Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday February 28th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Albuquerque, New Mexico on 2007-08-15 21:05:00 – Flew overhead no sound or strange lights glowed

Synopsis: I was homeless at the time living in the corner of a parking lot with permission in a hooch and it was hot so i was outside looking at the stars and the 3 objects flew overhead same size & color (cream colored) didn’t make a sound took me a second to realize what i saw. these were not any type of aircraft i know of. i am a vet so i know what planes and helicopters look like.I wasn’t scared more amazed than anything.Never thought i would see any, even been to roswell. if anything they are probably drones considering how they fly, high speed sharp manoeuvres.They just flew overhead out of sight.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Lewisburg, West Virginia on 2009-12-16 02:30:00 – Abduction

Synopsis: I was taken aboard and communicated with beings from another world or dimension

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Omaha, Nebraska on 2018-02-18 20:30:00 – Green ball in sky

Synopsis: 1. at 90th st. driving west. 2. bright green glowing ball in sky 3. though it was a ufo from the beginning 4. just appeared in the sky to the west, then disappeared. 5. it didn’t affect me personally. 6. it went dark

Headline #4: Alien Encounter in Farwell, Michigan on 2017-08-13 00:00:00 – Terrifying

Synopsis: At around 2:30 am on a saturday morning in august of 2017. i woke up to go to the bathroom like anybody would at 2:30 am waking up. so, when i was walking up my stairs, when i opened the basement door, i immediately attached to something, and whatever it was, it carried me to my backyard. when the thing was carrying me on its shoulder to my backyard, i saw 6 red-orange glowing objects in the sky and they were just hovering there making no noise, and the 6 glowing objects were in a v shape formation, but with no lead tip part of the v shape formation.


i did some research online that day, and no ufo sightings were reported, and also no military activities on that day it happened. so anyways, a platform dropped and once thing stepped onto the platform, i blacked out, and everything turned white. from what i remember, i woke up with humanoid like figures looking down at me, and once i had woken up, i couldn’t move anything but my eyes. then i blacked out again, and everything turned white again. i remember one more thing and that thing was waking up (once i waked up, i couldn’t move any part of my body except my eyes) at what looked like some type of alien science fair with professional looking scientists. i don’t think that they’ve noticed me whilst i was looking around. these beings looked like the grey beings that we would describe as tall and grey. when i woke up, they were all clapping as if they’ve accomplished something using me. i believe that these beings, whoever they are, are preparing me for something big that i don’t know of.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Clear Lake, Indiana on 1988-06-18 00:00:00 – Observed object going to the east, odd looking.,incredible rate of speed.Not a shooting star.Two to three minutes later going west , now with a v shaped squadron of jets 5 to be exact in pursuit

Synopsis: My son, his friend and myself were going to my uncles cabin in clear lake indiana, around june 20th of 1988.We were driving from the detroit suburbs, we arrived around 1130 pm.The cottage was 30 yards from the water, the boys were out on the dock looking at the sky, it was a beautiful summer night.I was unloading the car, my son yelled to me dad come quick,i had to run down a small incline and out to the dock, that went about 10 feet out in the water.My son said there is something that just flew in the sky at an incredible speed we cant explain,it would have been in an easterly direction. now when i got there i saw nothing, but we just stood there looking upward at the sky for maybe 10 minutes, beautiful summer night etc.Well i was thinking lets wrap this night up, then from right to left going at a mind boggling speed this object flew in front of are eyes, now in my lifetime i have seen blue fireballs in the tampa florida area, shooting stars, and in oregon in 1973 the comet spelled with a k, cant prononce it.This was none of those things.In maybe a 10 second time period there comes a squadron of 5 jets , in a v formation, in pursuit, now this whole sequence lasted maybe 15 seconds, i would swear on a stack of bibles to what the 3 of us saw. are reactions to this were did we just see this event,know one will believe us,and this is really, really cool.We lost sight because it was going upward, on an angle, the jets they just flew out of our sight eventually.The next i didnt think to call a airforce base or anything like that, or even ask anybody on the water if they saw anything.I just can say this this event is still clear in my mind,and my son and i still bring this sighting up to one another.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Linton & Lynmouth, England on 2016-05-31 00:00:00 – Disc

Synopsis: These photo’s were taken on holiday nearly two years ago. while looking closer at them today,i noticed the strange object. i did’nt know i had captured this object on my camera at the time.

