Category: Acceptance (page 3 of 49)

War – A Balance of Profit and Fear

Klaus Rahikainen, ContributorNow that the fearful winds of war are again blowing strongly in our world I find it important to see through the daily crises and find the patterns of war that lie behind the daily scenes of violence so eagerly shown to us by media. Why are there so many continuous conflicts and wars in our world even though we all know that war is just plain misery? Why do we fight with each other?What are the patterns of war, the general ideas behind the major wars that [...]

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IQ, Psy Ops and the “Civilization” of the Scam

Jay Dyer, ContributorCognitive dissonance is the firewall that exists in most minds when confronted with a challenge to their basic beliefs about the world.  As it is human nature to avoid admitting being in error or having been duped, for most humans the ego zealously flees the admission to oneself of significant error.  Challenges to our worldviews or paradigms of belief are also quite jarring – they can unsettle our comfortable existence and lead us to questio [...]

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The Mandala and the Tao: Imagining the Unimaginable

Peter Patrick Barreda, GuestEyes look but cannot see it.Ears listen but cannot hear it.Hands grasp but cannot touch it.Beyond the senses lies the great Unity--invisible, inaudible, intangible.--Tao Te ChingTo understand the soul of the mandala is to gaze into the heart of truth and see the essence of reality. That truth is an intricate landscape of ebb and flow, light and dark, yin and yang—it is the Tao. The Tao as described by the Chinese since ancient days is the ungraspable [...]

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How To Develop The Four Primary Skills Of All Meditation

by Paul CavelEmancipation or freedom from slavery and bondage is ultimately what the human spirit craves. From the perspective of your spirit, slavery encompasses how the attachments in your life—such as sex, material items, money, power and all that they bring—prevent you from being free. Bondage has to do with the ways in which your ego (or collection of identities) and your karmic loops bind you into the reality you experience, and thereby limit your human growth. So t [...]

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Feel Lost, Disconnected, No Passion or Purpose? You Are Expanding

Michael Forrester, Prevent DiseaseFor those of you have unexplained symptoms of physical or emotional pain, know that you are not alone. Feeling lost, disconnected, without passion or purpose? You are on a path of self discovery. You are riding a wave of new energy. What you are feeling at this very moment is a transition–only one step of many on this grand journey of ascension on this planet that is progressing every second. Much of what you still see in the world and in your [...]

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The Class-Domination Theory of Power

by G. William DomhoffNOTE: is largely based on my book,Who Rules America?, first published in 1967 and now in its7th edition. This on-line document is presented as a summary of some of the main ideas in that book.Who has predominant power in the United States? The short answer, from 1776 to the present, is: Those who have the money -- or more specifically, who own income-producing land and businesses -- have the power. George Washington was one of the biggest landowner [...]

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Ten Popular Mind Control Techniques Used Today

by Nicholas WestThe more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons.  For as long as man has pursued power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small “elite” group.Today, we have entered a perilous [...]

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What Does ‘Being Spiritual’ Really Mean in Such a Cruel World?

Linda George, Contributor“Man is the most insane species.He worships an invisible God andSlaughters a visible NatureWithout realizing this Nature he slaughtersIs this God he worships.”-Hubert ReevesSo true. We are the most insane species – for many reasons… And this one above all.I’ve been travelling in India. I don’t think there is anything like a trip to India to confront you with some hard truths. India is hard. Many of the people are beau [...]

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Australia Is Warming up to Medical Cannabis

Here in the United States, medical marijuana quickly went from something that was ridiculed to something that was accepted as having a potential basis in reality, and now, we have doctor after doctor coming out in favor of its widespread medical uses.One of them is Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who you might’ve seen on CNN a few times and who recently started to endorse medical marijuana.Dr. Gupta explained the journey to understand the plant’s medicinal properties in a 2014 article [...]

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New Awareness for a New Earth: Paradigms and Culture Minds

Brendan D. Murphy, GuestNote: The following passage is excerpted from Chapter 1 of The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality by Brendan D. Murphy.In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists. --Eric HofferKuhn states in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions that the actualization of a scientific paradigm is achieved by increasin [...]

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The Operation Called “Engineered Consensus”

Jon Rappoport, GuestThis operation has various stages. It can be applied to issues like vaccination, GMO food, climate change, fake epidemics, elections, war—and it can be applied widely across the general subject of reality itself.It begins with some “authoritative” voice proclaiming an idea is a fact. Well, someone has to start the ball rolling.Very quickly, according to plan, others pick up the ball and echo the original idea. This includes both “respected& [...]

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Is In-Flight Refueling Coming to Commercial Airlines?

