
Final Event Energies Update 03~31~18 Diving Into Balanced Harmonics Frequencies ~ Archeia Faith
By Archeia Faith

I arrived Home on December 22nd 2017. Of course, I had no idea that I had arrived Home, I had no idea that I had even been looking for Home, or that I had ever left. In truth I have not been home in 26,000 years. Not Home into The Light, we have been in the reincarnation cycle, undergoing Life and Death, in attempt to raise the Consciousness of HUmanity. This is not ALL that existence amounts to, this was just how existence on Earth looked, in order to free Ourselves from the MIND.

Upon the implanting of the E.G.O programmed mind, souls began volunteering to incarnate on Earth, to expand the Light, to Ascend the dense Consciousness that had befell the planet. Some souls came here and Ascended, they found their way BACK TO SOURCE, energetically achieving Divine Vibration. Master Buddha, Ascended Master Kuthumi, Ascended Master El Morya, are some such examples who are in The Unified Field and on Mission now serving Mother and Father of All Creation, The Galactic Federation of Light and Light Beings in All of Creation.

Those who believe they are serving the Galactic Federation of Light, but have NOT reported in for DUTY with Mother and Father of All Creation, are in fact SERVING THEIR OWN E.G.O. How can you be serving Light if you truly have no idea of what is really going on? Dogs chasing their tails, En Masse.