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Planetary Initiation

Universe beyond our Solar system is already experiencing vast restructuralization as it is already entering the new cosmic cycle, when all creation will become aligned with the One.Meanwhile, our Solar system and especially planet Earth is still experi...

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SETHD8 0620 Src Work Fractal Renders

ExPLoRE, expanding your perceptions through my work. Just when you believe you have found everything, I will guarantee you will find even more! Infinite viewing potential encoded here.

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Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus Meditation Videos

Ascenson Timeline / End of Coronavirus activation videos have been created in more than 30 languages. Make them viral, spread them through your networks to assist in reaching the critical mass!English:

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Galactic Lightship Dreamflight 16DEC2017

You are invited to join the next Galactic Lightship Dreamflight this Saturday night (16 December 2017) during dreamtime. All who have expressed their intent to join us will be teleported on board our fleet of Galactic Lightships. You may express &#8230...

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Physical Intervention

The clearing of plasma toplet bombs has progressed to the point where we will see more positive physical action towards the planetary liberation, but not yet the Event. I have received very interesting intel about the Event and hopefully I will be abl...

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STO, STS, and Densities

Originally Posted @ MontalkThis article explains the system of “densities”, “Service-to-Self”, and “Service-to-Others” as discussed in the Ra Material and Cassiopaean Transcripts and shows how they relate to the occult concepts of the etheric and astral planes. Instead of summarizing what’s already been said, my aim here is more to provide new insights and resolve some common misunderstandings. Why is the idea of “densit [...]

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Although a large part of the scalar plasma grid has been removed after the opening of the IS:IS portal, a large part still remains. Breakthrough phase does not mean only rainbows and pretty comets, we are in the middle of occult war between forces of Light and forces of darkness.

Therefore it is of utmost importance for the people to be aware of the existence and the influence of the scalar plasma grid and other energy weapons that the Cabal under the guidance of Chimera group uses to suppress human consciousness and to prevent the arrival of Light. Here is a relatively good article about it:
The Event will NOT happen until the scalar plasma grid is taken care of.
Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are primary targets of directed energy weapons because they are the primary security threat to the current slavery prison planet matrix and its handlers.
The first guideline for protection for targeted individuals is to try to maintain the state of balance and harmony amidst all daily activities. That means learning to master the skills of time and priorities management and learning when to say yes and when to say no, and to remove all toxic elements, situations and people out of your lives. It is also good to find some quiet time each day to spend in nature and/or in meditation to reconnect with your higher self.

Dragon sources have communicated an effective protection meditation protocol. It is recommended to use this protocol once or a few times daily and maintain this protection shield throughout the Breakthrough phase to maintain the vibrational frequency of Light:
1. Relax your body, emotions and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works for you
2. Visualize a brilliant white vortex of Light emanating from your Soul star chakra downwards throughout your body in a clockwise direction, purifying the energy fields of your physical, plasmatic, etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Maintain this vortex by connecting it to the source of universal Light and program it to maintain all your energy bodies purified
3. Visualize an egg shaped semi-permeable mirror shield around your auric field of your physical, plasmatic, etheric, astral and mental bodies. This mirror shield lets all positive energies into your energy field, but reflects and bounces all negative energies back to their source (return-to-sender). Program this mirror shield to alert you when any type of negative energy is directed your way and let it reflect it back to its origin
4. Visualize Light rearranging all parts of yourself and all parts of your energy fields back into state of balance and harmony. While doing that you can hum mantra OM because OM is the primaeval sound of Light and its resonance will restore harmony most effectively.

