Category: 911 (page 2 of 5)

Top 10 Most Mysterious Secret Societies

10. Blackwater: This isn’t so much a secret society, but rather a private army. Actually a corporate army that is, publicly funded, but privately accountable. They offer mercenary services including infantry, navy and police enforcement to whoever will pay their price. Since they’re not a government organization, they are frequently called in to help settle disputes that are too secretive or distasteful for public services to be involved with, like policing the survivors [...]

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Why the Right to Vote in the United States is a Fraud

Pao L. Chang, ContributorWaking TimesNext year, many Americans will be preparing themselves to go vote at the next presidential election, which is scheduled for November 8, 2016. If you are planning to go vote during that time, you should read this article before doing so.The right to vote is not what you think it is. When you vote, you are voting for a foreign candidate that represents a foreign corporation called the United States of America, Incorporated. Do you need proof of this [...]

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The Ganymede Portal

The Ganymede Portal on the largest moon of Jupiter is the most important location in our Solar System.

It is the strongest energetic pathway in our Solar system which leads to the Galactic Central Sun. Sirius is a midway station between the Galactic Center and the Ganymede Portal, stepping down the vibrational frequency of the Central Sun energy to the degree that our Sol system can absorb.
There is a huge Galactic Confederation underground base on Ganymede which is a central hub for all intelligent positive races working upon the liberation of our Solar system and planet Earth especially.
That base is the main stronghold of the Jupiter Command and they are operating the portal towards the Galactic Center.
The base is located near the center of the Gallileo Regio:
The Ganymede Portal is the main beacon of Light for this Solar System including our planet. Without that portal being open, humanity would not survive the Archon invasion in 1996 and would be now extinct. Exopolitical events have much more influence on geopolitical situation than most people realize. The Archons have cleverly labeled everyone with more that a passing interest in cosmos as a »lunatic« to ensure that people would not detect the real source of the problems we have on Earth.
You can read two excellent summaries of the exopolitical background of the planetary situation here:

You can also connect energetically in your meditations with the Ganymede Portal, as it is the strongest source of spiritual Light in our Solar System:

As the next phase of MOSS will be activated in May, the activity of the Ganymede Portal will increase dramatically. This portal will also be the main transmitter of energies from the Galactic Central Sun at the Event.
After the Event, members of the Cabal who do not choose or are not able to accept the Light, will be processed through a sorting facility, which is located in one section of the Ganymede underground base. Many of those Cabal members will be then taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring. 
The Ganymede portal is purifying the plasma accretion vortex strings (tunnels of Set) that extend from planet Earth beyond our Solar System into the Local Bubble:
While at the same time our Solar System is entering a sector of the Galaxy that will trigger more drastic changes and much sooner than scientists are willing to admit:
Scientific evidence is mounting about unusual activity in the Oort cloud. Astronomers are detecting radio signals which are coming from the Spheres since their arrival in 2001:
Powerful people with much potential positive influence upon the exopolitical and geopolitical situation are reading this blog. For this and also for other reasons I would ask people with deep intel about secret space programs to contact me at for possible future cooperation. 

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Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.Editor, In5D.comWe’re entering a new spiritual awakening paradigm of thought which is exponentially gaining momentum.  People are waking up and are facing their biggest fears, only to find out that this reality is a dream inside of a dream.  In other words, we never die and our waking lives are merely a reflection of the subconscious mind which always brings us our biggest obstacles and fears in order to overcome these obstacles and to [...]

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Scientists Confirm Our Minds Can Influence Matter

Written by Steven Bancarz| Our thoughts are powerful.  We already know this.  Our minds have tremendous influence over our life and our body.  We already know this.  Did you know that our minds are interconnected to the world to such a degree that they have a direct measurable bearing on the flow of electrical currents?  Our thoughts, intentions, and energetic state actually have a scientifically provable impact on the flow of electricity.    More t [...]

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Legends from the Sky

Legends from the Sky Promo Description: A Native American Veteran, burdened by survivor’s guilt after a disastrous military tour, is forced to search for his missing grandfather after his ancestral land is mysteriously taken over by an unknown federal organization. The movie had its World Debut at the Gila River Wild Horse Pass Casino in the Ovations […]

The post Legends from the Sky appeared first on UFOlogy PRSS Blog.

