Received by Mercedes Kirkel

[Note from Mercedes: This channeling is addressed to me personally, but the message is universal.]


Blessings Dear One,


This is Mary Magdalene. I’m responding to your call for help in processing what you witnessed in the recent Judicial Committee hearings with testimony by Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh.


I understand that it was very difficult for you to watch what occurred because it stirred up great pain for you. You had memories evoked of the kinds of trials of women that occurred in the Inquisition. You had memories evoked of your own sexual assault. And you also felt the pain of your cultures’s orientation toward women: the discounting, the suspicion, and the double standard between the way men and women are related to.


I am aware that you have done much work to heal your pain since the Senate hearing and I acknowledge and commend you for that.


Part of what came up for you through your healing process afterward was the awareness that humans, in general, have played all roles in their many incarnations. This caused you to be aware that in other incarnations, you had probably taken the role that privileged men in your culture are now taking. This led you to consider what would cause someone to act in that way toward women, or toward any group of people.


You accurately identified that being driven to uphold and maintain power comes from fear. There is fear on the part of the privileged group of what might happen to them if they lost the power that they currently hold.


This fear, which is driving many at this time, and particularly men, to treat women in the way that they do is what I wish to speak about.


There is generally the assumption among men in the privileged position that they would be treated poorly if they lost their privilege, just as they have treated others poorly. There is fear that they would not have enough, either to thrive and be happy or perhaps even to survive.


Underneath this is an even deeper fear. It is fear of the Feminine itself. Ultimately it is fear of the Feminine within themselves. It’s a fear of their own feelings and tender side. A fear of their own vulnerability. A fear of their own heart.


This fear drives them to try to cover up that vulnerability, that tenderness, those feelings. So they act as though they do not have these things. That was the display you saw in the second half of the hearings, first from Judge Kavanaugh and later from the Republican senators, all of whom made a dramatic display of their righteous anger at the “villains” (the women and Democrats) who they asserted have so wronged them. But you, Mercedes, and probably many others, felt a lack of authenticity in what they were portraying. There was a nervousness behind it all, a desperation.


That was their fear of the Feminine, the Feminine that comes from the feeling heart and whose heart knows the truth. Feminine feeling and heart is strong, and that strength is part of what men who fear the Feminine are aware of. Dr. Ford was strong in her admission of being terrified. Judge Kavanaugh was not able to meet her in that strength, and instead attempted to use aggression to deflect from his lack of strength.


There is an inconsistency in this that is not understood. Those who fear the Feminine realize the Feminine’s strength. Yet they mistakenly assume that opening to their own Feminine will make them weak. So they cut off from their inner Feminine and compensate through an outward show of force. This is what happened at the hearings.


What would happen if they opened to their Feminine? They would start to feel and be informed by feeling. A feeling person cannot treat another person as “less-than.” A feeling person who has injured another person feels this and is disturbed by it. That disturbance motivates the one who carried out the injury to make amends. This is the basis of emotional responsibility.


The question for all of you at this time, beyond the immediate situation of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, is this: How can it become safe for men to open to their Feminine aspect?


You see, the women’s movement empowered women to open to their Masculine side. And now it is time for men to open to their Feminine side. Certainly some men are already doing this, but many are not, especially those who have been in the dominant role in terms of holding power in your society.


The biggest way that women can step into the leadership position at this time and support this next step will not be by telling men what they must do. That would be coming from their Masculine and most men do not want to receive from a woman in her Masculine.


Rather, women must demonstrate to men what it is to open to feeling, just as Dr. Ford did when she expressed her terror of testifying and her fear during the original incident. You must show your feelings, especially when you’re experiencing emotional pain, and do this without crossing the line into blaming others for those feelings. Saying what happened isn’t blame. Blame is where you seek to punish or hurt others because of your pain. Dr. Ford did an excellent job of demonstrating this. She revealed her experiences and feelings, without going into an overlay of power by directing anger or blame at others.


Beyond expressing and showing feelings, women can support men in opening up to their Feminine side by guessing what men are feeling. This is using women’s emotional intelligence to help men identify their feelings, because men often aren’t aware of what they’re feeling. It is important to do this sensitively and respectfully. This can be done through asking if such-and-such is what someone is feeling, rather than telling them that this is what’s going on with them (which puts the “teller” in the position of being the authority over them through knowing more about what’s going on with them than they do).


These two things—demonstrating your own feelings and helping men to identify their feelings—can make a world of difference in supporting men in feeling safe to open to their Feminine. And this will change your world.


This isn’t a magic wand that will change things overnight. You are undoing thousands of years of programming. But it can happen extremely quickly in the big picture of things. This is the greatest power that women have. But most aren’t yet aware of this or skilled at using it. Most are still trying to use their mind to change things. But that’s not where this change will come from.


I want to address something else about what so many women experienced in watching the hearings. The majority of women in your world today have been sexually violated or assaulted in some way. Because of this, many women experienced a very personal kind of pain in watching the hearings. It brought up their own pain from their experiences, which have not fully healed.


For many who are abused or assaulted, there is often an initial survival instinct that occurs of blocking out what happened, both functionally and emotionally. Over time this blocking out becomes a habit which turns into suppression. But the memories and pain will break through this suppression at times. One of those times is when hearing someone else describe a similar situation, especially if it’s done in a vulnerable and feeling way.


This is what happened for many women in listening to Dr. Ford recount her trauma. It allowed their own trauma to come forward and be felt in a deeper, fuller way.


In such a situation, I strongly urge any woman (or man, for that matter) who is feeling their own pain being stimulated, to allow themselves to feel it. This is what I call grieving. It is to fully feel one’s emotional pain. Until this is done, full healing won’t occur.


This is not easy for most people because most people at this time have been taught not to feel their pain. This is actually very damaging to people because it prevents healing from occurring. Allowing the emotional pain to be felt will inevitably lead to healing.


So for anyone watching the hearings who had this reaction, I urge you to allow yourself to grieve and heal your own pain. Do this before you make any attempts to change what’s happening, either in the hearings for the Supreme Court position, or in the interplay between men and women in general. Take care of yourself first, however long that takes. When that is complete and healed, then you can consider contributing to changing your world, if that’s right for you.


There are many ways to contribute to changing the world. It is a very individual process and choice. But all of you will benefit from opening to your Feminine—women and men. And women are likely to be the leaders in this. Most women have a ways to go before they’re fully acting out of their own Feminine. This means showing their feelings and allowing that to be enough, without going into the mind with analysis or bringing anger and blame.


Your world is shifting from head to heart. Feelings are the key to this shift. Find the key and make use of it. This is what I recommend.


In great love and care,
I AM Mary Magdalene



©2018 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


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Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s second book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

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