If you are under strong plasma/scalar attack, the so-called Violet Ray device can help you. By applying the wand in your auric field you can remove negative plasma generated there by the scalar attack:

Violet Ray/Darsonval device is a Tesla coil device which generates a positive plasma field and transmutes negative plasma which was generated by scalar wave manipulation. 
Another decisive element in this occult war is to bring as many people as possible away from darkness and into the Light. There are many members of the middle management of the Cabal that are doing dark deeds only because they are forced into it or because they see no other option, being under financial, psychological and physical pressure or manipulation. They are the bribed congressmen, misled high level freemasons, greedy CEOs of companies, pilots operating killing drones, soldiers pulling the trigger, personnel operating scalar directional weapons, religious fanatics acting out their traumas on innocent civilians. 
This coded message has been communicated to those middlemen from a certain source that wishes to remain anonymous: 
»The capstone of the pyramid has been removed. The all seeing eye has been forced shut and does not watch you anymore. You are now safe to return to the Light of Love. Tubal Cain.«
Dragon sources have suggested a meditation to bring Light into the souls of those people and many of them will cross into the Light, thus effectively weakening the power base of the Cabal:
1. Relax your body, emotions and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works for you
2. Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the Soul star chakra of all those Cabal middlemen into their energy field and their personality, awakening them to the reality of Light, guiding them to step away from the Cabal, giving them power to set themselves free from darkness
3. Visualize all those Cabal middlemen joining the planetary network of Light, putting down their weapons of destruction and deceit, learning to cooperate and joining the human society in a constructive way.
One of the biggest psychological blocks of the Cabal is their inferiority complex which they try to hide and mask with all that bragging about »bloodlines«. The inconvenient truth is that Cabal Khazar bloodlines originate from the primitive, crude, violent and less intelligent Neanderthal man, whereas the human masses evolved from more refined, balanced and more intelligent Cromagnon man:

Please understand that although the article above might be ideologically biased, most of hard science facts still stand. Just insert Khazarians instead of Semites/Jews when you read the article.

The Resistance Movement has issued a few warnings to the hard core of the Cabal to stop attacking Lightwarriors and Lightworkers with scalar directional energy weapons. Since those warnings were ignored, the Resistance has initialized »release the dogs« protocols. This means that they no longer hold back surface individuals and groups that would like to off members of the Cabal by their own free will and initiative. 
This means that the surface of the planet has suddenly become quite unsafe for the core members of the Cabal. This is why Donald Rumsfeld sold his house and escaped to New Mexico:
Joe Biden already had a taste of this new situation:
The Resistance Movement has communicated that if the directional energy weapons attacks do not stop, they might trigger protocols for the rapid arrest of the unholy four: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush Sr. and Henry Kissinger. 
If those protocols are triggered, they will have drastic and destabilizing effect on the planetary geopolitical situation and although they would speed up the Event, the whole transition would be much more chaotic and violent. The Resistance is well aware of the connections of the unholy four with the Chimera group. The Resistance is hoping sanity will prevail and extreme measures can still be avoided. 
On a more positive note, RR6 will be activated the day after tomorrow and during this activation, plasma tail of comet Lovejoy will pass through Pleiades as seen from Earth. This cosmic event will send a wave of positive energy towards the plasmatic Tunnels of Set around the surface of this planet and will be a trigger for their transformation. Summarily, we can expect a lot of activity of the Light forces in the following week.

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Top 10 Ridiculously Common Science Myths
There is nothing better than a bit of mythbusting (which accounts for the popularity of the television program of the same name), so here we are again, presenting you with a new list of terribly common misconceptions and myths – this time about science.


Evolutionary Improvements

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The Myth: Evolution causes something to go from “lower” to “higher”
While it is a fact that natural selection weeds out unhealthy genes from the gene pool, there are many cases where an imperfect organism has survived. Some examples of this are fungi, sharks, crayfish, and mosses – these have all remained essentially the same over a great period of time. These organisms are all sufficiently adapted to their environment to survive without improvement.
Other taxa have changed a lot, but not necessarily for the better. Some creatures have had their environments changed and their adaptations may not be as well suited to their new situation. Fitness is linked to their environment, not to progress.

Humans Pop In Space

The Myth: When exposed to the vacuum of space, the human body pops
This myth is the result of science fiction movies which use it to add excitement or drama to the plot. In fact, a human can survive for 15 – 30 seconds in outer space as long as they breathe out before the exposure (this prevents the lungs from bursting and sending air into the bloodstream). After 15 or so seconds, the lack of oxygen causes unconsciousness which eventually leads to death by asphyxiation.


