Here is the UFO Headline News for Thursday March 1st, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: 

UFO Sighting in Saskatchewan on 1958-08-22 00:00:00 – What cem – is mh5

Synopsis:I have seen grids shown to me by grays and was told there mineing something called mh5 do yous know what it is?

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Nice, California on 2018-02-01 01:44:00 – Attached is a picture (one of many) that i took during the eclipse on february 1 2018.. please let me know what i captured..Asap..Thank you..

Synopsis:Pictures taken with my moto phone at approximately 1am to 3:30am, during the lunar eclipse. sent several for comparison. thank you. respectfully, l. olivieri

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in North Bend, Oregon on 2018-02-19 20:10:00 – I witnessed at least 3 moving lights, up and down, back and forth, no sound

Synopsis:Before going to bed, looked out my window over the pacific ocean, watched the stars for a few minutes, and then the lights moving. i’ve seen this before, i watched for about 10 minutes and went to bed. they were still there.

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Markt Indersdorf, Bayern on 2018-02-20 04:00:00 – I woke up to three brownish entities next to my bed

Synopsis:I thought i was sleeping and had the feeling i was being watched, then i slowly took a flashlight and shined next to my bed where i saw three slim entities with a brown skin color and small eyes. the one in the middle looked like it got angry because of me shining my light directly into his face. then he rose his arm and pointed something at me. everything got white and then i woke up with nobody next to my bed

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Henderson, Nevada on 2018-02-19 17:41:00 – Approx 9 to 10 round stationary lights in a row. then they quickly moved upward with many lights coming downward at them. looked like a battle.

Synopsis:I was waiting in the car while my buddy went into the store. i noticed about 9 to 10 brights dots in the sky that looked like stars. the dots were in a line on approx 45 degree angle. all of a sudden they started to move upward on that same angle. then a lot more of the dots started moving downward at the same angle and it looked like they were attacking each other. there were many bursts with at least one big burst. it lasted for about 20 seconds. i took the video with my iphone and it was not retouched in any way, no photoshop or anything. it is raw footage. i do not know what it was or what happened, but it happened. the proof is in the video. i had my car window down so i know it was not a reflection. i am still shocked at what i saw, but i feel that it is important enough for mufon to see.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Enumclaw, Washington on 2018-02-19 06:15:00 – Very bright piercing light

Synopsis:Bright light seemingly following a flight path over the tree line heading west into enumclaw. when compared to the plane in front of it the light was significantly brighter. i began to wonder if that pilot knew he had another plane behind him when i noticed that it almost seemed to move as an illusion. no evidence of any plane parts were visible through a very bright light that could easily be described as starlike, nothing like the plane before it. when i turned the road after a considerable amount of travel east i watched the light pull away towards the pilots flight path and sort of spill out what look to be wings and a tail light. it was a very bright light in a way that could be described as psychedelic. piercing.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Ocean View, Hawaii on 2017-10-09 11:24:00 – I was watering plants in my garden and d20ecided to take a picture of the sky clouds without looking at them or camera lens.

Synopsis:I did actually see this object until a couple days after taking the pic. i was watering some plants in the garden at the bottom of manua loa located on the big island of hawaii when i decided randomly to take a picture of the sky with my cell phone without looking at the sky or the screen on my phone. personally, i believe this is why i caught the object in the picture, but that’s just my opinion. i take many photos of the sky, mostly of clouds that i find interesting, that being said, i don’t really look at them in detail for days or sometimes weeks for that matter. i viewed this particular set of photos the following day due to the strange anomalies in the clouds, at least what i believe we’re anomalies. i thought it was coincidental that i was researching time travel just days before, while contemplating the notion of using the sun as a wormhole to travel to different dimensions. i noticed that the beam (flare) comimg from the sun appears to be in the 19.47 vicinity and then noticed the object towards the end of it, along with a very interesting “dragon head” shaped cloud facing it. after zooming in on the object, i came to the conclusion that it wasn’t something on the lens of my camera nor was it any type of bird, at least that i have ever noticed while living on the island. the clouds were stranger than usual days before and after this day the photo was taking.

