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UFO Headline News Thursday February 8th, 2018

Here is the UFO Headline News for Thursday February 8th, 2018

Headline #1:  UFO Sighting in Niwot, Colorado on 1998-07-31 17:15:00 – Possible testing of predator drone proto-type sighting

Synopsis: at time of sighting, driving home to longmont, co from job site in eastern boulder, co. in passenger side roommate’s car, windows down, radio on, driving north on n. 63rd st., between co st. hwy. 119 and nelson rd. to best of memory, day was hot, clear to sparse clouds, sun at approx. angle of 45 degrees off of horizon in ssw, and unknown wind conditions. while listening to radio and engaging conversation with driver/roommate, casually glanced around to observe general surroundings through passenger window. when glancing to east over ground fields, detected movement in sky by peripheral vision, little to ese of car’s position. upon focusing attention, observed strange-looking object on somewhat similar course heading as car being traveled in, with the object seemingly on sse to nnw trajectory while in process of executing slight, gradual turn to its left, in a slight “banking” action. object had somewhat thin, elongated appearance, with “tapered” rear feature, and enlarged, somewhat “bulbous”-looking front. approx. mid-point object’s “body”, short, stubby “wings” were noted, but object’s banking action maintained slight tilt downwards on side closest to car, and may have resulted in misread on actual size/shape of wings. toward tapered rear area, noticed pair of upright, “v”-shape positioned rear stabilizers of perceived rectangular shape. object was of light coloration, perceived as light-grey or grey-white, with no markings/letters/numbers observed, and no other external features noticed, such as windows, hatches, lights, etc. did not notice means of propulsion on object, such as noticeable engines, but any high-speed prop likely not noticed, due to side-viewing orientation, and no associated noise detected, over ambient radio and car road noises. when first noticed, object was at approx. angle of 65 degrees off of horizon, and was of a length similar to the diameter of a baseball held at arm length. object was estimated as approx. 25-30 ft. in length, and when first noticed, was estimated as approx. 200-300 ft. distant, at estimated altitude of approx. 300-400 ft. car traveled in proceeding approx. 45-50 m.P.H., object observed traveling along at leisurely pace little faster than car, estimated at approx. 60-70 m.P.H. initial personal thought to object identity, was some kind of weird-looking “cruise missile”, although object’s speed displayed not similar to such. object’s speed/course caused it to pass over roadway being traveled little ahead of car, resulting in personal visual observation of object lost to my view after approx. 15-20 seconds, due to view blocked by car’s roof, although driver/roommate thereafter acquired sighting of object on other side of car, and was able to keep under periodic observation while driving for another approx. 25-30 seconds, before lost to view. later examination of maps involving the sighting area, indicate trajectory of object likely resulted in performing quite low-level fly-over/fly-by of the area’s noaa table mountain test facility. sketch available

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Newcastle, Oklahoma on 2018-02-02 06:01:00 – As i was exiting to newcastle casino looked across the road song large round ufo hovering above could see it very well like the lights in the middle in the front beaming out lights around the backside and be around all sides but there is no just the one l

Synopsis: as i was exiting ramp to go to newcastle casino saul large round ship with white lights in the front very bright very bright ship ship a bite round object with lights around the back also as i tried to look at it and was going to take pictures knew i had to moveon thought i would get pictures in the parking lot of the casino as i pulled into casino it was gone i only had a few minutes to look at this but i know what i saw and this is definitely a round-trip it was very large

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in New Jersey on 2009-10-31 00:00:00 – Organic jelly fish/octopus looking ufo over the hudson river