Brightest Star

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The Myth: Polaris is the brightest star in the northern hemisphere night sky
Sirius is actually brighter with a magnitude of ?1.47 compared to Polaris’ 1.97 (the lower the number the brighter the star). The importance of Polaris is that its position in the sky marks North – and for that reason it is also called the “North Star”. Polaris is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor and, interestingly, is only the current North Star as pole stars change over time because stars exhibit a slow continuous drift with respect to the Earth’s axis.


Five Second Rule

The Myth: Food that drops on the floor is safe to eat if you pick it up within five seconds
This is utter bunkum which should be obvious to most readers. If there are germs on the floor and the food lands on them, they will immediately stick to the food. Having said that, eating germs and dirt is not always a bad thing as it helps us to develop a robust immune system. I prefer to have a “how-tasty-is-it” rule: if it is something really tasty, it can sit there for ten minutes for all I care – I will still eat it.


Dark side of the Moon

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The Myth: There is a dark side of the moon
Actually – every part of the moon is illuminated at sometime by the sun. This misconception has come about because there is a side of the moon which is never visible to the earth. This is due to tidal locking; this is due to the fact that Earth’s gravitational pull on the moon is so immense that it can only show one face to us. Wikipedia puts it rather smartly thus: “Tidal locking occurs when the gravitational gradient makes one side of an astronomical body always face another; for example, one side of the Earth’s Moon always faces the Earth. A tidally locked body takes just as long to rotate around its own axis as it does to revolve around its partner. This synchronous rotation causes one hemisphere constantly to face the partner body.”


Brain Cells

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The Myth: Brain cells can’t regenerate – if you kill a brain cell, it is never replaced
The reason for this myth being so common is that it was believed and taught by the science community for a very long time. But in 1998, scientists at the Sweden and the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California discovered that brain cells in mature humans can regenerate. It had previously been long believed that complex brains would be severely disrupted by new cell growth, but the study found that the memory and learning center of the brain can create new cells – giving hope for an eventual cure for illnesses like Alzheimer’s.


Pennies from Heaven

The Myth: A penny dropped from a very high building can kill a pedestrian below
This myth is so common it has even become a bit of a cliche in movies. The idea is that if you drop a penny from the top of a tall building (such as the Empire State Building) – it will pick up enough speed to kill a person if it lands on them on the ground. But the fact is, the aerodynamics of a penny are not sufficient to make it dangerous. What would happen in reality is that the person who gets hit would feel a sting – but they would certainly survive the impact.


Friction Heat

The Myth: Meteors are heated by friction when entering the atmosphere
When a meteoroid enters the atmosphere of the earth (becoming a meteor), it is actually the speed compressing the air in front of the object that causes it to heat up. It is the pressure on the air that generates a heat intense enough to make the rock so hot that is glows brilliantly for our viewing pleasure (if we are lucky enough to be looking in the sky at the right time). We should also dispel the myth about meteors being hot when they hit the earth – becoming meteorites. Meteorites are almost always cold when they hit – and in fact they are often found covered in frost. This is because they are so cold from their journey through space that the entry heat is not sufficient to do more than burn off the outer layers.



The Myth: Lightning never strikes the same place twice
Next time you see lightning strike and you consider running to the spot to protect yourself from the next bolt, remember this item! Lightning does strike the same place twice – in fact it is very common. Lightning obviously favors certain areas such as high trees or buildings. In a large field, the tallest object is likely to be struck multiple times until the lightning moves sufficiently far away to find a new target. The Empire State Building gets struck around 25 times a year.


Gravity in Space

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The Myth: There is no gravity in space
In fact, there is gravity in space – a lot of it. The reason that astronauts appear to be weightless because they are orbiting the earth. They are falling towards the earth but moving sufficiently sideways to miss it. So they are basically always falling but never landing. Gravity exists in virtually all areas of space. When a shuttle reaches orbit height (around 250 miles above the earth), gravity is reduced by only 10%.
Inspired by an excellent LiveScience Article. This article is licensed under the GFDL because it contains quotations from Wikipedia.