Excerpt from

This article was originally published on The Conversation. The publication contributed this article to's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

There’s real pressure on the aviation industry to introduce faster, cheaper and greener aircraft, while maintaining the high safety standards demanded of airlines worldwide.

Airlines carry more than three billion passengers each year, which presents an enormous challenge not only for aircraft manufacturers but for the civil aviation infrastructure that makes this extraordinary annual mass-migration possible. Many international airports are close to or already at capacity. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has estimated that, without intervention, many global airports – including major hubs such as London Heathrow, Amsterdam Schiphol, Beijing and Dubai – will have run out of runway or terminal capacity by 2020. 

The obvious approach to tackling this problem is to extend and enlarge airport runways and terminals – such as the long-proposed third runway at London Heathrow. However there may be other less conventional alternatives, such as introducing in-flight refuelling for civil aircraft on key long-haul routes. Our project, Research on a Cruiser-Enabled Air Transport Environment (Recreate), began in 2011 to evaluate whether this was something that could prove a viable, and far cheaper, solution.

If in-flight refuelling seems implausible, it’s worth remembering that it was first trialed in the 1920s, and the military has continued to develop the technology ever since. The appeal is partly to reduce the aircraft’s weight on take-off, allowing it to carry additional payload, and partly to extend its flight range. Notably, during the Falklands War in 1982 RAF Vulcan bombers used in-flight refuelling to stage what was at the time the longest bombing mission ever, flying 8,000 miles non-stop from Ascension Island in the South Atlantic to the Falklands and back.

Reducing take-off weight could offer many benefits for civilian aircraft too. Without the need to carry so much fuel the aircraft can be smaller, which means less noise on take-off and landing and shorter runways. This opens up the network of smaller regional airports as new potential sites for long-haul routes, relieving pressure on the major hubs that are straining at the seams.

There are environmental benefits too, as a smaller, lighter aircraft requires less fuel to reach its destination. Our initial estimates from air traffic simulations demonstrate that it’s possible to reduce fuel burn by up to 11% over today’s technology by simply replacing existing global long-haul flight routes with specifically designed 250-seater aircraft with a range of 6,000nm after one refuelling – roughly the distance from London to Hong Kong. This saving could potentially grow to 23% with further efficiencies, all while carrying the same number of passengers the same distance as is possible with the current aircraft fleet, and despite the additional fuel burn of the tanker aircraft.

Tornado fighter jets in-flight refuel
Imagine if these Tornado fighter jets were 250-seater passenger aircraft and you’ve got the idea.

However, this is not the whole picture – in-flight refuelling will require the aerial equivalent of petrol stations in order to deliver keep passenger aircraft in the sky. With so much traffic it simply wouldn’t be possible to refuel any aircraft any time, anywhere it was needed. The location of these refuelling zones, coupled with the flight distance between the origin and destination airports can greatly affect the potential benefits achievable, possibly pulling flights away from their shortest route, and even making refuelling on some routes impossible – if for example the deviation to the nearest refuelling zone meant burning as much fuel as would have been saved.

Safety and automation

As with all new concepts – particularly those that involve bringing one aircraft packed with people and another full of fuel into close proximity during flight – it’s quite right to ask whether this is safe. To try and answer this question, the Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory and German Aerospace Centre used their flight simulators to test the automated in-flight refuelling flight control system developed as part of the Recreate project.

One simulator replicated the manoeuvre from the point of view of the tanker equipped with an in-flight refuelling boom, the other simulated the aircraft being refuelled mid-flight. Critical test situations such as engine failure, high air turbulence and gusts of wind were simulated with real flight crews to assess the potential danger to the operation. The results were encouraging, demonstrating that the manoeuvre doesn’t place an excessive workload on the pilots, and that the concept is viable from a human as well as a technical perspective.

So far we’ve demonstrated the potential aerial refuelling holds for civilian aviation, but putting it into practice would still pose challenges. Refuelling hubs would need to be established worldwide, shared between airlines. There would need to be fundamental changes to airline pilot training, alongside a wider public acceptance of this departure from traditional flight operations.

However, it does demonstrate that, in addition to all the high-tech work going into designing new aircraft, new materials, new engines and new fuels, the technology we already have offers solutions to the long-term problems of ferrying billions of passengers by air around the world.

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MARY MAGDALENE: The Spirituality of Self-Acceptance

Part 4 of a Message Received by Mercedes Kirkel On November 19, 2014 Question: Mary, I’m very grateful for what you’ve said because I’m noticing that often spirituality is another way to bypass the body and go into realms that are not in the physical and human. I’ve heard that the next evolution of spirituality […]

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