Here is the UFO Headline News for Tuesday February 20th, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Port Louis, Port Louis District on 2009-01-14 02:10:00 – I was on holiday then was abducted by an asian like reptile, it was small but very dominant

Synopsis: Me, my brother and my cousin were playing with eachother while our mother was out, we had finished sightseeing and wanted to you know, relax. we played a game called ‘soggy biscuit’ a family introduced game we like to play on holiday. it was after we had ‘finished’ we went outside as my cousin had threw up. then, as we were ‘comforting’ our cousin, we heard a low humming noise and over the mountains of mauritius there was a pulsating uv light. all we remember is the burning sensation in our kidneys after they had taken us and the horrible ‘reeeeee’ sound their disfigured reptilian asian faces made.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Langley Park, England on 2018-02-02 00:00:00 – I have footage and pictures if required

Synopsis: Hi i caught this on cctv i have pictures and footage on this u i don’t k ow much about it apart from it stayed from birth to death for 17minuts wish i could help more it was approximately 12.07 am saturday gone

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Marbella, Andalusia on 2014-05-31 00:00:00 – fast moving lights.

Synopsis: i was heading to throw away my rubish at about 22:00 when three lights that could have been planes at first sight because of the distance appeared suddenly from the sky moving faster and easier turning than any kind of human made tecnology,flying around themselves in kind of circles then they ascended and disappeared at the same speed as they came. remarcable to say that they were different colours like blue kind of red and white. my first though was it could be drones (movement also confirm it was impossible) but it was obvious they were big ships and were far away like a plane in the distance. i’m a convinced scientist but things so clear as this make me doubt about what we really understand about this world. i look forward your response. kind regards. carlos.

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Manchester, England on 2018-01-27 23:30:00 – Meteor-like white light entered atmosphere, stopped at cloud level, then zipped 90degs to right behind cloud

Synopsis: Staring at the sky as i normally do on the weekends, it was a partially cloudy night with large cumulus clouds with clear breaks between the clouds. after about an hour of observation i saw the following; a white light seemed to enter the atmosphere, directly downwards. it became brighter just as you would expect a meteor to do. it carried on down really fast and at around cloud level it stopped, the light went out, and i assumed “yep, that’s a meteor.” after about 2 seconds or so, however, the light reappeared, as bright as any aircraft light would be but it was solid white. as soon as it reappeared it darted off to the right to the edge of a cloud, and appeared to stop again and disappear. i didn’t see it again. from first entering to when it stopped was around 70degs to 45 degs on the sky. when it moved the second time it travelled around 5 degs on sky. this was my first ever unexplained sighting. i can normally put things i see in the sky down to drones, satellites, planes, helicopters, etc. this was new.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Manchester, England on 2018-02-04 19:45:00 – 2nd sighting of three green trails flying in triangle formation

Synopsis: I reported a ufo earlier this week, though this sighting actually happened the day after the first. three green (slightly blue) lights zipped across sky, heading from the north and passing from left to right (i was looking east) towards the south west. they were in a triangle formation. last time they were much faster (closer?) and turned, this time they were really high up, still in a triangle formation and the exact same three lights, but were travelling in a straight line far above the clouds. i’ve seen this twice now, people at work, 90% of them think i’m insane or stupid, the other 10% agree that they’ve seen things they can’t explain too! a week before my first reported sighting, i also saw a white light enter from orbit, stop for two seconds and disappear, then reappear only to move at 90 degrees to the way it came in, and it dodged behind a cloud. moved faster than any jet, and from a standing still position too! super weird.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Pomona, California on 1965-08-31 00:00:00 – Silver disc over los angeles area 1964-5?