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The Hidden History of China’s Secret Societies

Thanks to the latest Hollywood martial arts blockbuster along with a steady stream of Hong Kong action films, audiences around the world have been entertained by wild and colourful portrayals of Chinese secret societies.These extravagant fictional tales often obscure the plain truth that for at least two thousand years secret societies did play a vital part in the dynamics of China’s political, social and religious life. Right up to the birth of the People’s Republic in 1949, [...]

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Albert Einstein Letter Concerning Haters & How To Deal With Them

Excerpt from

Albert Einstein is a man that has been seen not only as a genius, but as someone that knew how to have a good time and just enjoy life. Sure, he’s also been known as a man that’s far ahead of his time, but no-one may have ever realized just how far his brilliance reached.

The man actually wrote a letter to Marie Curie back on November 23, 1911, that advised her how to deal with haters and can even be used as a way to deal with Internet trolls.

Yes, a full 80 years before the Internet was even invented.
The Guardian revealed that a treasure trove of Einstein’s old letters were released, and they all show his genius and wit. One of them was the true gem though, and it was a letter to Curie, who was a rising science phenomenon at the time. He simply let her know that haters gonna hate and she need not bother with them.
“Highly esteemed Mrs. Curie,
“Do not laugh at me for writing you without having anything sensible to say. But I am so enraged by the base manner in which the public is presently daring to concern itself with you that I absolutely must give vent to this feeling. However, I am convinced that you consistently despise this rabble, whether it obsequiously lavishes respect on you or whether it attempts to satiate its lust for sensationalism!

“I am impelled to tell you how much I have come to admire your intellect, your drive, and your honesty, and that I consider myself lucky to have made your personal acquaintance in Brussels. Anyone who does not number among these reptiles is certainly happy, now as before, that we have such personages among us as you, and Langevin too, real people with whom one feels privileged to be in contact. If the rabble continues to occupy itself with you, then simply don’t read that hogwash, but rather leave it to the reptile for whom it has been fabricated.
“With most amicable regards to you, Langevin, and Perrin, yours very truly,
A. Einstein”
To the untrained eye, it may seem just like a very sweet letter from Albert Einstein to Marie Curie on how to keep moving forward in life and ignore those that criticize her. In reality, the letter can be applied to today’s world and ward off trolls.

Curie had her application to the French Academy of Sciences denied, and it was rumored that it happened because she was Jewish. Others said it was due to her possibly having an affair with physicist Paul Langevin, a married man.

According to Pop Sugar, Einstein even added a small P.S. to the letter that may then go over the heads of everyone.
“P.S. I have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in Planck’s radiation field by means of a comical witticism, naturally under the constraint that the structure’s motion follows the laws of standard mechanics. My hope that this law is valid in reality is very small, though.”

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Do We Need A Degree To Be Educated?

I recently saw a comment under a controversial video discussing , an archaeological site. The presenter is a well-known author and former musician but doesn’t have an academic background in archeology. Here is the comment:“This guy isn’t an archaeologist. This is bullshit. Look him up on Google. He’s a fucking musician who just has a thing for African culture which is great and all that but it DOES NOT MAKE HIM A GEOLOGIST OR A SCIENTIST!”We are often judged [...]

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Antarctic Explorer’s Journal Found In Melting Ice ~ Smithsonian Video

A snapshot of the failed Terra Nova expedition of 1910

George Murray Levick served as a photographer, zoologist and surgeon with the North Party
October 24, 2014

Every summer the thick Antarctic ice melts just a little bit, and the coursing water digs channels into the ice. This past summer, says Lizzie Meek with the Antarctic Heritage Trust in New Zealand, this melting ice unveiled a treasured: the lost journal of Antarctic explorer George Murray Levick.

Picked out from the ice as a clump of soaked paper, conservationists have now been able to reconstruct and digitize the lost notebook, which was carried by one of the team that set out on Robert Falcon Scott's failed Terra Nova expedition.

“Levick was a part of Scott’s 1910-1913 expedition and a member of the Northern Party,” says a release from the Antarctic Heritage Trust (New Zealand).

Members of Scott's Party
The notebook contains his pencil notes detailing the date, subjects and exposure details for the photographs he took during 1911 while at Cape Adare before undergoing a harsh winter in an ice cave on Inexpressible Island.
On the Terra Nova mission, from 1910 to 1913, Scott lost his life in his bid to reach the South Pole. Levick survived, says the trust, going on to found the British Schools Exploring Society.

