Category: All in One (page 1 of 2)

Evolution Begins at Home: 4 Ways to Apply the Alchemy of Self-Overcoming

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer“Time makes ancient good uncouth.”–James Russell LowellEvolution begins at home. If you overcome yourself again and again, you might earn the right to overcome the rest of us. You might even earn the right to become a catalyst of the first order, a particular “flavor” of human being that has the wherewithal to hone their ability to inject the infinite into the finite. You might becomeChrist-like or Buddha-esc, [...]

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Heavenletter #4160 No One the Lonely, April 15, 2012


God said:

We have an assignation, you and I. Long ago, We made an appointment to meet. You are aware of the appointment, only you have forgotten when and where, yet I have not forgotten.

I will find you where you are, and I kn...

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Heavenletter #4155 What You Learn in Life, April 10, 2012


God said:

Look, it's okay that you make mistakes. Of course, you make mistakes. You are groping your way in life and often wear a blindfold. Only afterwards does the blindfold come off, and you see. Be glad that you see now. Y...

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True Ascension is not leaving but being here fully present, in so doing you are everything all in one; your awareness through the stillness allows you to have the clarity of your essence.

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Going Green for Conscious Living


a message from Stefanie Miller - A Magical World

Friday, 23 March, 2012

This is about how I got started and transitioned from reducing clutter to recycling and my journey toward a zero waste lifestyle. It's about choosing...

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Spiritual Science Series 1 through 11


A repost, but now all in one video...


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From Starship Athabantian: ~Everything about You, Humanity, and The Earth is Changing~


How many times do you have to be told that things will not continue as they are? How many times do we have to say that all will change? How often do we have to say that you will not just float through the transformation without being ...

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~The Impeccable New Moon of January 2012~


By Lisa Gawlas

There was nothing “usual” about yesterday (Jan. 23rd, 2012)… The energy of this particular new moon was like nothing I have ever experienced before. It felt much more like a whole New Day, a ...

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El Morya: A New Timeline for the New Earth and the New Year


31 December 2011

Channeler: Marie Mohler

Dear Ones,

It is I, El Morya, Keeper of the Golden Flame. A New Timeline is unfolding New One . . . in the New Earth and the New Year. You have known and experienced more of what th...

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It’s Time to Work TOGETHER ~ Message from the Creator


Channeled by: Julie Miller October 23, 2011

Blessings sons and daughters, it is I the Creator, God, the Great Spirit, the Source, and other numerous names which describe ME. It has been a long time since I spoke through this chi...

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God’s Greatest Blessing – Heavenletter #3986, October 24, 2011


God said:

You are a wonderful balm to My heart. I bet you thought it was the other way around. Accept the fact that you are good for Me. You are a blessing I gave to Myself. You are My very Being. I love to look at Myself everywhe...

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Sept 12 Full Moon Energy Scope – Real Magic of The Omnipresent


11 September 2011


Sept 12 2011 Full Moon Energy Scope -Real Magic of The Omnipresent

We have a full moon in Pisces this moon and as we enter the next two weeks we are still taking the lessons of p...

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Tarmaine on Ascension and Sirius B


18 July 2011  

Channeler:  Suzan Caroll Ph.D

I am from Sirius B. I tell this story in hopes that you, our grounded ones of Earth, can learn from our ascension and integrate these lessons into your reality. Sirius and...

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