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UFO Headline News Tuesday February 27th, 2018

Here is the UFO Headline News for Tuesday February 27th, 2018

Headline #1: Black Triangle Sighting in Hwa jeong duk yang ku , on 2018-02-20 00:00:00 – It has appeared for consecutive 5 years around the north area of seoul every night.

Synopsis: Last may, one night i looked up to the sky to see the stars in front of my house. then, suddenly i happened to see the blinking slowly flying object in the sky around at 9 p.M. at first i thought it was just a helicopter or something but to my surprise it didn’t make any noise. it was so bizarre. after that incidence, in fact, i could often see the thing around 2 or 3 times a week on average. one day i made up my mind to have a better look at it so i climbed up the mountain and succeeded to see it very closely. its shape is a black right triangle and three blinking lights on its three corners with a faint red light in the center. its size is approximately bigger than a helicopter but not that bigger than a plane. as i said earlier it shows up every night regardless of weather conditions – clear or cloudy, hot or cold, rainy or snowy. it seems like it is searching for its missing fragments or its missing comrades. it has a routine traveling course and rough time tables orbiting the town. it usually flies over the mountains or military facilities – especially u.S.A ones- laughing at human weapon systems. it may sound foolish, but i think it is conscious of me and watches my activities because it follows wherever i go. i always get a hunch it’s going to be imminent wherever i am. i tried to let korean major news agency posted about this. but they are reluctant to go deeper. if you want video clips of the btu i’ll be glad to send them. i have lots of video clips. it is not a mystical thing anymore but to me is a daily matter of factual routine. if you don’t believe me you can refer to korean ufo hunter on you tube. he has also witnessed it with me most of the time. i am also anxious to know whey btu appears every night in northern kyunggi province so fervently without a day off. real area 51 is in korea!!

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Gatlinberg, Tennessee on 2018-02-18 15:02:00 – Traveling 1-40 east

Synopsis: My son sent me this pic as he took it upon entering the smokey mountains without seeing the objects in the pic. i asked him if that was a ufo and he said no he was sending a pic of the mountains. i will attach the original pic and the zoom pic.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Rancho Santa Margarita, California on 2018-02-18 00:00:00 – Silver object

Synopsis: We had just finished playing tennis @ 11am when one of the players looked up and said “what is that?” we observed the object for about 5-10 minutes. at first i thought it was silver balloons, but they weren’t gaining altitude or being moved by wind. and then, based on height and distance from us, it seemed too big to be balloons. it reminded us of this, but we couldn’t see the movement caught in this video because of distance. www.Texasufosightings.Com/new-sightings/daytime-video-of-san-antonio-ufo the photo below was taken from their video, but very much reminds us what we saw.

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Danvers, Massachusetts on 2018-02-18 22:52:00 – Fast glowing redish orange orb snaking across the night sky before abruptly moving upward and vanishing.

Synopsis: I was driving in to work at the local supermarket. i work the nightshift and so it was already late at night. as i was pulling into the parking lot i was admiring the clear starry sky on this crisp winter night. it was 32 degrees out. as i was looking out at the horizon in front of me i saw what i thought at first was a large redish orange star except it was moving. it was snaking across the sky like it was on a rollercoaster, undulating up and down going from southwest to north west. i wasn’t scared but was wondering what the hell it was?! after about 30 seconds of this it turned abruptly upward and vanished without a trace like it was swallowed up by the night sky. it didn’t look solid at all like it was made out of fire and was moving so fast it was leaving a slight light trail behind it. when i looked at my car’s clock it was 10:52 pm. i come from a family of retired fighter and private pilots and so i’m used to seeing all kinds of civilian and military aircraft which this was nothing like this. there was no lights on it but updated as if it was just made of pure light, it moved at impossible angles and was too fast to be man made. it wasn’t a meteor either because rather than fall to the earth it moved back upward towards space before disappearing and was moving too closely parallel to the horizon. i’m kind of sad i didn’t get a chance to video it as it was brief and i was slowly driving.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Calgary, Alberta on 1991-02-28 00:00:00 – Dreaming, bright light, paralyzed, blacked out, when i woke up had a wierd mark on my upper arm

Synopsis:Not sure if it matters but it has been in the back of my mind since. i am sure i was sleeping for the night…School night,and suddenly i remeber vividly having a dream where my step father and i were driving down a road in my mothers 1990 dodge minivan. my stepdad asked me to grab a map from between the seats. then the bright white light hit the van and everything powered down but the radio. i could hear the music and see the digital clock on the dash. it was 01:01. i vividly 

remeber being unable to move or talk. i could make slight noises but no words, and everything was instantly in slow motion even the car. i remeber a slight warmth from the bright light. my stepfather seemed to be like a statue. then the light got so bright everyrhing went blank. i woke up in bed. strangest part was when i started getting ready for school i couldn’t shake the weird electric feeling or sensation. i noticed in the mirror a black mark on my arm. in the center was a ellipse shape skin colour, kind of, with two almond shaped black marks on the skin tone ellipse. this was before the internet so we did not have camera’s readily available, so i tried to trace it on a piece of paper. then i scrubbed it almost raw with no result.