Synopsis: i was in jr. high so it was 1964-65?, in late afternoon as i remember (this was 50 years ago. i lived at the end of beaver court at 340)in pomona, calif. two-three neighbor kids (the pease or collins family)& i were hanging outside at the end of the cul-de-sac in front of the next door neighbors-pease’s (spelling?)house on a nice day (summer?) when one of them motioned toward the sky & asked “what is that?” we all turned & looked directly down beaver court toward s. garvey ave (the main cross street) which was toward los angeles. above the horizon (low hills) was a silverish glowing disc-like shape. i saw it stationary at first. then it went rapidly (west?) forward from its position, paused there, quickly returned to where it started, went in the opposite direction at what had to be a high rate of speed, paused, again returned to its start point, paused then went straight up & disappeared. the whole event couldn’t have been more than 2 minutes & was probably less. it was quite far in the distance so looked very small (like an inch or two) from our location. i don’t remember it glinting different colors like reflection from the sun, but the color of silver/white looked reflective (if that makes sense). it appeared to move maybe 4-6 inches forward, then back from its start position, which had to be many miles in just a second of time. (again, i am a young tween & this was many years ago. but it changed my world view & i could never forget this event.) we kids knew it was out of the ordinary, but i don’t remember emotions other than puzzlement. we left & went to our houses to get others to come out, but it didn’t return. no adult was present. i still didn’t think much about it until the next day (? maybe 2) when i remember someone saying the “newspaper said it was a goodyear blimp” which i knew was impossible as they can’t maneuver or travel at the velocity we saw. from that time on i knew we were not alone on this planet. my dad had driven stock cars (#41). dave mcdonald & front neighbor (when i lived on 12005 e. hallwood dr., gi-80278, in el monte, calif.-phone #’s & addresses used to be drilled into children) & family friend (eddy sachs) died in the indianapolis 500 super crash. i drove quarter midgets as a 6 year old. i ‘lived’ cars all my childhood & i understood speed, travel & automobiles well enough to know what we saw was no goodyear blimp. i’m giving names & addresses to verify my ufo account to prove my location & veracity. this page says not too, but this was so many years ago, i don’t see the problem & i want this to be taken seriously. a map will show my beaver court address so the direction of the ufo can be gleaned. for all these years it has haunted me & i’ve told this account to those close to me. i want to tell this now in case it can be linked up with others who may have reported this. i wish the internet & my life situations had allowed this accounting to have been years earlier, but i’m glad to finally get this out into the world. i hope it helps. the boxes above don’t allow me to state data accurately. (date, hour, sounds, surface of ufo, emission, altitude & the like. i had to check a box as it ‘required’ me to mark boxes, but i would have preferred not to put down anything). i was very far from the actual ufo so i can’t give better information in a check box. also, i’m not sure what all the words meant without definitions after them & i hope my description covers what is needed. i don’t want to die never having reported this. yes, i know how fallible memory is (hence why i can’t remember if there were 2 or 3 neighbor kids with me, the date or time of day), that’s why i gave corroborating, verifiable facts (names, addresses) for credibility.

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in Glassboro, New Jersey on 2018-02-05 22:30:00 – There were 3 of them like pizza slice triangle

Synopsis: I was going to pick up someone from mullica hill nj. i was driving on tour 55 heading south , all the sudden i saw 3 lights in triangle like pizza slice. i pulled over on rout 55 facing south and start video taping the lights. i was talking to my friend on the and i told him the hell is this ? one light disappeared before i start the camera on my phone. by the time i start video taping them only two lights left. after 16 second both light disappeared one by one. and the i start driving. that was it.

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Olancha, California on 2018-02-05 19:26:00 – Another bright object passed over our skycam similar to last night

Synopsis: Similar to last night’s overflight, but this very bright object passed n to s this time. it was sometimes pulsating/blinking about once a second, but very bright for the several minutes it passed. after it “disappeared”, i caught one more frame 3 minutes later, where it was very bright at the extreme southern horizon. it must have been exceptionally bright at that later moment, to register on the motion sensor when just a few degrees elevation, and heading far away. there was no satellite passing this bright on this path, according to heavens-above.Com, and it lasted far too long to be a meteor. it was some type of flying object, possibly a strange type of aircraft, because normally aircraft going over at night are very high and so faint they are almost invisible. this object was brighter than any planet. there is no commercial airport within 100 miles, so there is no reason a plane would have its landing lights on out here, and anyway, the object was uniformly bright as viewed from both its front and its back. i called in last night’s sighting to the local police as well as china lake naval station and edwards afb, and they did not acknowledge any activities in my area.

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in Ellsworth, Kansas on 2009-06-20 00:00:00 – Grey/silver egg/disc shaped object moving nw to ne

