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Mysteries of the Yeti, Myths from Himalayas Finally Revealed

So the myth that was passed down for generations, its existence was revealed by scientists

As one of the most mysterious creatures on earth, the existence of Yeti which is believed to inhabit some snowy areas on the slopes of the Himalayas, is always hunted by those who are curious. Not infrequently, these fact-seekers often hold a special mission to find out the actual whereabouts of the Yeti. Sometimes fact-seekers also often hold sportsbook tournaments which related to online betting Agen Sbobet with top prizes, these prizes were a tribute to them who already contribute in the search of Yeti.

In accordance with the story that is believed to be hereditary until now, the figure of Yeti is depicted as a tall, hairy creature and resembles to an ape. Difficult terrain, coupled with a blizzard that covers the eyes, makes some fact-seekers find it difficult to find traces. However, the natural challenge finally vanished after the original figure of Yeti was revealed.

Myth that became a fairy tale until passed down from generation to generation

For the people of Nepal and Tibet who live around the Himalayas, the Yeti figure in the language is called Bonmanche which means “wild man” or “Kanchanjunga rachyyas” which means “Devil Kanchanjunga”, is a legend that has become local wisdom.

Although not yet clearly revealed, the story is finally developed everywhere with many versions and passed down from generation to generation. This is what triggers Westerners, interested in starting research individually or in large groups.

Starting from the appearance by an explorer while in the Himalayas

The official record of the Yeti was first written by a British explorer named B. H. Hodgson. When the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, quoted from, published a report in 1832, he said he saw a creature full of long and dark fur hair.

In the year 925, a photographer N. A. Tombazi has documented his experience of seeing the Yeti, where he saw a naked, tall creature tugging at a rhododendron at 4,500 meters. This ‘sighting’ phenomenon was eventually used as the basis for various missions to look for the presence of the Yeti.

Research missions are mobilized to find their whereabouts

As the largest empire of its time, Hitler’s Third Reich Government through his Nazis also plunged into the investigation. The page writes, they start to an expedition to Nepal, shortly before the start of the Second World War. The British Daily Mail newspaper, also did not want to lose and sent a team to explore there in 1953.

Until one day, the conclusion of an explorer named Ernst Schäfer, believes that the Yeti is just a bear. Schäfer’s theory, which later developed and was trusted by generations in the following years. Precisely in the mid 80’s.

The findings reveal a little of the existing theories about the figure of the Yeti

One of the Italian mountaineers Reinhold Messner, claimed to have killed a creature that has been suspected by many as Yeti in 1986. Quoted from, he claimed that the mysterious creature was an endangered bear species – whether it was a Himalayan brown bear or Tibetan blue bears – who can walk on their hind legs.

Until finally, Danish Professor Dr. Charlotte Lindqvist confirmed the allegations of the incident. “Our findings confirm that the biological basis of the Yeti legend can be found in local bears,” Charlotte, from the University of Buffalo, New York, was quoted as saying on

Further investigations will continue

Although Charlotte has a conclusion on his theory, his opinion is still doubtful because he and his team are proven to use the remains of an old dead bear. The page writes, this is known from DNA testing and makes the hypothesis still be corrected by other more relevant facts. Although these findings are still held today, it is possible that the original Yeti is believed to be still roaming the Himalayan slopes.

“There is a possibility that they were primate species or more sophisticated than unknown primates, which still need to be investigated for their existence in Central Asia,” Jonathan Downes, director of the Center for Fortean Zoology, told the Guardian, quoted from

Yeti and his fellow creatures, have become myths and told for generations. Even with the picture of his figure that is imaged as a scary monster, is also not entirely correct. As a result, many believe in its existence without ever knowing the truth of the information. But clearly, whether or not the Yeti in the Himalayan mountains will remain a mystery.

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