Here is the UFO Headline News for Wednesday February 21st, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Port Orchard, Washington on 2018-02-11 21:05:00 – Glowing orange two overlapping orb or ball like fire balls in flight path horizontal above tree line lower than all airplanes but no sound and speed too slow for plane. three witnesses

Synopsis: i went outside to our guest house to talk to my daughter and asked her to come outside to speak with me. as we were speaking we both within moments noticed this apparition that appeared to be two or type shapes of fire overlapping on each other that appeared to be approximately 500 to 600 feet away at about 835° angle above the tree line off to the distance approaching from almost to do north which continued to last close to 45 seconds to 55 seconds so long that we were able to call out her friend from her cabin to come out and witness this occurrence as well which maybe we shouldn’t because she got really freaked out and me and my daughter proceeded to have a conversation about why that’s not an airplane and how old it was because it was completely dead so i went outside and you could almost always hear some type lights off in the distance as soon as we noticed that and then we’re discussing it we could start to hear planes approaching from all the way to the north again which is our left and another plane that’s coming all the way from a right which were flying about three times as high as this double fireball thing and i was thinking how weird it was that the planes didn’t notice it but then i realize that it was way lower altitude than what they were and they can’t see underneath them selves it was just super weird and my daughter and i had the conversation that that was for sure something that was not what we know of

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Georgia on 2017-09-12 05:30:00 – At first thought it was a star but then saw its beam of light change direction blew my fucking mind really watched from 530 am till 845am

Synopsis: Was in culloden ga 530 am taking the ole lady to watch the deer come feed when i noticed what i thought was a star the beam of light change direction of course i had the ole lady check for jus to make sure the eyes weren’t playing tricks on me we watched it at i’d say 150 yards away come down to earth not land but connect or hook up to something an watched it pull something in the shape of an l which by the way the whatever the fuck it was was having a difficult time at first lots of yanking an snatching now before the sun started to appear u could make out what it had picked up but after the sun was up it’s like it vanished an all u could see was a silver grey metallic looking object going off into the sky as if u had let a balloon go while watching there was another object that flew by an i’d mayb every 50-100 yards five lights would flash on the bottom i’ve done some studying on my own an i mean it’s hard to explain this to anyone cause everyone like wtf were u on bro but it’s real an i may had took to much of a likening to it by watching every ite for atleast 4 months an it absolutely blew my mind i kno of three places in south ga where i go an watch them come out of the ground an i’m talking all different kinds of objects i’ve been as close as 10 feet i like to get up close so i kno what i’m looking at itl blow ur mind i mean jus think of recoding a video an when u press stop the video is automatically deleted now how the fuck whatever thoses things are know what my phone is doing idk but yes i would love to sho someone what i see not jus every now an then i’m talking about every fucking day keep it real cause they are real

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in WAHGOSHIG FIRST NATIONS, Ontario on 2018-02-11 10:50:00 – My mom called me outside while there was three red lights flying or hovering beside a satellite then seemed to turn around then come back again all in the same spot then just vanish like it never existed

Synopsis: I was at home, watching netflix then my mom called me outside while having a smoke , and this was all around 10:50 10:45 pm, she notices three red loghts all aligned and close to each other so it was one ship, and it couldn’t of been an airplane or helicopter what such object had three lights , and flying in one spot, and being able to turn direction, i first thought it was a ufo, i’m a firm believer of aliens , and objects like that and the whole experience itself was most definitely a ufo , well the object was beside this satellite or some star but it was blinking , then the red lights were facing me and my mom, pretty far but you were able to see it , then the lights just stayed aligned but it was moving around in circles or some wierd motion, then it was obvious to see it turned slowly , but then came back to the same direction , then slowly turned around again and bam it was gone, i didn’t feel scared i was more excited, maybe even fascinated, but then a few moments go by as it vanished and this blinking object was slowly moving around, maybe it could have been a airplane this time, but i’d really doubt it , i feel like it was another ufo , just it flew different , and had one light , and seemed much much closer, i lost the sight of it because it vanished itself.

