UFO Headline News Wednesday March 14th, 2018

Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday March 14th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Jackson, New Jersey on 2013-05-14 00:00:00 – I took a picture of the sun a couple of days before i went to nasa to do a job and when i looked at the picture i caught something.

Synopsis:I was building clean rooms for scientists and i was putting together a clean rm for the james webb telescope for nasa a month before i left in may i noticed it was hotter than usual so i looked up and saw the biggest corona around the sun and i could see the flames on the sun so i took a picture with my phone and i saw something i can’t explain. when i arrived at nasa i noticed the scientists had three big screen tv’s with the sun they had a good size group talking about it. i have more but i want to speak to someone.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia on 2016-08-16 05:45:00 – Sensed it coming over my right shoulder,looked to see it coming down over the power lines 2 ft from me in mid of road me on sidewalk. stayed at chest level stayed on road turned right at stop sign,and continued down the road.I was shocked as hell

Synopsis:I left my dartmouth nova scotia apartment,for work about 540 am as per usual, it was a warm summer morning,though the sun wasnt up yet.I walked uphill on the sidewalk,when i reached the corner.I dont know how but i sensed something aerial over my right shoulder, i stopped and looked and i saw a orb above the middle of the road and power lines.It descended pretty slowly,when it got to my chest level,it never deviated from it again.I was staring in awe as it passed me,turned right at the stop sign and went on slowly down the road.Noone was around the whole time i wanted to point it out to others, but no house lights were on,no cars passed and foot trafiic was non existant. i was excited i now knew somethings out there.I had no cellphone for a picture,and no net to catch it,i thought i could jump right on it, but will i die.The fact i cant prove it rots me.The incident changed me,i felt freaked out for at least 3 months after.It was slightly traumatic,im so happy it happened cause now i know,things are out there.Now the question of what the hell is it,will never leave me,and i await full ufo disclosure,with even more anticipation then ever.Now i want answers for personal closure as well.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in North Platte, Nebraska on 2018-03-02 21:35:00 – Object with 4 balls colored red and green

Synopsis: Got home from work, got out of my truck and seen this hovering the sky, had 4 lights on it.. blinking red and to green.. and then moved around. making impossible maneuvers it seemed.. i recorded it on my cell phone..And flew away and then quickly disappeared and then 1 minute later came back for 2 more minutes.. and i recorded it again… i’m hoping to get a answer what i saw.. if someone could tell me what this was, that would be great..

Headline #4: Black Triangle Sighting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on 2017-11-20 06:35:00 – Black airplane,hovering tree level, tail section marked 2 white stripes,cased in red stripes. windows across nose. brown cloud apeared at this time.Every nite three yellow figures would appear every nite from tree,lasted 11/2 weeks.

Synopsis:Out side smoking cig.I looked up and saw it.Small black airplane.(air force vietnam-nam vet) a mini f-4 jet.Had silver colored glass on 3 windows on nose, cold not see in side.On top of tail ,had emblem on top could not make out. middle of tail had 2 white stripes in the middle,with red stripe on top and bottom.Looked like it could’nt be more than 21/2 to 3 feet high. nose of plane was pointing towards tree. also had a strange looking cloud that appeared about this time. just hovering and no noise coming from plane. i looked down, looked up it and cloud was gone. for about a week three yellow lights appeared in the tree. lights were about a foot long and about 10″ in diameter. they would go west, east, and south. after this ended branches in the tree started dying. p.S. that’s all.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Glen Cove, New York on 2018-02-26 00:00:00 – Object seemed to have been hovering in the dark. it turned on it turned on a purple light and it flew north faster than a plane or copter, for a quarter mile, turned lights off and disappeared.

Synopsis:We were standing by my car in front of friend’s house at 9 pm,talking about getting together again. we began to face south west as we talked when the object suddenly turned its light. it looked like a bright purple globe. it seemed to have been hovering at 1500 feet or more, then turned on its light and flew about two miles north at lightening speed. we wondered if it had been there spying on us. i felt a bit of an ache in my eyes and in my head as i stared at it. i am not sure why. the object was spherical and had a bright purple glow. as soon as it’s light turned on and became visible, it flew at lightning speed about 2 miles from south to north and then it shut its light off and vanished. it seemed to curl as if making a turn to go back south or go west, but once the lights were completely off we could not see if it was still there hovering. we were feeling shocked but not scared by what we saw and began to laugh a bit nervously. i asked my friend “did you see that?” she said “yes, i was going to ask you if it was a shooting star.” i answered “it was purple. the stars are white, and it was bigger than the stars and faster than a plane or helicopter. i think we saw a ufo.” she said, “that’s what i saw too.” i said to her, “i am glad you saw it or i would have thought i was loosing my mind had i been alone.” we knew it was not a shooting star, nor a plane or helicopter, because it moved a long distance at speed we’d never seen air crafts fly in the air before. i live near jfk airport and know the speed of a planes as they fly over our house.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Hemel hempstead, England on 2018-03-02 14:15:00 – Sonic boom type sound hemel hempstead – nobody seems to care about it

