Category: ask (page 3 of 343)

A New Cobra Interview And a Short Message to the Surface Population

A Cobra interview has been created by We Love Mass Meditation to bring more clarity in the current planetary situation and to help spread the word about our coming Ascension Timeline meditation.You can listen to the interview on Youtube:https://www.yo...

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Endgame Scenarios

War for liberation of this planet is reaching its climax.After the coronavirus outbreak in China was contained, the dark forces planted another, modified strain of the virus in Codogno, Italy. Codogno is just a few miles away from Piacenza, which was r...

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Mysteries & Theories of Death of Climbers in Dyatlov Pass, Russia (Part 2)

The search for the remaining four bodies took three months. When found, the body was buried in deep snow, at a location farther from the cedar tree where the first two bodies were found. Their clothes are better than other corpses. It is possible that the first two corpses died first because they gave clothes […]

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Urgent Meditation to Stop the Coronavirus Outbreak in Italy

When the coronavirus outbreak in China began to recede significantly, the dark forces decided that the epidemic needs a push and their agent has injected another sample near Milan in Italy last week:The coronavirus cases exploded in northern Italy over...

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Endtime Madness Update

The coronavirus scare has manged to keep a large part of human population in fear and a large proportion of China under quarantine.Having so many people quarantined has enabled the Light Forces to completely clear all plasma Chimera spiders and all oth...

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End Time Madness

As we are now right before the dawn of the new Golden Age, a strong purification must occur before we as a planet can enter the Light. This purification is called the end time madness.The end time madness is happening individually, with many people fre...

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Blue Dawn

Age of Aquarius meditation was very successful and we have reached the critical mass, albeit barely. Around 150,000 people were actively participating: was just enough to push us over ...

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Ask Not The Sparrow How The Eagle Soars – Episode VIII #MTS-08

The Mind Training Series. Readings: TEXT: CHAPTER 25: The Light You Bring [para 2-5], TEXT: CHAPTER 27: The 'Hero' Of The Dream [para 10-11], TEXT: CHAPTER 29: Forgiveness and the End of Time [para 2] , TEXT: CHAPTER 18: Light In The Dream [para 7-8]

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Age of Aquarius Final Update and New Cobra Interview

Time is approaching for the Age of Aquarius activation and the energies are rising as more and more people have made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass.If the critical mass is re...

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Financial System Update

There is a lot going on behind the scenes in the financial system. There is a split inside Black Nobility about how to proceed with their plans.One Black Nobility faction wants to crash the current system through repo market as soon as possible and re...

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Blue Dawn / Ascension Conference Report

Our Taiwan Ascension Conference was a huge success, many people said it was the best conference ever.We had an extremely strong and dedicated group, an we were not alone, our star brothers and sisters were with us. This unidentified aerial vehicle (UAV...

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Before the Dawn

Although we did not reach the critical mass in our Silver Trigger activation, the Light Forces achieved big victories in the last few weeks and most negative scenarios for planet Earth have been eliminated and positive timeline secured.Many sources are...

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Silver Trigger Final Update

Time is approaching for the Silver Trigger and the energies are rising as more and more people have made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass.If the critical mass is reached, the Li...

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