Sheldan Nidle – March 20, 2018

Selamat Balik. A new day is being born. Lightworkers and their allies now understand that victory approaches. For a very long time the prophecies foretold this now-inevitable victory. It is a time when your prosperity is to be released and a new way of doing things is to become the least of your worries. Lightworkers understand this new scenario and welcome the demise of the cabal with ease and with grace. This is a time for new governments, as well as for another stage in our forthcoming ascension. In this new age, the nature of corruption is quickly changing our ways of doing things. Consciousness is moving toward peace, prosperity and freedom. An ever-expanding consciousness is now bringing about a new way for humanity to look at itself. The old ways are no longer working. The Light has prevailed and is now forcing prosperity out into the open. More and more, people are waking up and no longer choosing to serve the old system.

The intent of these new frequencies is to make impossible the old ways of starting a war. It is creating a fresh approach to an old diplomatic art. Geopolitics is not working anymore. Consciousness is growing exponentially. In so doing, it continues to alter our former view of ourselves. Consciousness is moving ever closer to a revitalized way of perception. These new frequencies are to allow the old cabal to fade away, ushering in a glorious Victory, and new-found freedom. While these are still ongoing, your victory is assured. It is yet another sign of your growing consciousness and the new-found powers of your heart/brain connection. As consciousness grows, the modus operandi of secret societies and dark governments, of keeping the people in the dark, slowly fades as the new way of transparency becomes the norm.