Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 30 March 2018

The vibrations are picking up quite quickly and are already having an effect that is noticeable. There is a mood change amongst people that is resulting in a more peaceful approach to world matters. Sympathy for those who are needy and live in poor conditions has grown, and the oneness of the Human Race is being understood and appreciated. There is a coming together of those who have at times been arch enemies. At last the futility of war and its consequent outcome is being seen as unacceptable, and there is a movement towards mutual cooperation. There are opportunities arising for settling old issues in a way that is acceptable to all who are involved.

The outcome will to some extent depend on who is leading the changes, as with the right people becoming involved who can understand all aspects of them, acceptable proposals can be offered that satisfy all of them. As the Legions of Light draw nearer and nearer to Earth so their presence has more influence upon your actions. It means that as time passes the negative energies will have less impact, and that you can look forward to more actions that bring peace to Earth. There are now certainly more souls on Earth that are working for the Light and they do have more influence than their predecessors, plus the will to be successful as was predicted long ago.