The Entangled Teleportation Series. Readings: TEXT: CHAPTER 31: The Savior’s Vision [para 6-8], LESSON 23: I Can Escape From The World I See By Giving Up Attack Thoughts. [para 4-5], LESSON 132: I Loose The World From All I Thought It Was. [para 4], LESSON 24: I Do Not Perceive My Own Best Interests. [para 1, 4], LESSON 25: I Do Not Know What Anything Is For. [para 1-3], LESSON 26: My Attack Thoughts Are Attacking My Invulnerability. [para 1-2], NEW TESTAMENT (Aramaic): Acts 26:13-23, LESSON 27: Above All Else I Want To See. [para 1-2], LESSON 28: Above All Else I Want To See Things Differently. [para 1-2]