Synopsis: I was helping an associate, person a, with farming chores at a piece of land ne of town and when we were done moving bales at around 3pm and began to head towards home. i rode with my another associate, person b, and as we were about 1-2 miles from the local highway, the road we were on angled slightly to the sw, so person b was facing straight ahead or more to the south and did not see the object at first. i noticed it because it was lower than any cloud or plane, was moving faster than a cloud or plan, and made no noise like a cloud or plane. when the object that came into view, it was a grey/silver egg/disk shaped object as it came into view from the tree line about 1-2 miles away at a height of 500 feet moving from the nw to ne on a fixed path that was also nw of my present location. its focal point of the craft remained fixed on a line of trajectory as the craft its self rotated much like a coin being spun. it was a partly cloudy day with clouds at higher altitudes than 1500 to 2000 feet, with more blue sky than clouds. the ship made no noise, did not change course, and then broke view when it moved off in the distance behind another tree line. while there is a local airport near the town, the object was moving too fast to land, too low at the present distance to land without hitting power lines, buildings and etc.; and was moving in too sharp off path to try and land with the runway that faces n/s. additionally, years prior, i have heard sonic booms from military jets that bomb at a “nearby” targeting range. however, sonic booms had been absent from the area for roughly 2 years prior to the reported event, and to this day, no sonic booms have been reported by associates or myself.

Headline #10: UFO Sighting in Nags Head, North Carolina on 2011-03-01 02:45:00 – At the beach one night had fireball go over head. after incident had visitations.

Synopsis: My husband and i were at the beach one night, admiring the stars. having a romantic night. then we started to notice unexplainable movements amongst lights & stars moving in ways we had never seen before. it was so bizarre to us. then we heard jets. it looked like stars chasing stars, but sounded like jets. we decided to just go home, it was late. all the sudden walking to our truck, discussing what we had just witnessed, my husband grabbed me and threw me down in the sand. within that second i looked up and a fireball went literally right over top of our heads. since this event, i have developed strong psychic empath abilities. my husband and i share a telepathic communication. i personally have been visited through what seems to be dreams, but they leave me wondering if it was real. also, this is very embarrassing to write but on two occasions i have seen them on top of me, sexually. once was when i was just waking up, it was a dark grayish dwarf sized mist. other time was in a dream but i felt a pressure ( in my area) when i woke up. we were in this room that looked like it was made of sheet metal a little larger than the size if drywall, put together by these weird large screws. these screws made a pattern of sorts on the walls. very weird & hard to explain. ever since the night at the beach took place, it has changed my life. it has changed my marriage ( for the better ) emotionally. we still find it fascinating some nights during certain moon phases to look towards the east where the ocean is and watch the lights. doesn’t happen all the time, but we still wonder and look to the stars.

Headline #11: Run in with the Skunk Ape

Synopsis: By Spro0gs

I’ve only told this story to two people. I don’t care if you don’t believe me, I know what I saw. I live in central florida. My house is right on the beach but if you travel two minutes inland you’re in a swamp so dense it would be impossible to navigate if you got lost, but back to the story.

This happened when i was five years old. Me and a couple of friends went out to the swamp to go play hide and seek. Me being a tall kid, i often had to hide in very small spaces to play this game.

When me and a few friends went to hide i went off by myself; big mistake, while hiding inside a hallow log i noticed a awful stench, like rotting flesh with rotting leaves. a lot of time passed, it was very close to night and i decided to get out to leave after an hour of hiding. the stench was now stronger but i passed it as swamp gas. while walking the trail a saw this mound of mulch. as i was stepping over it, it stepped up right in front of me.

my blood turned to ice. because this thing was at least 9 ft tall. it was two feet in front of me and i was frozen stuck, any attempt to run or scream was futile.

it simply stood there looking at me. no face or any thing, just nothing but thick curly hair that smelled like shit. the arms went down to its knees with claws so long, i could almost feel it myself what felt like an eternity was mostly a minute .

I was not expecting what it was going to do next.

it simply turned to the left and in three strides was gone in the brush. as it did i ran so god damn fast, i did not even realize that i had pissed myself; that was the least of my worries, i made a 20 minute walk a 5 minute sprint. when i got to the parking lot my friends where there telling one of the adults that they did not know what had happened to me.

they all saw fear in my eyes tears streaming down my face, and they all asked what had happened.

i simply said that i saw a black bear because i knew that know one would believe a five year old with an active imagination. i learned later that this was a skunk ape and sightings where seen all over florida. I’m 17 now and i still drive past that trail every day hoping to never see that thing ever again.

Headline #12: Clash Royale Creeper


Synopsis: At first let me introduce myself, in English my name is just Jude, I’m 15 years old and I live in Vilnius, Lithuania.

This story took place one time when the new mobile game Clash Royale was coming out and I was really excited to play it. The goal in the game is to destroy enemies towers with your troops. So let’s get in into a story.

When I installed the game I was really into it, I just couldn’t stop playing it, I was playing it ta home, on the bus and even sometimes during my classes. I was really good at it, I got to a pretty high level in short time.