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Miranda, New South Wales on 2014-07-29 17:25:00 – Looked up to see boomerang shaped object travelling across the sky

Synopsis:I am re submitting this form as after filling it out was told there was an error. was taking my grandson down the drive to meet his mother, was 5.30pm sun going down i looked up and saw this object travelling across the sky ( i am always looking up!) i said to my grandson “what do you think that is?” he was unsure, i thought it significant so took a photo and a short video with my iphone 5. my feelings where at the time that i was meant to look up and see it. it was flying across my vision and then moved out of my vision. when i show people they are unsure what they are looking at, and then dismiss it, no further thought. so i will try and send to you again. i have my own theories regarding this siting. i have other photos i have taken, not knowing what they are, imaybe high flying aircraft i don’t know.

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Don’t know. Was on a plan, Arizona on 2018-02-16 11:31:00 – Flying phoenix to calif, noticed 2 very bright lights on ground from 34,000 feet. took pix, found light in sky on pix.

Synopsis: I was flying from phoenix to northern calif on feb 16, 2018. i noticed on the ground two extremely bright lights. they were white and each cast an arc of light in front of it that was about 120-140 degrees. they were moving on the ground, seemingly randomly, like driving around. the movement seemed slow, but considering how high we were i think they must have been covering a lot of ground. i thought they might be construction or agricultural machinery, but i have never seen anything so bright. i took a few pictures with my phone. the pix show the edge of the plane wing, the lights on the ground, the lighted areas, and the edge of a cloud that is flat on top. when i looked at the pix i found a spot of white light in three of the five images above the flat line of the cloud. i didn’t see this light when i took the shots. the picture files show times of 11:30-11:31 am, and i believe that is pst. we were cruising at that time, so as i exited i asked a crew member what our altitude had been and she said about 34,000′. sorry for the vagueness in location. i just don’t know where we were in the flight. by the photo times i assume we had crossed into calif. i didn’t feel anything but intense curiosity as to what produces a light that appears so bright from 6 miles in the air. i didn’t see the light in the sky until i saw the pictures. one of the pix shows that one of the ground lights is actually three lights in a cluster.

Headline #10: UFO Sighting in Miranda, New South Wales on 2014-07-29 17:25:00 – Pink boomerang object travelling across sky with a trail

Synopsis: Taking my grandson down my drive to meet his mother, i looked up, ( i’m always looking up) saw this object in the sky didn’t look like a plane, mentioned to my grandson, ” what do you think that is?” (its on the video) he wasn’t sure, i however new it was something significant so took a photo and a short video. firstly it was pink, i suppose the sun going down had a lot to do with that, travelling straight across my vision boomerang shape.. my feelings where, that i was meant to look up and see it. i have no fear of this. when i show this to people, they look, are dumbfounded as to what it could be. and then dismiss it !! no one has said its a …. whatever, not one person has an explanation. i suppose it just travelled in an arc and was soon out of sight. i took video and photo with my iphone 5 at the time, and when i zoomed in was really amazed at what i saw. so i keep looking up!, i have seen a few things in the sky, they may be high altitude planes i don’t know but felt i should take a photo of them. anyway make of this what you will, i have my own theories as to how this all unfurls. thank you

Headline #11: UFO Sighting in St. George, Utah on 2018-02-16 20:02:00 – Was out walking my dogs and observed it in the sky’s moving around .

Synopsis:Observe the craft out flying around in the sky as i was out walking my dogs continue to record the craft once i got home and put the dogs inside went and got my neighbor and also my wife both came outside and observe the phenomenon buzzing around the night sky has i was recording it this is not the only time that i’ve been there but there has been now up until the first time i recorded it there’s been five more observations that i recorded and documented as well i’ve even shared what i’ve seen with two other neighbors i’ve shown the videos too and also tonight i saw in one of the neighbors and she sought for the first hand herself what was going on

Headline #12: UFO Sighting in Columbus, Indiana on 2007-05-31 17:00:00 – Glowing pulsating translucent sphere