Synopsis: This was my very first ufo event, seeing one for myself made me a believer. it was a cold november evening, i was watching the monday night football game with my buddies it was a pretty boring game and the ravens were ahead by about 30 or so points,we decided to call it a night at around 11pm or so. i was wearing a big puffy northface coat it was freezing and my friend who i was with lived in my building and wanted to smoke cigarette, i said he had to smoke it outside, no cigeretts in the house but i stayed in the cold with him to chat. i consider myself somewhat a star gazer but as you know in nyc the light pollution sucks and there aren’t many stars to look at. i looked over to the nyc skyline, i lived in union city, nj at the time and with our view you feel like you can almost touch the skyline on a crisp cold night. at this time of year orion constellation can be seen pretty clearly, i always know where to look to find it. as i gazed at the constellation i decided to look vertically up to the sky and at the exact moment i saw something, it was so faint against the night sky but something was moving up there. perplexed, i squinted as hard as i could, mind you my buddy nick was talking to me at that moment but i could no longer hear his words i was so zoned in to what i was looking at. this object wasn’t your classic ufo, it had no definitive shape, it had what looked like stars inside of it and was constantly changing shape. in my mind, i was trying so hard to compare it to something i’ve seen before, i couldn’t. after about a minute i realized what i was looking at and i grabbed nick by the arm and said, “bro, look!” only a few seconds had passed, i thought it was an airliner with all of its lights off at first, but that wasn’t it at all. we stood there watching it as it glided, no noise, it was taking huge leaps from east to west gliding south bound just over the hudson river. as it made its way further south just over the southern tip of manhattan where wtc is located, we could see the back if it it had spiraled streams of light that looked like tentacles, very defined individual streaks of light, it looked to have several apendedges. this is when i was able to make a good comparison to something familiar to me, “it looks like a jellyfish!” we stood there in awe as it covered such a vast amount of distance in the sky so effortlessly. as it got further away it began blending it with the darkness of the night as if it was a small pebble dropped in to water rippling outwards until the light dissipated. totally bizarre! i’ve never been so fascinated in my life, i stayed awake almost the entire night going back outside hoping i would see it again. i thought the next day i’d see something on the news, nothing. that night i became a believer. it looked kind of like this http://i.Imgur.Com/d35vope.Jpg

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Conway, South Carolina on 2018-01-31 18:35:00 – Cluster of lights flying in a changing formation

Synopsis: A pattern of lights appeared near the fullmoon on jan 31, 2018 in the sky above conway south carolina. the lights appeared in the clear night sky as a kind of “boomerang” formation and started to move slowly. the lights changed formation and hovered for a while. some of the lights went out and then came back on. the pulsating pattern of the craft also changed. i viewed the event with two friends. there was no sound and no trail that an airplane would leave. what i saw is something i never saw before. it was not flares. please see attached video and please feel free to contact me if more information is requested.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Nürnberg, Bayern on 2018-01-30 06:30:00 – Red dwarf with solar flares and grey pock marks 50 times supermoon size

Synopsis: Three of us saw what i knew to be a red dwarf sun or disk shape with flares the largest flare was at the 10 oclock position it shinned a the edges the disk was showing thousands of grey color pockmarks like and orange would it was fifty times the size of the supermoon that we also observed the flowing evening. we first noticed it walking from nürnberg towards the direction of fürth so we know it moving in a straight line from left to right so this was not the moon! it maintained a constant speed. if i were to put a ruler in from on my face at 12 inches the obeject appeared to be 12 inches making it the largest thing i have ever seen, it was moving from the south west to the the right or northerly direction, but again not setting. we watched it from the street and it appeared to be, if this were a painting just 12 inched from the ground. the colors where grey with thousands of dark red minature flares pouring out from the poc marks with tiney flares like a sun with a yellow outer glow. my one friend remarked it was so fantastic it simply had to be the media duping the public however i studied advanced astronomy and this was no moon and no planet. i used this phone app i made in 2017 based on crop cicles and i see lots of ufos using it, the most i’ve ever seen where in pecs hungary, from orbs to triangles, the google play store app is called et contact 0010110 and i am impressed because i get hunches to look outside or go for walk after using this phone app. i merely ask it to show me a sign and i get results. also, this was a clear evening here in nürnberg, no rain, nothing. as i said this obejct was 50 times the supermoon on the largest day and i could have easily put 50 supermoons in this oject. if it was a space ship well then so is the moon, all i know is it has solar flares and even blood moons do not produce the arks we saw especially at the 10 oclockposition. we obsevered it from 6:30 then watched it for 15 minutes then went in and watched it move to the right out of sight because we were on the patio faces west. it made no noise and their was no evidence this was a ballon or a holograph. i was so big it would be as if i were a 100 meters away from a four story building but it was clear and it was a sun but this was not ours! the following link is a near duplicate of what we, all three of us saw https://www.Dailystar.Co.Uk/news/weird-news/647038/23-september-2017-end-of-world-nibiru-sighting-uk-planet-x-evidence-proof-uk-nasa. cheers. sorry i was so impressed i did not even think to grab my camera phone. cheers!

