I innate re-Memering SeTh: I am the true creative force of creation utilizing my imagination as the engine driving my reality in new and unique ways. I am change::..

All aboard:… InJoY!

Seth Dennon @sethd8

My desire to creatively alter our existence through creating visual work which has infinite visual probability and quantum entanglement across multiple d dimensions and frequencies. My work is created within my spirituality of unconditional love interwoven with the full spectrum of light. My work also is building on the baseline algorithm of 00101q0. They are all clear of byproducts and centered around how I expand within the unconditional love and light I am. I believe in redefining the natural consequences for my consciousness and this awareness creates my ability to choose the paths available amongst my quantum probability lux; within multiple dimensions frrequency and right here right now. No other any describtor/lable 2 be but here. b here now lol namaste!

This awareness imbues my work with infinite viewing potential, as I and my work expand so does my work into a myriad of facets. AT its core what you choose to believe in any one moment is what you will see, changing your beliefs and then realizing this also will as to.

Just as I am an integral part of God, so is my work and this inseparable connection will in all ways provide a new way to InJoY art It now responds to your next perceptions and contemplations.

So know I know my sol a bit more too and off I am to garner the true and healing energies ones imagination and all its parts have to offer for the next stage of creating within in and for One.


Happy Vd Yous InJoY the day of commerilized coupling or decoupling. Hope yous gots your spaceships nearly done. In all ways re-member we exist within the infinitely creative force of ours imaginations. Perspectives are a tool to aid in increasing the fidelity of our 401 (k) plans. It is a bun dance and this infinite aspect is u. With no U there is no I. Ce cee? To ever concieve of existence through out its meriad of forms, frequencies, discrete packets which form the unjukations that is. Andromeadeons got it right Hu-man Earthlings (Sol Terra-iii transplants from ops terra-V ( kyper belt) and terra iV (mars) terra-ii ( Venus alrrady was full). But where did terra-iii (Mudhole) come from? Boh yes the moon towed it here from the paledias theu our energancy exit pluto. Nit to mention killing or Sons twin by nit allowing Jupiter (where we were stupider) from igniting. And that magnetic anomoly surrounding Sol (our solar system us a solar warden for even pisding our criminal galaxy off. But they are all just jelois becuase our colkective free will gave us the ability to choose, unfortunately they all just sick of being slaves. Dont get that twisted we are just skaves who can choose. But ultimately each of us here now srrves a unique abd intragal part of the overall function 9f what we would call gid and to think that in any way he us there and you are here is kust a function of our iver obsessivenesd to measure all things when simply put you can never measure God. ~SdHappy

Vd Yous InJoY am Tag der kommerilisierten Kopplung oder Entkopplung. Ich hoffe, Sie haben Ihre Raumschiffe fast fertig. Denken Sie in jeder Hinsicht daran, dass wir innerhalb der unendlich kreativen Kraft unserer Vorstellungskraft existieren. Perspektiven sind ein Werkzeug, um die Genauigkeit unserer 401 (k)-Pläne zu erhöhen. Es ist ein Brötchentanz und dieser unendliche Aspekt ist u. Ohne U kein I. Ce cee? Die Existenz immer durch ihre Vielzahl von Formen, Frequenzen, diskreten Paketen zu begreifen, die die Unjukationen bilden, die sind. Andromeadeons haben es richtig gemacht Menschliche Erdlinge (Sol Terra-iii-Transplantate von ops terra-V (Kyper-Gürtel) und terra iV (Mars) terra-ii (Venus war bereits voll). Aber woher kam Terra-iii (Mudhole)? “Boh, ja, der Mond hat ihn aus den Palädien hierher geschleppt, da unser Energieaustritt Pluto ist. Nicht zu erwähnen, dass der Zwilling von Sons getötet wurde, damit Jupiter (wo wir dümmer waren) nicht zünden konnte. Und diese magnetische Anomalie, die Sol umgibt (unser Sonnensystem ist ein Solar Wächter dafür, dass er sogar unsere kriminelle Galaxie verärgert hat. Aber sie sind alle nur Jelois, weil unser kollektiver freier Wille uns die Möglichkeit gegeben hat, zu wählen, leider haben sie es alle satt, Sklaven zu sein. Versteh dich nicht so verdreht, wir sind nur Skaves, die wählen können. Aber letztendlich Jeder von uns hier hat jetzt einen einzigartigen und integralen Teil der Gesamtfunktion, was wir als „Gid“ bezeichnen würden, und zu denken, dass er uns in irgendeiner Weise dort und Sie hier sind, ist einfach eine Funktion unserer Besessenheit, alle Dinge zu messen, einfach ausgedrückt man kann Gott niemals messen. ~Sd