Channeling E.T. Messages Through Beautiful Art

Wednesday, March 21st, 2018 at 11 pm ET, the genial prolocutor and voice of California MUFON Radio, Lorien Fenton invites E.T. communicator Cassandra Vanzant to share the messages extra-terrestrial beings passes on to her through her artwork.


Cassandra Vanzant | Channeling E.T. Messages Through Beautiful Art

Cassandra Vanzant is a Psychic, medium, channel and artist for the E.T.’s, author, speaker, and internet radio personality. Cassandra’s journey began twenty-five years ago after her near death event. This passage awakened her psychic and channeling abilities. Over the years Cassandra sought answers and insights from this experience into the unknown realms from her spirit guides, angels, and extraterrestrials she encountered while out-of-body.

This soul-searching undertaking produced Cassandra’s highly intuitive gifts of psychic revelations, mediumship, channeling spirit guides, angels, extraterrestrials, speaking in the galactic language, and a talent for expressive art that is alive with the frequency of the extraterrestrial subjects… –

Messages from the Extraterrestrial Cards

Messages from the Extraterrestrial Cards by Cassandra Vanzant

Cassandra Vanzant, The E.T. Communicator and artist, channel, psychic, and medium, shares the extraterrestrial images and messages that were channeled for you by these galactic Beings.

Whether you enjoy the vibrantly-colored art work, or need insight to a question, the information will shift your focus with these higher-dimensional Being’s wisdom. – Get the Book!

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The post Cassandra Vanzant appeared first on Inception Radio Network | UFO & Paranormal Talk Radio.