Author: Steven Lanier (page 2 of 3)

Oncology Nurse Quits After 17 Years to Promote Natural Cures for Cancer

Valerie Warwick spent 17 years as an oncology nurse and has recently made a major life change, quitting her job, and beginning her new mission of helping people to understand the link between nutrition and surviving cancer.What would possess an oncology nurse to give up a lucrative career as a cancer nurse to speak out publicly on behalf of nutrition and natural medicines to cure this modern plague? Her Story During her youth, her father had throat cancer and her mother suffered te [...]

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The Healing Power of Cannabis Has Barely Been Tapped

We’ve only discovered a fraction of medical marijuana’s potential for treatment.There are now legal medical cannabis programs in 23 states plus Washington, DC, with pot fully legal for adults in two other states. Ironically, however, the actual healing power of the plant has barely been tapped. Smoking marijuana with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), or better, vaporizing it (using a device to bake the plant material and inhale the active ingredients), has an indisputably palliative [...]

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GMO’s and CAFO’s Drive Disease Statistics and Destroy Communities

Genetically engineered (GE) crops and confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) go hand-in-hand, and they are not only driving disease statistics into the stratosphere; they’re also destroying communities.The promises to contain the waste, disease, and infections that these factory farms create are nothing but wishful thinking. In reality, the toxic waste cannot be contained.In a very real sense, we’re committing suicide by way of our unsustainable, polluting, degenerative fo [...]

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Pupillometry – The Cutting Edge of Mind Control

Big brother is here, and he has some shocking new technologies up his sleeve that give him unprecedented access to your thoughts, feelings and intentions. Mind control is more sophisticated than ever, and you may not even be aware that your eyes are giving high-tech intruders access to your mind.Biometrics is the use of technology to measure human characteristics and traits, and at the cutting edge of biometrics is pupillometry, the science of using measureme [...]

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Is Death Even Real?

This mind-blowing video by Kurzgesagt asks the big questions, what is life? Is death real?““If everything in the universe is made of the same stuff,” the video’s narrator asks, “does this mean everything in the universe is dead or that everything in the universe is alive? That it’s just a question of complexity? Does this mean we can never die, because we were never alive in the first place? Is life and death an irrelevant question and we just [...]

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The Hidden History of China’s Secret Societies

Thanks to the latest Hollywood martial arts blockbuster along with a steady stream of Hong Kong action films, audiences around the world have been entertained by wild and colourful portrayals of Chinese secret societies.These extravagant fictional tales often obscure the plain truth that for at least two thousand years secret societies did play a vital part in the dynamics of China’s political, social and religious life. Right up to the birth of the People’s Republic in 1949, [...]

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The First People

“Why should we be so arrogant as to assume that we’re the first homo-sapiens to walk the earth?” – J.J. AbramsNo one remembers one’s moment of birth and neither does humanity. The beginning of man on earth is a complete mystery. The present article, however, is not about how man came to be, but about shortly after that. It is about the dawn of humanity, a missing chapter in the human history. This chapter is of a forgotten people that mapped the earth an [...]

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The Solar System As A Vortex

Video - This is a non-conventional view of our solar system that takes into account that the solar system moves through space at 70,000 km/hr. You will notice that this model is quite different from the standard ‘flat’ diagrams because it shows that, in reality, our solar system creates a spiral vortexas the Sun travels through space. [...]

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The Order of the Golden Ratio in Space-Time

In the famous Fibonacci sequence, each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two. It begins with 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and continues so on. When you take two successive numbers in this sequence, their ratio is very close to 1.618, which is called the golden ratio. The Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio are present in many parts of the natural world including the shape of plants, human and animal bodies, weather patterns, and even galaxies. It is [...]

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11 Things Guaranteed to Depress Your Immune System

From our environment, to our food, medicine and lifestyle, we are surrounded by things that depress our immune system. Knowing the culprits can make a big difference in how long and how often you encounter illness.1. SugarSucrose suppresses the immune system, leads to weight gain and leaches precious minerals from your body. Even in small amounts, sugar is detrimental to your health. Eating or drinking 100 grams (8 tbsp.) of sugar, the equivalent of about two cans of soda, can reduce the [...]

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Time Travel And Political Control Of The Human Population

by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEdThe U.S. government has had Tesla-based quantum access time travel technology for over 40 years.  Time travel technology has been weaponised with its principal impacts to date being for the sequestration in time loops of secret military installations, such as U.S. secret bases on Mars, political control of the human population, political surveillance, and attempted imposition of a catastrophic timeline on humanity by withholding or manipulating info [...]

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Earth’s Quarantine Force Field Discovered By NASA?

NASA recently discovered what appears to be a ‘force field’ over Earth, fueling the fire over whether our planet has been under spiritual and physical quarantine as many have suggested.According to Daniel Baker, director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, the electron barrier exists in the Van Allen belts, a pair of donut-shaped belts that ring the Earth teeming with protons and electrons. The Earth’s magnetic field holds the belts in place, but th [...]

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Ferguson and the False Promise of “Revolution”

Tony Cartalucci, GuestBuild, don’t burn. Collaborate, don’t complain. Don’t simply “resist” the system, replace it altogether.When faced on the battlefield with a numerically superior enemy, one must attempt to divide his enemy into smaller, more easily dispatched opponents – or even more ideally, divide them against one another, and have them defeat each other without ever drawing your sword. For Wall Street’s 0.1%, divide and conquer is a way of l [...]

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