freedom Really That Scary?

I’m continuously confronted with this argument from New Agers or people who are supposedly waking up: ‘My soul contract says…’ or ‘My soul contract forbids me this.’The innovative quest and persistence for staying in spiritual control systems is amazing.Have we replaced an earthly law firm entity with some heavenly contract agency that in its divine wisdom has terms set out, of what we can and cannot do, while we walk this earth?There is no heavenly age [...]

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Study Proves Extrasensory Mind-to-Mind Interaction at a Distance

A group of international neuroscientists and robotics engineers have discovered for the first time that human brains can indeed ‘talk’ directly to one another, even from thousands of miles away.A brain-to-brain communication study conducted in coordination with Harvard Medical School has proven that extrasensory mind-to mind interaction can happen over great distances by leveraging different pathways in the mind.The study, coauthored by Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Director of th [...]

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Blue Lotus : The Entheogen of Ancient Egypt

Waking TimesFor over 3000 years the Blue Lotus was used by priesthood of ancient Egypt for its medicinal properties and as a spiritual sacrament. The Blue Lotus generally produces mild psychoactive effects that are purported to have a “divine” essence, which brings upon the feelings of tranquility and subtle euphoria.Nymphaea caerulea, also known as the Egyptian blue lily or sacred blue lotus, is a blue water-lily in the genus Nymphaea that grows along the Nile and other pl [...]

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