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Indiana, Pennsylvania on 2018-02-11 21:30:00 – Noticed a light shining so bright in the sky out my dining window that it projected in on my walls.

Synopsis: Decided to look out window after having a weird feeling of being watched. once i looked out a bright light appeared with a quick flash and become so reflectively bright that it cast into my walls from the brightness. it then continued to hover for a long period over a unit of apartments. it was about 70 or more feet above the units (may be more or less but thats my guesstimate). videos and photos both were captured tonite. this made no sound at all, completely silent. it continued to hover completely still with the exception of additional lights occasionally cast near it. also appeared to be an orb or something fast flow infront of the light but for a quick second (was captured on video also). (noise in the video are only background noises from inside my house, not the outside lights).

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Santa Rosa, California on 2018-02-06 00:00:00 – Noticed a yellow orb like craft with a foggy haze on a crystal clear night,traveling from the west going east. observed til zippin away leaving huge gas vapors

Synopsis: Noticed a yellow orb like craft with foggy haze on a crystal clear night,traveling from the west going east. watched it for 5 min traveling southwest in a eastern direction until it vanished in front of my eyes, leaving a huge gas like wake with ripples in the sky. almost like a boat would make. don’t know if it was a ufo but it was very interesting

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in West Kilbride, Scotland on 2017-10-03 22:10:00 – Multiple bright white lights shimmering and dancing about the sky

Synopsis: I was walking up my street to my house with my then pregnant ex girlfriend coming back from the shops, it was about 10pm, then we noticed multiple bright white lights (about 16 of them) dancing and shimmering and moving about the sky. it was really weird and at first it reminded me of something i’d seen when i was younger, when i was about 10 a nightclub was opening near where i lived and for their opening night they pointed a strong strobe light at the sky which gave the impression of some sort of craft spinning in the sky. that event was even in the local newspapers at the time saying many locals had been shocked and confused as the lights from the new nightclub’s opening night were mistaken for a ufo. i then thought it was maybe someone pointing something out their window, some sort of toy or something but the longer we stared at it dumbfounded the more it was becoming apparent that what we were seeing was not of this world or known to science. it appeared to be intelligently controlled but more than that it appeared to be independent, more like an energy than a craft. it was so bizarre yet it was one of the most beautiful and amazing things i have ever seen. there were about 16 small lights all moving about, jostling, dancing and as daft as this sounds there was something mischievous about the way they moved about. they would be waltzing about each other then one would shoot out then move back in to the main cluster. the biggest difference between what i seen when i was younger and this was the human made light machine all the lights moved in sync but these things we seen all moved about independently. as we walked up my street the lights which were probably about no more than 30 metres above the ground moved away from us down the street. it could have been coincidence and the lights could have been going that way anyway but as we moved towards them they moved away from us. we got to my door and the lights had moved to beyond the bottom of my street and were above a clearing of trees. we stood at my door and were treated to a beautiful display of these lights dancing and shimmering in the night sky. my girlfriend agreed that it was amazing and beautiful and she also had no idea what it was though she was a little frightened by it, i think probably just the unknown aspect of it. i felt the opposite, i felt that it was benevolent and it made me feel at ease. after watching it for about 10 minutes the lights started to disappear one and two at a time, when there was about 10 left a much bigger white light just appeared out of the blue and the smaller lights started to go into the bigger one. it got down to about 4 or 5 small lights left dancing about for another few minutes then they went into the bigger light and the bigger one over the space of about a minute got bigger and brighter then just disappeared. just like that it was gone. my girlfriend and i couldn’t believe what we had seen, we went into my house and spoke about it all night while i stayed glued to the window hoping to catch another glimpse. we just couldn’t work out what it was but both agreed it was intelligent and probably an energy but maybe a craft of some sort. we didn’t think it could be man made therefore wouldn’t be secret military technology. i believed in ufos beforehand but this experience definitely cemented my belief, there is no doubt in my mind now that extraterrestrial and/or inter dimensional intelligences are visiting this planet. it kind of frustrated me at 1st because i always thought that if i ever seen a ufo it would be a nuts and bolts craft but as this was lights its much harder for me to comprehend what it was. though now i am just grateful to have witnessed it. i’m glad my ex girlfriend was there as i would probably doubt myself and explain it away if it was just me who seen it. i think it is worth mentioning that this happened just above and near a wind farm and was about 30 minutes away from a nuclear power station. i don’t know how relevant that is but i think its worth mentioning. also less than 2 weeks laterthough i think it could have been under a week later the british army conducted military training excercises off the west coast of scotland, very close to where i live and where this happened. i don’t think there’s any significance in this as i think the drills had been planned long before this date. the full event lasted about 15 minutes. it is mine and my ex girlfriends 1st and only sighting. we shared a phone at the time and had left it in the house we didn’t get any pictures. obviously i prefer people to believe me but if they don’t then that’s up to them. i have seen 2 videos of similar ufos online but different in the fact that the ones i seen all moved about whereas the ones online are all static and flashing on and off etc. it was the most beautiful and amazing thing i’ve ever seen.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Arizona on 2018-02-16 00:00:00 – I believe alien abduction