Headline #7: Black Triangle Sighting in NZ on 2017-03-14 19:30:00 – Propulsion system seemed to also be an accelerator with coloured orbs that shot out of the ship. ship hovered, didn’t land

Synopsis: A group of particle physicists and geneticists have created a spacecraft and are currently residing in space.They are running an extermination program for people they don’t want on this planet. i am being hunted by the spacecraft,it is black, triangular and larger than a stadium. they have a particle accelerator beam aimed at the earth, they can aim it at more than 1 person at a time. the beam is cold, translucent in appearance, contains a magnetic field, can travel long distances in seconds.


They use the beam to excite and accelerate the particles in your body that produce chemical reactions (convulsions), before extracting heat,light (particles) and charge.Convulsions are electrical reactions. they are constantly extracting me everyday, if it continues, my vital functions will shut down. convulsions create a magnetic field around the body, because they have taken too many convulsions and have weakened them, i also have a weak magnetic field.Consequently the fields of other people are now able to extract my convulsions like the beam.Examples of convulsions taken – convulsions from the heart and brain. this is a chemical reaction and people have no idea they are doing it, even when you try to tell them – in order to get assistance. when you don’t have enough convulsions and convulse weakly, people don’t believe anything you say and don’t want to help (as their chemical convulsions respond to your own convulsions like a scent, wireless message) their behaviors become predatory, some will chase you, remove your property. due to having a weakened field, i can’t be around any living thing with a field, which is impossible where i live.If someone could suggest a particle physicist and bioengineer who could make a suit resistant to accelerated particle fields with convulsive neurocircuits and a magnetic field inside it, it would be much appreciated.If anyone knows of someone who could create a magnetic field to put over a living space, it would be much appreciated also. i also require a geneticist to (along with a physicist) to repair the damage done to my body and make me convulsive again. my condition can be proven with a heart and brain monitor, a device that senses and monitors particles in the body and the environment including convulsions (can compare convulsions of another person and myself). if you were to set the equipment up with me and another person, you would instantly see that my particles are being extracted by their field.

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Kingston, Wisconsin on 2018-02-20 20:00:00 – Giant orb the color of setting sun size of moon crossed i’m front of car lit up entire mint farm like it was day time. both occupants first time believer’s

Synopsis: Heading east on hwy b from marquette to kingston with old mint farm on both sides of the road. the giant orb was the size of the moon but was the color of the sun it moved from right to left and it lit up the coal black soil of the farm as if it were day time. neither occupants of the automobile had ever seen a ufo and neither believed they existed . “it was definitely a ufo and it was bright as the sun”. “we believe now”. me and my friends have been ridiculed badly but seeing is believing!

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in London, England on 2010-04-15 23:45:00 – Two lights the size of cars (ford focus) had spikes of light coming out and going back in liquid like flying up and down the street i watched for 5 mins then i said i see you under my breath at that point both lights came above me no noise then took off

Synopsis: Two white lights the size of cars (ford focus) had spikes of light coming out and going back in liquid like flying up and down the street spinning around with each other as if they where playing so to speak i watched for 5 mins then i said “i see you” under my breath at that point both lights came above me no noise then took off upwards turning orange then completely disappeared. me and my wife came back from the moves around 11:45 parked up and got out the car they where 4-5 feet higher then the houses not hard to miss my wife was scared and ran in doors i was interested and carried on to watch the hole thing lasted 5 mins no sound i had a calm warm feeling as i watched.There was icelandic volcanic ash cloud alert grounded uk flights at the time so all air ports where closed as far as i know. never need seen them again.

