Category: Acceptance (page 2 of 49)

The Religious Mindset – Gateway to a New Dark Age

Zen Gardner, GuestThere couldn’t be a more pertinent backdrop to this article than the soci0-religious marriage taking place on the world stage right now. The Jesuit Pope endorsing these global social engineering programs disguised as caring for an ailing planet is a perfect example of mass manipulation using religious mindsets and attachments is a clear demonstration of what is being perpetrated on mind-numbed humanity.If only people woke up from this and similar programming w [...]

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What is Matrix?

Jon Rappoport, GuestIt’s hard to know what a lock is unless you know what a key is, and how they fit together.In this case, we can pile up many words to describe the lock: the mass of unceasing propaganda that bombards the population; global elites who fully intend to manage the planet as one integrated entity; the assault of toxic medical drugs and environmental chemicals on the human neurological system; the intentionally vapid and indoctrinating educational apparatus; the mo [...]

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The Reason You Work So Hard to Participate in the Rat Race

M.J. Higby, ContributorRalph Waldo Emerson once said, “A man in debt is so far a slave.” Money has no intrinsic value yet we spend our days damaging our health and spirit in order to obtain it. Why do we sacrifice our well-being for it? Is it the cliché that “we just want to provide a better life for our kids than we had?” Is it just way of the civilized world? The most important question to ask, however, is what power do we hav [...]

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The War on Human DNA

Julian Rose, ContributorTrue Humanity – or Transhuman Singularity and Gene Genocide?“We are confronted here and now with this ultra manipulative, parasitic force trying to worm its way into the very foundations of life itself – to forever corrupt its essence.”We individuals are here on this planet as sentient, living beings, having the capacity to love, create, empathise and be joyous. But these qualities are increasingly the object of a covert – if not [...]

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The 1% is Really More Like the 0.000000012 %

Sylvain Lamoureux, ContributorAs I read, learn and live I see the ever increasing number of peoples which claim to be “awake”. These people with their research, documents, web links; all “evidence” that they must be “awake”. They lament about the 1% controlling the world, poisoning our water and food, wreaking havoc on our financial systems, chem-trails, drugging, killing, torturing, imprisoning… the list is endless. What they don’t se [...]

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The De-Conditioning of the Ego

Ida Lawrence, ContributorWhat could a person possibly gain from insecurity? What could be the reward of feeling undeserving? Why would we harbor low self-esteem? Why do we think against ourselves? These states are not natural to our essence or inner being, so why… where did the urge to give away our power come from?I grew up in the American Midwest, in a place where people worked very hard for not a lot of reward. And yet, I can’t remember a single instance of a farmer s [...]

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5 World Views that Need to Be Scrapped for us to Evolve

Gilbert Ross, Staff WriterThe idea of a world view has two inherent meanings. First it is a personal view of how the world is or should be, and secondly it is a view that is shared or consented to by others not just ourselves. So a world view is both how we personally see the world but at the same time it is something that is based on consensual reality – there is a social dimension to it. In fact, most of what we call world views are not created by any one person but rather a [...]

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Revelation of the Method, Predictive Programming and the Prime Directive

Zen Gardner, GuestThese are big subjects and well worth investigation. Knowing the mechanics of the matrix we find ourselves in is extremely empowering and liberating. There’s a saying, “If you’re not wondering if you’re under mind control, you probably are.”Think about that one for a minute.I find that profoundly true. The truly awake and aware are so intensely conscious of their thoughts and impulses and the information coming at them that they questio [...]

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Turmeric May Neutralize Deadly Viral Infections

Sayer Ji, Green Med InfoThe global race for an Ebola drug or vaccine is on, with hundreds of millions of dollars of resources invested, but could our best bet already be hiding in plain sight within our spice racks? A new study published in the journal In Vivotitled,”Curcumin Suppression of Cytokine Release and Cytokine Storm. A Potential Therapy for Patients with Ebola and Other Severe Viral Infections,” has raised an intriguing possibility: that one of th [...]

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Third Density Embrace – Are the Gods Jealous?

Julian Rose, Contributor‘Is sexuality to be dispensed with – as the price for spiritual emancipation?’ – asks Julian Rose.What if I posited that ‘third density’ is where the wandering ethereal spirits of the cosmos most want to be..That it is within third density existence that the setting for a final and full awakening is to be manifest.. That spiritual aspiration which seeks to evolve as an ‘out of body’ state, is a form of [...]

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Why Do We Ignore the Obvious?

Zen Gardner, GuestI have a hard time with people not being willing to recognize what’s obviously in front of their faces. It’s a voluntary mind game people play with themselves to justify whatever it is they think they want. This is massively exacerbated by an array of social engineering tactics, many of which are to create the very mind sets and desires people so adamantly defend.But that’s no excuse for a lack of simple conscious recognition and frankly makes abso [...]

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The Nature of American Denial

SARTRE, GuestAt the core of self delusion is the inability and/or the unwillingness of facing reality. While psychological disorders can often explain abnormal behavior in individuals, the exegesis for deviant social attitudes and accompanying conduct is reserved for society. Or so we are told! But does this make sense to you? As long as you accept that reality does exist and that it can be understood, it follows that we have the right, the ability and the obligation to comprehe [...]

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The 4 Scariest (But Secretly Wonderful) Steps toward Enlightenment

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer“Make no mistake about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.”  –AdyashantiThe first thing to remember, here at the outset, is that enlightenment is not a destination but a directio [...]

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