The search for the remaining four bodies took three months. When found, the body was buried in deep snow, at a location farther from the cedar tree where the first two bodies were found. Their clothes are better than other corpses. It is possible that the first two corpses died first because they gave clothes to the four colleagues.


Initial investigation revealed that nine climbers had died of hypothermia. But the results of the post mortem continued to give rise to many theories while stimulating an important question: what made the climbers get out of the tent to the point of dying?

victims last photo

Three climbers suffered serious injuries. The skull of Thibeaux-Brignolles is cracked. Dubinina and Zolotaryov suffered chest fractures. The most terrible part: Dubinina lost the tongue, eyes, some lips, some facial tissue, and a little skull. Some of the skin on his hands also blistered.


There was speculation that stated the perpetrators of the Mansi people who lived around the slopes of the Ural Mountains. This theory is refuted because the average climber died of hypothermia with no signs of being attacked. Footprints on location also only refer to climbers, nothing more.

The avalanche theory offers an explanation that the avalanche makes panic climbers then exit the tent by tearing from the inside. They are in a condition to sleep so that some are not dressed properly.

National Geographic Wild, Vice, to Keith McCloskey in his book Mountain of the Dead: The Dyatlov Pass Incident (2013) put forward a theory that became the suspicion of several parties: Soviet military involvement.

The climbers were suspected of camping in the Soviet air bomb training ground. They woke up after a bomb exploded, panicked, exited the tent in makeshift clothing, headed for the trees, and were unable to return to the tent. In fact, the aerial bombing program was indeed being carried out by the Soviet military at that location while the climb was taking place.

The bomb that went off exploded in the air, so no evidence was found on the surface of the snow/ground around the tent. The effect of the bomb was also stated to be able to make humans suffer injuries like those experienced by climbers. About the loss of Dubinina’s body parts? Proponents of this theory return to wild animals.

Additional theories regarding the Soviet military are based on radiological weapons testing programs at the same time and location. Although the evidence is not strong enough, this theory is enough to explain the discovery of radioactive elements in several parts of the body of some climbers.

These theories are still based on rational evidence, in contrast to some parties who associate the factors causing the incident with pseudo-scientific matters.

The Discovery Channel show Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives (2014), for example, states that the Yeti attack caused the incident. Yeti are giant ape-like creatures with white fur and bright red eyes that are believed to inhabit Siberia, the Himalayas, and mountain regions in East Asia.

They argue the climbers’ wounds can only be caused by creatures with physical and strength greater than normal humans. The creator of the program certainly does not provide solid evidence, but an analysis of the origin of the pseudo-scientific scoop (cherry-picking).

Further Investigation

Sixty years ago, who knows what prompted the Russian government to reopen the investigation of the case. Kurennoi, representing the investigation team, stated that the victims’ families, the media, and the public still demanded clarity of the case and asked the government not to hide the truth.

The investigation team will begin the investigation process through a 400-page volume containing original investigation material. But the investigation team will also utilize modern technology that was not created six decades ago.

Next month the investigation team will fly to the scene with a number of experts and rescue workers. The experts will conduct nine different types of examinations. One of them is a forensic examination, which, according to Kurennoi, will help solve “missing pieces.”