Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 23 March 2018

For some time now much has been happening behind the scenes, and if anything has increased as the dark Ones are removed so as to ensure that the needed changes can go ahead without interference. Over a long period matters have been formed so that they could manipulate events and turn them to their advantage. Those days are almost over and they are no longer the power that they used to be. In the meantime no opportunity has been overlooked in establishing a web of Light that will be fully activated at the appropriate time. More support for the Light workers has arrived and their influence will help speed up the changes.

You may have noticed that in general there is now a move away from the “blood and thunder” days, and at every level there is now a more peaceful approach to implementing the changes. It has been a major challenge to overcome the activities of those who desire to keep hold of the old ways, and do all they can to hold back progress. However, they cannot stop it and it is ordained that the New Age will replace the old with that which is new, and will establish a system based on compassion and love. You will see a fairer society emerge, that is going to be led by those who have proven their allegiance to establishing the Light in all forms of governance.

The changes represent a major challenge, but those souls that are carrying mankind forward are strong willed and supported by legions of the Light. They cannot fail to achieve success and the result of their efforts will become known in due course. Changes are occurring all over the world and at first glance it may appear chaotic, but what you cannot see is the overall view and the necessity for what is happening. Be assured that all is making good progress and before long you will be made more aware of what is taking place. The secrecy surrounding work such as that still going on in the Antartica will be unable to be maintained for much longer. It is part of your history and as such you should be entitled to know what is happening.