Synopsis: I do not know if i was dreaming or if truly had an encounter of the fourth kind( i am in law school so believe me i am not looking for any kind of attention or publicity). i was in my bed laying down getting ready to sleep when there was a big vibration at my home(and i know this is true because when i woke up i some of my belongings were knocked down). i ignored the vibration and went to sleep when i suddenly felt my body shake very hard and tense up, i was paralyzed and couldn’t move. what i remember is me trying to move my body and to turn the ceiling lights on because i was very afraid of something but it was if my body was tied down by gravity. what i believe i saw were some humanoid(what we know as greys) and or reptilian being that we’re surrounding me doing who knows what. it was as if i was conscious of what was going on but my eye sight was very cloudy. i felt my body shake again and become very tight and all of a sudden i could move my body and wake up. what i remember is hearing my truck and neighbors cars alarms going off and my body was very soar. i have been watching movies, videos, and stories about aliens just like everyone else does so i believe i might have just been having a nightmare but i am posting this because it felt very real to me. again i am not looking for positive and or negative attention/publicity i am posting this mostly to make me relax a bit because i am still a little scared. please do not ask me more about the story this is all that i know of, it all took place in phoenix arizona.

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Mumbai, Maharashtra on 2018-02-16 09:38:00 – I waz walking fr home after gym in morning i just looked up in the sky i saw a white ballon like object in the sky which waz not kind of hovering in the high sky i thought it waz baloon but it wsnt

Synopsis: I waz walking fr home after gym in morning i just looked up in the sky i saw a white ballon like object in the sky which waz not kind of hovering in the high sky i thought it waz baloon but it wsnt…It waz high up in the sky…I showed it 2 my friend also we thought it waz a balloon but it waz not moving…It waz there n there n thn it vanished.. i waz not carrying my mobile to gym or else would hai shot it in a video

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Picayune, Mississippi on 2018-01-31 06:02:00 – Sighting of ufo under super blue blood moon

Synopsis: i live in the usa (picayune, mississippi), attached are my blueblood moon pictures showing an flying object. did not come out very clear 🙁 however i did see something very strange and tried to catch in the picture. then i tried to do a video but the video would not come out because it was still to dark. as i was taking pictures, this red glowing thing was zipping around very fast high underneath the moon on the left. it was not a airplane because this red glowing object was flying up, down, and sideways so freaking fast i couldn’t catch up with it with my camera so i just started snapping pictures real fast in hopes i would get at least one picture of it, then it just vanished. i did catch it in a picture but i am disappointed that it came out blurry. i guess it was because i was trying to keep up with it by moving my camera around to get a picture. however, i just read an news article from express news uk stating nasa caught a object coming from the left side of the moon and it was believed to be a ufo. it was exciting to read that because it confirms that i truly saw something zipping around underneath the left side of the moon!