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Shepherdsville, Kentucky on 1976-01-07 20:00:00 – Looked up at sky and saw bright object comming from the sw it was not an airplane–it was very bright it went ne out of sight!

Synopsis: I was at my brothers and i went outside to smoke–it was a clear night and the sun had just set in the west–saw planes going over -as i looked up high in the sky i saw this object coming from the south west it was very bright oranges red–the sun was reflecting off this object which told me it was up very high! i watched it as it moved towards the north east and it went out of sight! i said to myself afterwards this could be the same craft that picked up these 3 women down in kentucky on 1-6-1976 –in my mine i thought it was nothing that we had in the air! also in november of 1975 travis walton was picked up–so i thought it may be the same craft but i can’t prove it–it as stayed on my mine since i saw it–why i don’t know–that’s what i saw ! thanks

Headline #7: UFO Sighting in North Richland Hills, Texas on 2018-01-31 05:40:00 – Two objects appeared near moon during the lunar eclipse in january 2018.

Synopsis: i was going to take pictures of the lunar eclipse on the morning of january 31st, 2018. i took a few pictures at the beginning of the eclipse i think it was around 5:30 or so a.M. central us time. when looking at the moon without the camera or even with the camera, i didn’t see anything but the moon. however, when i looked at the photos afterward i saw it. i took a total of 8 or 10 shots at the beginning of the eclipse. in one of the shots and i believe it was the last one of the series, the object i saw the others was in it i think off to the far right but on the left upper side of the moon there were 3d shapes or boomerang shaped objects and coming away from the moon that would have been on the northwest side of it. the middle of the three objects was bright like it was reflecting light but the other two were darker. the other object on the far right of that same photograph is sort of oval shape you only not perfect it’s like a rock would look. all the photos that i took contained that object only instead of being like a problem with the lens which i first thought when i looked at it, it’s like it moved in some photos it’s all on one side of the moon and it’s closer to the moon and another zits is much further away on a different side. that outage was a real dull dark gray color. the thing is all these things i saw on the photographs you couldn’t really see them until you like move your fingers apart and make it zoom in on the picture. except for the one that also has the three boomerang shaped objects you can sort of see the white of bright light or reflected light on the photograph without zooming in. the others you have to zoom in and look around to see the gray rock thing. another point is i may have turned the camera phone from horizontal to vertical but if that isn’t enough to explain the movement of the grey rock especially when it was closed and then far away from the moon. my phone is a galaxy samsung galaxy prime core in older phone. also i uploaded the photos to dropbox.