Synopsis:At the time of this particular incident 5-6 years ago i was visiting my daughter and i was standing in my ex’s yard and this translucent reddish-orange sphere with yellowish dripping liquid on the inside descended down from above the trees towards the street below. it was approx. 5:00pm in the summertime. it was at least 20 feet across. as wide as a city street. it hovered a foot above the street…Distance from me was at least 50 feet away. i could see completely thru the sphere. it had no occupants that i was aware of or could see. the reddish glow luminescent gently pulsed & continuously, it looked like it had this yellowish liquid that seemed to have a lava lamp type of consistency that dripped / flowed slowly inside from the top of the sphere down the inside of the sphere towards the bottom of the sphere, and never saw any form of it returning up the walls of the sphere and the yellow glowed like luminescent. the inside of the base of the sphere looked like there was some sort of rectangular flat box / seat laying inside the base of the sphere. i took like 5 steps towards this thing. i felt something mentally / telepathically by it…This thought came to me of how insignificant we were. uninteresting. but there was also this overwhelming curiosity i sensed. i also sensed that it was convinced of its own superiority & power that it could clearly destroy me…It felt menacing…It sat like a foot above the actual street surface….It lingered for a few minutes before gently and slowly ascending up into the sky…I literally watched it until it went so far up it disappeared from view.

Headline #13: UFO Sighting in Sevierville, Tennessee on 2018-02-19 21:30:00 – Light hovering in trees abruptly arced towards ground silently

Synopsis:I was walking from my great aunts house back to my house when i looked back at the end of her trailer and noticed light on my hand from the hill side and turned to see a light in between the trees and the bank. i was about 40 feet from the base of the hill and it was in the trees near the top but not over the top and against the sky. it looked about the same size as the full moon would have been in the sky, and cast the same shade of light as well. then it arced down across the hill back into the valley behind our houses. at that point i shot at it. it was totally silent not even noise like it moved the branches in the trees. the i fled to the house.

Headline #14:UFO Sighting in Huber Heights, Ohio on 2018-02-12 03:30:00 – Alternately flashing colored lights, slowly descending, early morning hours

Synopsis:While going in and out of my back patio to throw away garbage into our trash bin in the early morning hours, approximately 3:30 am about february 12th or close to it, a flashing light was seen in the southwest sky at a distance by my roommate. he casually stated that every time he sees flashing lights in the distance at night he has always wondered if they could be ufos. from the living room i told him that he’s probably only seeing an airplane since we are near both the wright-patterson afb and because the dayton int’l airport is not far away. he replied that he did not think this was an airplane. so, i went out and took a look to see what it was he was seeing. after some careful observation it was obvious that this was not an airplane. at first i thought it might simply be a drone, but it stayed in one position, was jiggling over a tiny area in the sky, was flashing various colored lights, and was very slowly descending. there was no noise that i could notice. i went to get my binoculars and we both took turns looking at the object. it was difficult to determine just how far away it was, but considering my perception of its size it would seem that it was approximately two to three miles away, otherwise the object would have been immense. although we did not have a tripod for the binoculars we tried to be as still as possible so that we could get a clear look. despite our attempt to eliminate any and all jitter it seemed that the object itself was jittering because even when we compared it with other nearby stationary objects which we were able to keep clearly in view, the object itself was in fact jiggling around like a bug over a light. it jiggled up, down, left, right, around in circles, but only over a relatively small area. in fact we could only see the jiggling when we looked through the binoculars because with the naked eye it appeared to be hovering and stationary. we are confident that the jiggling was not caused by us because there were trees in a nearby view in the binoculars and we had the trees perfectly still in the sight, but the unidentified object was itself jiggling. for the sake of comparison, if i were to have extended my arm and placed the tip of my pinky finger over the object it would be seen to have jiggled around in an area only equal to the size of the tip of that finger. in other words, it was not jiggling around over the entire sky, it was only moving this way over a very very tiny area. it was also alternately flashing red, green, yellow, white, and orange lights, although i do not remember the sequence. we both watched it for about twenty minutes during which time it was slowly descending, all the while the lights continued flashing in various colors, and the object continued jiggling as it hovered. we both came to the conclusion that this was definitely not an airplane or helicopter because it remained hovering over one area for at least a half hour and made no noise. we also feel that it could not have been a drone due to its relative size. we have been searching the web over the past week to see if there were any other reports of this object but have not found any, to our disappointment. perhaps nobody else was awake at that hour and was not looking outside which means we were the only ones to witness this. we both mused that this must be an extraterrestrial craft of some sort and spent the remainder of our time awake discussing the possibility of life on other worlds, what it would be like to interact with an extraterrestrial entity, whether we’d ever seen a ufo before, and expressing a hope to see it again, but alas we have not. this is the first time in my life that i feel confident stating that i saw a ufo

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