Category: ask (page 4 of 343)


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the...

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Meditation for Peace in Syria

The next few days will be crucial to determine how the situation about the Turkish invasion in northern Syria will unfold. The Light Forces are asking everybody that feels guided to meditate for peace in Syria as frequently as possible.Instruction...

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Mysterious Etherians Echo Quantum Theory – Wave to Form Action

While doing some research, this article came across the screen. No claims to authenticity are made here, discernment is key. The material presents interesting perspectives being discussed among present-day ufologists… nearly 70 years later. ETHER...

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The Shift

Interstellar sources are communicating that cosmic shift is accelerating, and the whole universe is going through a phase transition into the new cosmic cycle. So what we are about to experience is not only the Galactic superwave, but a cosmic shift on...

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On the cosmic scale, the shift into the next cosmic cycle continues. Areas completely free of quantum fluctuations primary anomaly that exist mostly in intergalactic space (called Islands of Paradise) are still not stabilized, but interstellar intel s...

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“What Planet Are You From?”

…is the title a cute comedy film about a lovesick alien that has a change of heart about wanting to take over the Earth. It is also the question that many “Earthlings” might ask if they were to meet a live ET. 
According to the highly speculative...

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The Grand Cross

Clearing of the Chimera group, primary anomaly and toplet bombs continues. Our Flower of Life meditations in last few weeks along with other factors were strong enough to eliminate most dangerous potential outcomes and the planetary liberation process ...

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Flower of Life

In the last few months since mid-April, planet Earth was fluctuating between the gamma timeline (Light Intervention) and delta timeline (Planetary Annihilation).All intel about this was strictly classified as too much focus on negative timeline would ...

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….. ….. LEXICOGRAPHY Once contact Replaces labels – Like a costume – Like a mask Fall away For why need One name or other? Ill-judged attempts To define or Describe For shame: betrayal Of such an intimacy Or such unwarranted … Continue reading &#...

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Soul Families Workshop Report and Planetary Situation Update

Our Soul Families workshop in Budapest was extremely successful. Many key instructions for cracking the Matrix on the surface of the planet were successfully transmitted to the very awake participants of the workshop, as you can see in the workshop not...

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Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele JUNE 3 2018 Galactic Federation Of Light
By Marilyn Raffaele.

[IMG] Robin Joshua.

JUNE 3, 2018

Dear ones, with love and great respect we offer assistance to your evolutionary journey with the intention of

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Gaia Portal ~ Arms are now upstretched to the Light ~ May 30 2018

MARY MAGDALENE: Experiencing Higher Dimensions

Received by Mercedes Kirkel Question: Throughout my life I’ve had wondrous experiences that lasted from a few seconds to three-and-a-half days. I call them my “real life” experiences. Since you talk about dimensions, maybe I have to look at it as if I lived in those moments in another dimension.   Mary Magdalene: Yes.   […]

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