Headline #8:Black Triangle Sighting in Pinetop-Lakeside, Arizona on 2018-02-01 19:05:00 – Saw 3 red pulsing lights in a triangle formation hover over the trees then descend behind them

Synopsis: My 2 friends and i pulled into the parking lot of the ponderosa village in pinetop, az. around 7pm febuary 1st 2018. i got out of the car and looked up cause it was a full moon but i couldnt see it. instead i saw above the pine trees 3 red pulsing lights that were in a triangle pattern just above the trees. i thought it was lights on a tower because they weren not moving at first. than remembered there was no tower there. my friends were getting out of the car and i was excited saying “you got to see this!!!” my skeptic friend said i was full of it till he saw what i saw and said “shoot your right” than my 3rd friend saw it. the 3 lights seem to shift a little out of the triangle pattern and very slowly floated with a wobble like it was in water, beyond the tree line and out of site. i have just received info from another witness who saw it with a passanger while driving from globe az. she said it was followed by 2 jets. i didnt see the jets, i saw the helicopter

Headline #9: The Door

Synopsis: Before I tell my story I want to tell you a few things about my cousin’s house. It is a huge two story house with a balcony. It was said to be haunted and considering from this experience, I think it’s true. My cousin’s grandpa had passed away in the house. When they held a funeral for him a lady, who I assume to be a neighbor or family friend said that she was in a room upstairs (of course with the consent of my aunt and uncle) and when she was walking in she felt someone grab her ankle. I don’t believe this is true and she just made it up to prevent me and my cousins from wandering around the house. Also my aunt and uncle have maids that come to the house to clean or cook.

  1. This happened in the summer before I attended middle school and I went on a vacation to visit my family. It was a rainy day and I had decided to go to my cousin’s house because they had internet. My mom’s family friend dropped me off and I went into my cousin’s room. My cousin’s nanny, Rachel, informed me that my cousin’s were at school. School had already started where they live. I told her that was fine and I would wait for them to come home.
  2. I was watching YouTube videos when Rachel came in. She told me that she was going to pick up my cousins from school and that I would be home alone. After telling me not to pick up the phone if it was ringing and not to answer the door if someone was knocking she left.
  3. I hate being left alone especially in a huge house like my cousin’s. So naturally I’d be really afraid of ghosts and other paranormal things. But I wasn’t as scared as I would normally be because my cousin’s two dogs were with me. One of them was big and the other was slightly smaller so I felt safe. I didn’t bring my headphones with me and my iPad was kind of old so I couldn’t really hear what was happening in the video. I ignored my iPad for a bit and just started looking around the room for some reason, I couldn’t remember why. Then I started getting a bit scared but I tried thinking of good things to calm myself down.
  4. I stared at the door and couldn’t help myself and thought about scary things like the door opening by itself or a ghost appearing in the mirror. And to my horror, the door knob turned and was pushed slightly. I told myself that maybe I forgot to close the door all the way and I just imagined it opening. But then the door was opening slowly and I could hear the door creaking. At this point I knew I wasn’t imaging it and I needed to get out of the room. I sprinted to the door as it was still slowly opening and quickly pulled it opened, expecting to see someone behind it. No one was there. Not even a person walking away from the door. And I know it was impossible for someone to run fast enough for me to not see them open the door.
  5. I ran outside the house leaving the door to the room and to the house open. It was raining hard and in fear of getting in trouble for running in the rain, I didn’t go to the house I was staying at which was about 6 houses away. I stood on the porch crying my eyes out, looking behind me every now and then to make sure no one was behind me. And then Rachel’s oldest daughter came  home from school and saw me crying. She went up to me and asked me why I was crying. I didn’t want to tell her why because I was afraid if I tell someone the ghost might hear and do something bad to me, so I stayed silent. She took me inside and I followed her to the backyard. I found out there were maids in the backyard, cleaning, the whole time but I know they couldn’t have opened the door.
  6. Rachel came home about 5 to 10 minutes after her daughter did and she told Rachel I was crying. Rachel asked why I was crying and I lied and told her I didn’t want to be alone which was kind of true. My cousins hung out with me in the living room instead of the bedroom. My cousins were younger than me but the youngest teased me for crying. But if he was in the same situation as I was, he would’ve cried too.
  7. I’m going to visit my family again in the upcoming summer but I don’t think I want to go to my cousin’s house anymore.


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