Headline #10: UFO Sighting in McGregor, Texas on 2017-07-18 01:00:00 – It was late at night when i was stargazing with this girl, when suddenly my eyes locked onto this slow moving object in the sky. initially i thought it was a plane but the flight pattern was to bizarre for it to be any man piloted vehicle

Synopsis: It was late at night when i was stargazing with this girl, when suddenly my eyes locked onto this slow moving object in the sky. initially i thought it was a plane but the flight pattern was to bizarre for it to be any man piloted vehicle.I was overcome with joy as i realized it was a u.F.O. i continued to observe it for quite some time(a few hours) and i suddenly had this compelling feeling that i should leave. something just didn’t feel right and i wanted to get out of there.

Headline #11: UFO Sighting in Napa, California on 2018-02-15 19:10:00 – Looking at a bright “planet” above the big dipper, then it brightened and “turned off” like a light bulb

Synopsis: Looking at a bright “planet” above the big dipper, then it brightened and “turned off” like a light bulb. i know it was a ufo because i have seen them up close,maneuver… land and take off sometimes going straight up to a pinpoint in a nano second.

Headline #12: UFO Sighting in Springfield, Missouri on 2018-01-30 00:00:00 – Orange orb followed by an aircraft

Synopsis: I was at the stop light at glenstone and kearney i was looking toward the walmart parking lot and notice above the walmart and orange orb that appeared to be followed by an aircraft. both crafts were traveling east the plane had the flashing light common on aircraft and i could see the outline of it. the other craft was orange and round but didn’t have clear edges. they both continued east about 1 minute then the orange craft within 5 seconds sped up and completely disappeared the plane continued east on the same path. i looked at the car next to me but the didn’t seem to have noticed.

Headline #13: Texting ghost story

Synopsis: For insight, I’m a teen from Arizona, practically the most boring state in the country, and this happened earlier this month, so this story is still fresh in my mind… I will feature screenshots to validate this story but they are not needed for the horror of this experience.

I awake to about 10 notifications from my phone. Mostly Twitter. One caught my eye. I saw that I had a message from my texts and I immediately tap it to see what it was. I have notifications from a group chat with 2 people besides myself. I will use their real first names because it makes it easier with the screenshots. Melina and Aniken. I see texts from aniken and Melina talking. Aniken repeats the message “I killed them all” and when Melina asks “you killed who?” he says “I killed the angels. This has me creeped out and soon I start chatting with them.

Melina says the strangest thing. She says that I said something eight times and she didn’t know what it was. She put the message into google translate and it was polish. I haven’t taken polish classes and I have no clue what she is talking about since on my screen i haven’t said anything strange. She says that it means “I killed the angels”. I freak out and I call Melina. We talk about it; and keep in mind we are in the middle of one of the hottest summer’s and I have crappy AC, suddenly the room gets SO cold that I have to go outside. The call fades to white noise and my phone just powers off. This is strange since my phone doesn’t overheat and it was more than halfway charged. I take a stroll outside. I come back home and it is still cold. This is about a half hour later. My phone now turns on and I have no notifications. I am weirded out at this point and I set my phone to charge. I watch a movie and a bit later after doing things it’s getting dark.

As it gets dark I remember to take a walk outside, as I do it every night. I get my hoodie and shoes on and I set off. I had my phone with me keep in mind. As I’m walking I hear a voice. Like one of those voices you would expect a creepy person to have. I turn around, because I have no idea who is behind me. Lo and behold nobody is there. I turn back around and I get a flash of cold and fear. I shudder as I see a stalky figure of a man in front of me. He wasn’t there before. I say the figure of a man because they or he was completely black and faded into the air like a shadow. His neck twists to the side in an inhuman way and I see it’s jaw move and it says in the creepiest voice I have ever heard…

I killed them all

I killed the angels

None of them can save you now

I blackout and I wake up on the ground with one of the people on the block shaking me. She had a kind smile and she asked me if i were alright. I didn’t respond out of shock. She asked me where I lived and I pointed to the direction not saying anything. She leads me home as she explains how she found me on the side of the small road through the residence. We get to my home and my mother is at the door worried sick. She yells at me in Spanish while she is crying. She yelled in spanish while the years streamed down her face


I proceed to tell her what had happened to me. I was still in utter shock and at first she looked at me and I don’t think she believed me but to my surprise she did. Nothing else interesting happened after that.

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