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Karen Anderson

What Happens to our Pets When they Die?

Our animals–our dogs, cats and other pets–truly become part of the family. What happens to our beloved pets when they die? Will we see them again when we pass away? Can they communicate with us from the other side?

Thursday, March 8th, 2018 at 10:30 pm ET, join the resolute seeker of truth, René Barnett of NightVision Radio invites animal communicator Karen Anderson to help us discover how pets feel about death and so much more.


Karen Anderson is a professional Animal Communicator, Psychic and Medium from the Eastern Washington area. She discovered that she had psychic abilities and could talk to the animals at a very young age.

Born and raised in Southern California, Karen surrounded herself with many beloved animals over the years and learned how to understand their thoughts and feelings.

As her career path took her into the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Karen realized that her psychic skills enabled her to read the energy of the suspects and criminals she dealt with while she was a deputy sheriff in Bailey, Colorado.

A full time Animal Communicator since 2002, Karen has logged well over 12,000 sessions as of January 2015. She provides her clients with incredibly detailed private consultations and refers to her style of readings as an ‘Evidential Medium’ as she strives to obtain evidence and actual facts for her clients

The Amazing Afterlife of Animals: Loving Messages From Our Pets During Their Lives and From the Other Side

This is a ground-breaking book written by a leading psychologist and animal communicator, about the love and wisdom of animals.

What happens to our pets after they die?

Is there another realm where they coexist with our departed loved ones?

Are they happy and free from pain?

Internationally known Animal Communicator and Psychic Medium, Karen Anderson, reveals tantalizing evidence that our pets communicate with us before and after their physical death.
Will their messages prove that their eternal spirit remains connected to us after death?
You be the judge.
Discover how pets feel about death, euthanasia, cremation, reincarnation and so much more.

Was it their time to die?

Do the pets we’ve had to euthanize forgive us?
Included are actual sessions with departed animals sharing their loving and insightful messages.

You will also learn how to work through your grief and move into a place of healing.
The purity of the animal’s messages may surprise you and they may even present new perspectives about life after death.

Discover how deeply your pets love you and how the bonds of love never die as you journey into the amazing afterlife of animals.

What messages await you? – Get the Book!

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The post Karen Anderson appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.

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