Headline #10: Black Triangle Sighting in Kirkby Stephen, England on 2017-12-16 17:30:00 – Driving down a66 and i see bright green lights

Synopsis: driving along a66 westbound, when out the rear left passenger window i see something in the sky that was flying along side us also going west. it had bright green lights (atleast 2) that werent blinking or flashing they were just on. and it also had 2 red flashing lights, 1 would flash on then turn off, as 1st one turned off the second turned on, and it repeated this pattern until it got ahead of us, where i could no longer see green but there was a faint red light in the sky, still flashing the red lights, this time it was: off, on (1 red light im guessing), and then brighter than the previous (2 lights) too dark for photos but there were other aircraft in the sky at the same period, this was bigger (or closer) and didnt match the navigation light patterns of those the green lights formed an upright pyramid, and the red lights were around the middle/bottom side

Headline #11:Black Triangle Sighting in Altoona, Florida on 2018-02-19 00:00:00 – Lights and brown-out throughout the whole county then large city-like ship quickly disappears

Synopsis: To explain this first off, i have no evidence i can submit to you except the fact that the bombing range in our area is heavily barricaded right now when normally the roads surrounding are open access. they issue statements in the paper here in town when they will be bombing. this time it says “testing” and to not go into the woods or there will be prosecution. so, last night i was walking to the gas station near the house for some smokes and saw lights and thought it was cops, but saw no car and realized it was far away, toward the direction of the ocala national forest. then i witnessed a brown-out right after and apparently this stretched county wide and further somehow. i saw some massive object just leave and by time i heard a lowww bass-y noise it was gone. my parents have witnessed this craft a few times in the past year. they came clean to me about it, and they are straight-laced christians. they would not like to be contacted in any way though. i on the other hand will offer you proof of places and times you may be able to witness something yourself indefinitely. there is also major emp presence around here. picked that up from an anonymous source. thank you for your time and hope you take this seriously.

Headline #12:  True Alien Stories

Synopsis: A Bright Light

“My senior year of high school my best friend and I were at her home in Florida. This is the part of my story where some credibility could be lost, my friend and I decided this particular day that we were going to make weed brownies. I am not going to get into how they were made or even really focus on that. After the brownies were done we ate a couple and then our day just disappeared. I don’t know what happened. I just remember both of us waking up in her bed scared. There was a bright light and a humming noise coming from outside of her window. We were so scared, I remember her and I cuddling together and her saying, “I will give you 20 dollars to go check on my family.” Of course I declined. This light was bright like someone was pulled up right next to her bedroom window and shining their car’s brights into her room. There was a hum, loud enough to be noticed- but yet no one else in her house woke up! This is where the story gets weird. Her bedroom window was behind tall bushes. There was a tree almost directly in front of her window and a fence surrounding her property which was about 6 feet from the tree. There is no possible way a vehicle could have been in her yard. Her window and house were far enough from the road that even if a car was on the road shining it’s brights in the direction of her window it could not be that dramatic. The light and noise lasted what seemed like forever, but in reality was only several minutes. For years, I forgot about the experience, well a better explanation is that I just didn’t think about it and blamed the weed. I lost an entire day of my life, and when i came to I was lying in a bed scared with a bright light shining into a window which wasn’t feasible given the circumstances, accompanied by a humming. If I was not abducted, my friend and I witnessed someone in her house being abducted. What’s even stranger is that, as an adult I realized I have this special ability to break electronics just by being near them or touching them. I’ve always referred to myself as a “white noise”. After reading symptoms of abductees, I realized that it’s common. I’ve eaten weed brownies before and after, and nothing has ever happened to me like that before. I’m a skeptic about the whole abduction thing, but this was unexplainable from a logical standpoint. The fact that two of us experienced it- the same thing, one of us being a psychologist now, and the other working in journalism… just weird.”


Two Days Vanished

“I remember it was the 5th-7th of June two years ago. On the 5th I lived a normal day and was preparing for a friends birthday in two days. Then I woke up to find myself on the 7th. When I checked the calendar, I wrote notes in my hand writing (though shaky) on the 6th. My friends all said I seemed depressed and not myself the day before, though I have no memory of it. I supposedly did everything I planned to on the 6th and was prepared for the party. I was freaked out having absolutely no memory of the day but forgot about it for a while. If it hadn’t been for what happened afterwards I would have assumed it was a boring day or I had some brain spasm. Anyway what brought me to this sub is a recurring dream I started having close to New Years that year. It started out faded and short but on later “replays” of the dream I had more and more details leading to a very vivid dream. I normally had this dream after a powerful emotional day. Anyway the dream in short is me held lying down with invisible restraints and loud static that occasionally sounded like a random word in different accents. “Baa” “fear” ” tame” “Brian” (I don’t even know a Brian). All I saw was darkness but it felt like looking at a bright light with closed eyes, where something is shining through. I’m thinking of seeing a hypnotist.” – sadsplinter

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