Synopsis:Hi – i’d like to report an incident yesterday which i think was odd, out of the ordinary & i would describe as a ufo type case i’d like to submit. i live in hemel hempstead & was walking home from jarmans park at about 12.45pm – it was very cold,snowing, below 0degrees, me & a guy from college was walking across the footbridge to the shops & cinema/gym,skate park etc saw a black helicopter speed past overhead – it was odd becuase of the conditions & the speed – i know they do travel fast but this was into the horizon in under a minute. we joked about its likely an incident due to the weather. i left and went to look in h&m – in riverside the marlowes, at roughly 2.15 – 2.25pm i can’t be sure of the time because my phone turned off as it was cold, very fine icey pellets were coming down, i walked across the footbridge when i heard a type of high pitched whoosh, & then a high pitched boom, up in the sky atmosphere. its heard to describe all of this but here goes – it seemed to emminate from the sw – it wasn’t all around – more focused sound & up in the atmosphere, the sky was a steely grey off white color. the sound was bizarre – i’m not sure if anyones aware of the booms phenomena from a few years back uk & usa, i remember hearing it twice when i was still at school – both during the night. it seems to make a high pitched – hardly audible whoosh them boom, it wasn’t anything normal like a building site etc & the other odd thing is everything seemed of to go still during the couple of seconds, also odd was the ground & windows shook slightly. not a voilent shake – more of a gentle echo as if tapped studily & vibrating. i was amongst say a dozen people, i asked if they heard that, the general repsonse was they look at you as if your a lunatic or – ain’t got time for that nonsense, i looked over the bridge to below nobody seemed to look up or around or notice this event – it was truly wierd, i waited in the area for a few minutes when i saw 2 black helcpters go past in the direction of the boom, this is really odd to me, not just because of the weather condtions & timing but 2 flying close by – side by side not one after the other. i have contacted a few sources – the local newspaper, police & shopping center but as you’d guess all 3 have been dead losses, the local paper said it doesn’t deal with stories like – & he sacasticly said go to the fbi with it. the policesaid they don’t deal with things like that anymore as its a waste of theier time, the shopping center said report it to the police it concerns me that much, how can nobody not hear ths &not be curious, what was it,what cuased it, nothing just blank faces & couldn’t give a damn attitude back to my facebook pahe – at least they got back to me quickly but i know i heard & like to submit this & see where it goes.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Redditch, on 2017-11-05 16:30:00 – They looked like orbs

Synopsis: I looked outside on bonfire night and saw 4 orb’s in a line from east to west, they were close together, the 2nd orb from the right started moving towards the orb on the far right it was glowing a golden colour at the bottom and looked like it was going to drip this golden colour as it was collecting at the bottom of the orb? this is when i went to get my camera, when i came back the orbs were interacting with each other and i took a few photos, i was really bamboozled by what i was looking at and just watched them for several minutes, i looked away several times in bewilderment and they disappeared!

Headline #8: These 27 Historical Facts Are Almost Too Weird To Be Real, But They’re All True. Even The Last One!

Synopsis: History is a vast subject to be sure. And with so little time to cover it all, plenty of things get swept aside in favor of the bigger stories like World War II and the Louisiana Purchase. Those things are certainly interesting stories, but they’ve got nothing on these wacky facts we dug up.

Turns out there’s a lot more to history than we previously thought.

1. Albert Einstein could have been president of Israel when it was formed, but he declined.

2. Before dentures were invented, teeth were pulled from the mouths of dead soldiers for use as prosthetics.

3. Roman Emperor Gaius, also known as Caligula, made one of his favorite horses a senator.

4. There’s a giant mushroom in Oregon’s Malheur National Forest with a root system that covers over 2,200 acres, making it the largest living organism in the world.

5. In 1929, researchers at Princeton University claimed that they had turned a living cat into a telephone.

6. Heroin was once a perfectly acceptable medicine prescribed by doctors for everything from coughs to headaches.

7. While Pope Gregory IX was in power, he declared that cats were to be associated with devil worship and had them exterminated in droves.

8. It’s believed that the disappearance of those cats cats helped rats spread the bubonic plague, or Black Death, that killed hundreds of millions of people in the 1300s.

9. Russian dictator Joseph Stalin often had photos retouched to remove people who had died or been removed from office.

10. Chinese women used to painfully bind their feet to make them appear smaller and more feminine.

11. The shortest war in history was the Anglo-Zanzibar War. It lasted just 38 minutes.

12. Former North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il was said to be a great lover of music andcomposed six operas while he was in office.

13. The Leaning Tower of Pisa was actually never straight to begin with. The foundation began to sink when they started on the second floor.

14. Ronald Reagan is best known for being President and acting in numerous films, but he was also a prolific lifeguard, who saved 77 people from drowning.

15. Researchers believe that the famous Guanajuato Mummies’ terrible expressions are the result of the victims being buried alive.

16.  Klerksdorp spheres are strange objects that have been dug up near Ottosdal in South Africa. The spherical objects are billions of years old and no one has been able to fully explain the markings on their sides.


17. A famous native American named Blackbird was said to have loved his horse so much that he was buried sitting on top of it.

18. Before there were alarm clocks, there were “knockers-up”, who were hired to shoot dried peas from a blow gun at people’s windows in order to wake them up in the morning.

19. The largest bird ever to exist had a wingspan of almost 20 feet. It lived 60 million years ago.


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