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Money and the Myth of Freedom

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D GuestWhat if EVERYONE was wealthy beyond their wildest dreams and how would that affect our perceived “freedom”?I often use an analogy of freedom as a man walking his dog.  The man is the government, you are the dog and the leash is your freedom.And this isn’t even “freedom”.  These are “civil liberties”.In an ideal world, there would only be two rules or laws:1. Love everyone. 2. Respect everything.What we are g [...]

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Martian Mystery: What Is Odd Cell-Like Structure in Mars Meteorite? ~ Video

Scanning electron microscope image of a mysterious oval structure in the Nakhla Mars meteorite.
Elias Chatzitheodoridis, Sarah Haigh and Ian Lyon

Scientists have found a strange structure resembling a microbial cell inside a Martian meteorite, but they're not claiming that it's evidence of Red Planet life.
Recently NASA scientists found evidence of water on a meteorite from the Red Planet! Dr. Ian O'Neill from Discovery News steps in to report on this finding, and reveal some of the possible implications.
The researchers discovered the microscopic oval object within the Nakhla Mars meteorite, which fell to Earth in Egypt in 1911. While the structure's appearance is intriguing, it most likely formed as a result of geological rather than biological processes, team members said.
"The consideration of possible biotic scenarios for the origin of the ovoid structure in Nakhla currently lacks any sort of compelling evidence," the scientists write in a new study published this month in the journal Astrobiology. "Therefore, based on the available data that we have obtained on the nature of this conspicuous ovoid structure in Nakhla, we conclude that the most reasonable explanation for its origin is that it formed through abiotic processes." 
A Cell-like Structure
The hollow ovoid is about 80 microns long by 60 microns wide, researchers said — far larger than most terrestrial bacteria but in the normal size range for eukaryotic Earth microbes (single-celled organisms that possess nuclei and other membrane-bound interior "organelles"). The study team is confident that the object is native to the sample and not the result of terrestrial contamination.

The scientists studied the structure using a number of different techniques, including electron microscopy, X-ray analysis and mass spectrometry. This work revealed that the ovoid is composed of iron-rich clay and contains a number of other minerals.
The researchers run through a number of possible formation scenarios in the new study, eventually concluding that the ovoid most likely formed when materials partially filled in a pre-existing vesicle — a vapor bubble, for example — in the rock.
But this supposition doesn't rule out the possibility that Martian lifeforms had something to do with the structure, team members said.
"Despite the extremely biomorphic overall shape of the ovoid, it is highly unlikely that it itself was an organism," said lead author Elias Chatzitheodoridis, of the National Technical University of Athens in Greece.
"However, it could have been formed directly by micro-organisms, or it could trap organic material that came from elsewhere," Chatzitheodoridis told via email. "That the ovoid is hollow means that there is enough space to accommodate colonies of microorganisms."

Making a firm link to Mars life would require further study and further discoveries, he added.
"We would be happy if we could have found more than one ovoid, with exactly the same texture both in the micro and the nanoscale," Chatzitheodoridis said. "However, we require to open up enough sample in a very careful way. Compelling evidence, though, would be if we could really find many of the same, clearly in a form of a colony, together with chemical and mineralogical biosignatures that are common for terrestrial microbes."
Nakhla is a well-studied meteorite — scientists have spotted possible signs of Mars life within it before —and previous research has mapped out its history in some detail. Nakhla's parent rock apparently crystallized about 1.3 billion years ago, Chatzitheodoridis and his colleagues write in the new study, then experienced two shock events that heated it up considerably.

The first of these shocks likely occurred around 910 million years ago and the second 620 million years ago. This latter event, which was triggered by a nearby meteorite strike on Mars, apparently included the flow of hot water through Nakhla's parent outcrop, the authors write. Finally, about 10 million years ago, another impact blasted Nakhla free of Mars, sending it on a looping trip through space that ended with its arrival at Earth in 1911.
Whether or not the Nakhla ovoid has some connection to Martian life, study of the meteorite can help researchers better understand the Red Planet's past (and, perhaps, present) potential to support life, Chatzitheodoridis said.
Martian meteorites contain "important information, and latest work has shown that now one has to look more carefully at them and in finer detail," he told
"In our case, it is such work that allowed us to see from a small volume of sample a big story, i.e., that hydrothermal waters have actually acted also in the latest periods of Martian history, even if they were caused by a bolide impact, and that they were capable of initiating a number of complicated processes that resulted in the formation of niche environments which can sustain life, if life emerged on the planet," Chatzitheodoridis added.

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UK Independence party leader Nigel Farage debates with Jose Manuel Barroso on 911

UK Independence party leader Nigel Farage debates with […]

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