The mark looked like it was under my skin. like you could see a few layers of skin over it. i was scared to tell my mother due to several reasons, so i went to school. when i arrived everyrhing was normal. then i had a flash in my mind of my pencil rolling off my desk and falling in a very particular way. i was jolted by a classmate bumping me and asking if i was ok. i asked why and he siad i seemed spaced out. he kept asking if i was ok so i decided to tell him i had a wierd mark on my arm after a wierd dream. i showed him and he siad it looks like a tattoo. of course rumors started to fly that i had gotten a tattoo at the age of 13 and i was pestered by many to show them my “tattoo” which i didnt because now i was super embarrassed. i left school early and went home very upset over the entire incident. i tried to scrub the “tattoo” off and no change. i was worried if my mother saw it she would be angry so i went to bed early to avoid her. to scared to sleep, because i didnt want to have that dream again, i decided to play witb lego. next thing i remeber was i woke up in my bed, next morning. had that confused feeling as to what happened the night before. went to the bathroom to get ready for school. thats when i noticed the tattoo was gone, all evidence of me trying to scrub it was gone, no scratches or redness. i was so happy but confused. i went to school quickly to show off my arm to those who made fun of me the day before , that it wasnt a tattoo and no one seemed to know what i was talking about. the original friend inshowed it to seemed to be distant now. so now even more confused, we carried on with the day. during science class at the exact sentance from the teacher, and time, during the lesson my pencil began to roll off my desk and land the exact same way i pictured it the day before. i figured i was going crazy, chalked it up to some voodoo dejavue….And never spoke of it again because of the fear of being locked up in an insane asylum. literally.


i asked my mother if anyrhing was wierd and she thougbt i was for asking. since then, i have had a constant feeling being watched, but from the inside. like a scientist monitoring and expirement in a petri dish. more on a reasearch level. i have also had wierd sensations of being drawn to locations for no reason at all and then feeling lime i was home even if home was several thousand km away. i use this to my advantage to this day wirh help determining where my next vacation is going to be. i have always figured it may be a dream, but i have recently seen a show on mufon and some cases or parts of cases resemble experiences or thought process i have. im sure its nothing but my curiosity is peaked. did something happen or did i just eat some bad meat before bed one night many years ago?

Headline #6: Alien Encounter in Tampa, Florida on 1979-03-19 00:00:00 – Playing in playground. after event, businessmen drove up and begin cross-examining us about what we saw

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 02:46 AM PST

Synopsis: As aseven yr old, i was in bed when (awake) and everything began to go into ‘freeze-frame’ mode (for instance my father was entering my bedroom and he froze in mid-stride). i lost consciousness. the next thing i knew is my aunt found me in my bed at 10:00 the next morning and took me to her house. later that same day i was in the playground in my neighborhood hanging upside-down on monkey bars with a childhood friend. we were looking at the sky when a large shiny object came hovering over us, and very close. it soon departed. within minutes after it departed, two men in suits drove up in a government-looking sedan, and began to question us as to what we saw. they told us to forget the incident, as it was just a weather balloon. i have been living with this event for now close to forty years, and am writing a book about the series of events that happened that night and the following day.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Searcy, Arkansas on 2012-02-29 00:00:00 – Saw an object that looked like a radio tower, then realized it wasn’t

Synopsis: So this event took place in what i would approximate as march, 2012. the reason it has taken me so long to report it was because the thought never occurred to me until now, but i can still clearly picture the event as if it happened yesterday. at the time, i was living in a rural area near the town i specified in the report. we decided to go into town and buy dinner from a restaurant rather than cook something at home. i was with one other person, who was driving the vehicle, as we went into town as we so often did. it was late evening and the sun was going down. our order at the restaurant took an abnormally long time to prepare, so by the time we were heading back home it was dark out and we could see the stars above us.


