
LoveHasWon June Energy Report ~ The Light Conquers the Dark
By Lauryn Suarez of the First Contact Ground Crew Team

If we felt that May was a rollercoaster of energies and emotions, we haven’t seen anything yet. The energies of June are jam packed both with beautiful energies and very difficult ones. June begins the summer season, where the light outweighs the dark. That is a direct reflection of where we have come to; the light has overpowered the dark. Now the question is, will you be able to leave the dark behind? That is the test of June. Can we finally remove the last barrier in order to live in joy, trust and excitement? If we can choose to have blind faith in every step we take, it will prepare us for the more difficult parts of this month. The flip side of the light conquering the dark, is that all of the darkness will now be exposed once and for all. All of the darkness left inside of you will be mirrored back to you and will come up for you to release. You will also see the darkness exposed globally. All of the lies, manipulation, and corruption have been slowly seeping to the surface but now will be unable to hide any longer. We must confront everything that shows itself and be done with it, once and for all.

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