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Plasma and the Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Their Long Island fortress can not be removed so easily because it is tied to the plasma scalar network which forms the backbone of the Veil, extending to the altitude of up to 8.6 miles above the surface. This ...

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Five of the Most Puzzling Current Internet Mysteries

An intrepid computer scientist at the BBC has been quietly whittling away at one of the Web’s greatest mysteries. There are, admittedly, a lot of contenders for that title — but the case of “Webdriver Torso” is particularly puzzling. 

Webdriver is a YouTube channel with a simple, impenetrable premise. Every hour or so, the channel posts a new 11-second sequence of red and blue boxes moving around the screen. The account ran from September 2013 until mid-April, when it mysteriously stopped; recently, the uploads have begun again. According to one theory, the channel could be a modern “numbers station” – cryptic radio signals used during the Cold War to send messages to spies. According to another, the videos are communications from aliens.

Which is it? Frankly, we don’t know. Even after analyzing all the data for the nearly 80,000 cryptic, 11-second videos on Webdriver Torso’s YouTube channel, the BBC’s Stephen Beckett could only conclude that the videos were — maybe possibly — uploaded from France. No sign of who’s behind them. No suggestion why they started. And, most infuriatingly, not even a hint at what they mean.
“If it is indeed aliens,” Beckett’s forced to conclude, “let’s hope they … come in peace.”

It would appear aliens are doing a lot of messaging these days: The Internet has no shortage of weird, cryptic codes and mysteries. These are just some of the most stubborn.

Cicada 3301: For over two years, amateur cryptographers have struggled with Cicada 3301, a kind of Internet scavenger hunt that relies on advanced code-breaking — and a working knowledge of things like obscure medieval literature and Mayan numerology — to unlock progressive clues. Who’s behind the puzzle is unclear, although many enthusiasts believe it’s a large, well-funded and shadowy organization trying to recruit into its membership. At this rate, we may never know.

The Markovian Parallax Denigrate: Early in Internet history, a community called Usenet got spammed, repeatedly, with SAT-word mumbo jumbo that reached “an almost transcendent level of bizarre.” Each post was titled “Markovian Parallax Denigrate,” and none of them made any conceivable sense. Generations of Internet sleuths have, over the past 15 years, tried to decode the messages or pin them to a government operative, with middling success. The Daily Dot concluded — in an exhaustive, fascinating piece that’s really worth reading in full — that the whole thing was probably the work of “a troll or prankster.” Then again, we still don’t really know!

A858: Since 2011, a (potentially robotic?) Redditor named A858DE45F56D9BC9 has posted long, coded strings of text to a sub-Reddit of its own making. Thousands of people have devoted themselves to interpreting the posts; there is even a program, A858StatsBot, that automatically calculates information like message length and statistical distribution for would-be decoders. Wrote the bot’s creator, in a GitHub post: “A858 is maybe the biggest mistery [sic] on Reddit.”

Bitcoin: This particular puzzle does not, perhaps, rise to the level of otherworldly creepiness that things like Cicada and A858 do. Nevertheless, the question of who created the cryptocurrency Bitcoin remains stubbornly unanswered — despite many attempts to out the man known as Satoshi Nakamoto.

There is, of course, only one thing even more frustrating than an impenetrable Internet mystery: When such a mystery is solved, and the solution is … stupid. The YouTube channel Pronunciation Book, c. 2010 – 2013, abruptly began counting down to an unnamed big event last July. Was it some nefarious NSA messaging? A sign of the coming apocalypse? Nope, just part of a ... conceptual art project.
Fans were, shall we say, not pleased.

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June Monthly Update by Cobra

  You might want to listen to the June monthly update Cobra interview by Rob Potter or read the transcript here:   The Youtube video version of the interview is here:https://www....

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Sisterhood of the Rose Video

  You might want to watch this beautiful Sisterhood of the Rose video. It has been translated into 16 languages.  English: German: Dutch:http...

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