we were driving back home to the rural area where we lived when the event took place. we were driving on the highway specified in the report, and up until the event our view of the sky to the southwest was obstructed by tall trees. then as we took a turn and the area to our left opened up, we could see what looked at first to be like a very tall radio or cell tower. we both remarked to each other that we didn’t remember there being a tower out there, and that’s just the thing, there wasn’t and still is not a tower out there. upon realizing this, we both began to observe the object(s) more closely. the main thing that drew our attention was a large, unwavering and immobile orange light that, from our perspective, looked to be about the size of a circular tablet of aspirin. behind it were three smaller white lights which seemed to be hovering in formation. the fact that the lights weren’t moving or flashing indicated to us that we weren’t simply seeing airplanes in the sky, and that was why we thought it was just a very tall aerial tower at first. we observed the lights for at least five minutes as we drove on the highway, but because someone was rudely tailgating us we were not able to pull off to the shoulder and take pictures or a video. this is the one part that i can’t exactly remember; whether or not we were able to see the stars in-between the formation of lights, so i’m not sure if they were four separate objects, or if they were lights on one single craft. if it was one craft, it would have to have been absolutely massive. the formation of the four lights made the shape of an almost triangular rhombus.


we both knew that we were seeing something strange, and although i can’t speak for the other witness, i felt a sense of dread and anxiety, as if i wasn’t supposed to be looking. when we got home we talked about the odd experience for a short while before going to bed, and essentially forgot about the experience. i spoke with the other witness before making this report to verify what we had seen, and it seemed like he hadn’t really thought about the experience again until i reminded him of it just tonight. i’ve thought about it a few times over the years but never felt compelled to report the sighting until now. we lost sight of the lights when we turned off of the highway on our way back home. due to the amount of trees in the area it would have been impossible to observe the lights from where we lived.

Headline #8: True Alien Stories


“Not last Valentine’s Day, but the one before, my girlfriend was attending school three hours away, so I rarely got to see her, and we planned on renting a hotel room to spend the weekend together. Everything was peachy until we went to bed, probably around 11 or so.

Sometime in the middle of the night, I don’t know when, since the alarm clock wasn’t lit up, I woke up to a kind of grey blue light coming in the window (like on an overcast fall day). Thing was, it was barely coming in the window, the hotel room was still pretty dark. Next thing I know, the door slowly, smoothly swung open, and there’s only a single glowing light coming from the hallway (which is weird, because I’ve never been in a hotel that didn’t keep the hall lights on 24/7). My girlfriend is screaming, and I’ve never been so inexplicably pissed off in my life. Like, hearing my own heartbeat, balled fists, all that. I could feel something was coming into the room, but I “woke up” before I could see anything.

The next morning, I asked my girlfriend how she slept, and she said she was just fine. I couldn’t help but think it was a dream, but it felt way too real to just be my imagination. I’d seen weird shit in the sky before, never dwelled on it or anything, but I’ve got no doubt in my mind now that it wasn’t just in my head.”



“I have definitely been abducted. Up until I was around 17 it happened quite frequently. It seemed every night for a period of time. It was always what people call greys. The very first memory I have of a grey I was in first grade. I woke and turned over and there was one standing beside my bed just staring at me. It couldn’t have been any taller than 2n a half to 3 feet. Shorter than I was at the time. It was wearing a v neck silky looking black shirt with silver trim around the v neck. There was also a v looking symbol on the right chest of the shirt. As soon as I looked at it I blacked out and it seemed seconds later my mother was waking me for school. That is my earliest memory.”




“Happened to me from age 6 through about mid thirties. First encounter was around age 6 I woke up to what you would call a “grey” in a shared bedroom with my two siblings who slept through it. I startled the creature and it glided/ran down the hallway and ran “through” my parents closed bedroom door. I opened the door and it was not in the room. It had vanished. Nobody else saw this encounter. Many additional encounters in the years to follow. I’ve never spoken publicly for fear of ridicule. Through my teenage years I do not remember any specific events. Next specific memories are around age 25 when I moved into a 3rd floor apartment (top floor). I remember the sound of the tiny shuffling feet coming down the hallway and then being completely unable to move. They came into my room and surrounded my bed – 4 or 5 smaller Greys and then one or two Taller ones who seemed to be directing the operation. There was no verbal interaction but they made a sound like a clicking noise which I assume was them speaking to each other. They would touch a metal rod to my shoulder and I would black out. Usually I would wake about 8 – 10 hours later. Sometimes as much as 24 hours later. Once I woke up locked outside on my back porch in my underwear at 2 in the morning. No memory of what happened during that time.” –

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