One day I noticed that you can join clans so I joined one. I met some really awesome people in there. We usually do friendly battles for fun and just talk about our daily stuff. It was like having really good friends there, even if we don’t know each other in person.

So it was just a normal day at school, I think I had 7 lessons that day, and I remember at lunch time in the school’s cafeteria while eating, I kept playing Clash Royale when a notification in clan’s chat box popped up. It was a request to join our clan and I accepted it. He was at a pretty low level though, he introduced himself as ”Mark” and stated talking about how he likes this game. I responded with the same thing and it was true, because I really was enjoying it too.

So a couple days passed, just normal days, nothing really interesting was happening when Mark requested me for a friendly battle, I accepted it, game starts and I start attacking him and surprisingly he does nothing, I won of course and asked him why he wasn’t doing anything, he responded with just ”You are good at this game, do you want to meet sometime in person to play” , I wasn’t feeling good about meeting with someone who I don’t know so I replied with just ” I don’t think that’s a good idea” , his next words were ” why not, you live in Vilnius, right?” I responded with a basic ”Yes, how did you know?” His next response shocked me ” I know a lot about you, I know where you live and your phone number…”. I didn’t take it seriously and I said just ”OK dude, enough of your pranks” , he responded with ”I’m not pranking you, I can prove it” , I wondered how will he prove it, and after a minute I got a message on my phone saying ” Hi, it’s me, Mark ” I felt sick when I read it, I didn’t know what to do. I immediately wrote ”OK you creeper what do you want?” No response. Days passed, he didn’t say anything, my ”friends” in the clan were wondering if I was OK, I told them everything is fine for now.

So one day on Facebook I got a friend request from person who didn’t have any photos, posts, friends and even profile picture! I had a bad feeling about it and I don’t know why, but I accepted it and I wrote a message to that person saying ” Hello, do I know you?” It responded really quickly saying ” You forgot me already? It’s me, Mark. ”  I didn’t know what to say. After a couple of minutes I replied with ”Listen you are taking this too far, what do you want?” , then he sent me a photo of me in school! , just in hallways, but not in classes. I was shaking and scared, I really didn’t know what to do! I asked him where he found information about me, his response was ” Your google account know’s a lot about you”, did he hacked my Google account? Which is possible because Clash Royale requires you to login with your google account to save your progress, I was 100% done with it, I said that I will report him to the Police, his response was quick saying ” DON’T YOU DARE TO, I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE, I CAN EASiILY COME AND JUST KNOCK AT YOUR DOOR”  I was scared for my life now and I couldn’t do anything about it. I asked him what the fuck does he want from me, in response I got ” I want to play with you, but not the Clash Royale, but for real ” , does he want to sexually abuse me, I asked myself, I send to him ” You freaking pervert leave me alone” in response I got ” Ha Ha” and that was all for that day.

The next day was the worst! I was so scared the whole day at school and didn’t know what awaited me, when I was just about to leave school I got a text message saying ” I’m just waiting for you to leave school” I almost started crying of fear at that moment, I went to the school window near the exit, I didn’t see anyone suspicious just students leaving the school and going home, so I decided to go too. On my way home I kept receiving photos from him of me going home, I kept looking around but didn’t see anyone, just normal people passing by and nobody looking or taking photos of me. I managed to get home safely and lock the door, my mom was at work and my dad doesn’t live with us. I saw a note on the kitchen table from my mom to go to the store and buy some groceries, I really didn’t wanted to leave home because there was a creeper somewhere stalking me, but I also didn’t wanted to get into an argument with my mom, so I made myself go, surprisingly everything went good.

The same evening my mom got back home, I watched TV, I tried to act like everything was OK, but inside I was dying from fear. Evening passed, came time to go to sleep, somehow I made myself to get in my bed and close my eyes, now there was just me, silence and darkness but I couldn’t fall asleep. After like 10 minutes I started to hear cracking noises from somewhere in my room, then I heard my closet doors lightly opening, I was laying facing the doors with just one eye opened when a tall dark figure of a person stepped out, I screamed and ran to my mom’s room, somehow I managed to explain that there is psycho hiding in room, she took my very seriously. She took her pepper spray and slowly went to my room, we found nothing there, just my balcony door opened, he had ran away. I told my mom everything from beginning and she called the police, they said they will investigate everything. Weeks passed since the incident, police weren’t unable to find anything, ”Mark” deleted his Facebook account, left the clan and I deleted his every message leaving only a nightmarish memory.


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