Here is the UFO Headline News for Thursday February 22nd, 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Cornwall , England on 2017-07-24 11:08:00 – I was taking pics while on holiday in cornwall and saw these in the pics later on

Synopsis: I was on holiday we stopped to take some pictures of the beautiful countryside and i noticed a lot of strange objects in the pics i know there was no sound and no sighting by eye but they are there in the pics the other one i was taking pics as we were driving past an raf airbase and there seems to be ufos in those also one being chased by a plane or something also we never saw with our eyes but they are in the pics, you have to zoom in but they are there.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Alpena, Michigan on 2017-02-13 22:30:00 – Flashing yellow light took indirect path ne to sw while circling twice.

Synopsis: While going to bed i looked out the window into the north sky. the big dipper was vertical and the background in this view. i witnessed a flashing yellow light that took an indirect path in the sky from ne to sw. the object made two circles in the sky, the second much larger than the first. these maneuvers could never be performed with modern military aircraft. they were circular patterns at a very high rate of speed.

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Deroche, British Columbia on 2016-01-02 23:45:00 – Predicted by me and not anything i’ve seen beforw

Synopsis: About 75 lights all together moving silently slowly and parallel to the ground about 300 feet up it was big probably 40 to 60 feet wide with 50 white lights in the front outline of what can be described as a shield..Behind the shield was a saucer shape with 10 orange lights one that needed replacing it was dull and kind of fading brighter then dull they surrounded a red flashing light.. it was around -20°c and clear… either it was a nut in a parachute with a chassis to hold the lights and a silent motor or it was demar alians lol i slowed the footage down to 1/8 of the original and saw a unexplained count of lights flashing almost in a pattern but the only flashing light we saw was the red one in the lower middle and the fading orange one beside it while the remains 9ish orange lights and the 60ish white lights remained on at all times.. my phone should have picked up all the lights instead i have some sort of flashing? ??? i need the film analyzed proporly…

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Ribeirao Preto, State of São Paulo on 2018-02-14 20:05:00 – Ufo brazil

Synopsis: I was in the window watching as i noticed the ufo standing in the woods behind the house at a height of 30 meters. the ufo emitted a strong light blue-green, as if it were an oval-shaped luminous propeller and after 30 seconds stopped he blinked and disappeared.

Headline #5: UFO Sighting in Window Rock, Arizona on 2018-02-15 18:45:00 – Clean white light object, square shape, warp like speed across my field of vision then just disappeared

Synopsis: Feb 15, 2018 645pm mst; rt 112 approx 1 mi north of rt 264 window rock az i saw pure white light object ahead of me less than 1 mile away not very high in sky. it was stationary for a second or two and then traveled at warp-like speed from west to east a short distance and then just disappeared. i immediately slowed my vehicle and wondered “what the heck was that!!”. the object did not reappear while i continued my travel north to fort defiance. i arrived at work at 7pm and shared my experience with a coworker. she shared that she and her teenage son witnessed a bright white light south of rt 264 about 3 or 4 days earlier. similar sighting…Bright pure white light for a second or two then disappeared. later i shared my sighting with other coworkers and one of the coworkers said that she saw the same thing that i did! she was on way to work and stated she saw it approx 645pm. in the meantime, the first coworker spoke with her teenage son who shared that his friend’s father was chopping wood at approx the same time and also saw the same thing (the friend’s family lives in the vicinity of the sighting). later i spoke with another coworker whose “two buddies” together saw a similar sighting in same area the previous evening of feb 14. so…That’s 3 people on feb 15, 2 people on feb 14 and 2 more people a few days earlier all seeing similar light/object/movement. wow!!

Headline #6: Black Triangle Sighting in Mesa, Arizona on 1997-02-28 21:30:00 – Saw big lights in a kind of triangle shape but only see 2 huge white lights round in shape over at saquaro lake north top parking lot by marina

Synopsis: I was with a friend at lake looking at night sky when all of a sudden i saw a bright lite coming over the mountain behind us i said look we both stood there for about 5 seconds and it just got bigger and between the lights there was nothing but darkness no stars so i said what does that look like.It looks big like something i have i think it’s a then we both ran back to car and went back to place we were before we decided to go out there.I said it looks like a ufo like in the movies he said it looked like something. before we ran to car it moved sw direction really fast.

Headline #7: 

UFO Sighting in Quepos, on 2018-01-31 16:25:00 – Only visible on the camera. invisible to the human eye.

Synopsis: 1. i was a passenger in the front seat of a friends car on the pan american highway on my way to go fishing in quepos, costa rica, at approx. 4:25pm in the afternoon. 2. i decided to take a vacation photo of the palm trees on both sides of the road throught the windshield as we were driving. 3. i observed an object moving eratically on the screen of my tablet that i was using as a camera, however when i looked over the screen of the tablet and out of the windshield, the object was not visible. yet as soon as i again looked at the screen of the tablet, the object was observable once again and moving erratically and at high speed. i was completely baffled as to what was going on. 4. the object was invisible to the naked eye and could only be seen with the aid of the camera lens on the tablet screen. the movements of the object were incomprehensibly fast and erratic. i hoped for the best and just kept taking pictures hoping that the camera would capture something. i never even really saw what i was taking pictures of, until later in the evening, when i got a chance to be by myself and look at the pictures. 5. i was shaken and excited all at the same time. 6. i also took video of the object.

Headline #8: UFO Sighting in Lexington, Kentucky on 2018-02-10 00:00:00 – Two different objects, one was starlike but was very low at night.

Synopsis: I was driving around about 8pm on about feb 10, 2018. around the corner from me i noticed a bright star like object, but it was very very low, in the night sky. so i parked my car and began taking pics. i felt i would get something…So, there are 4 particular pics that i took consecutively cause i saw this green orb like thing, floating down straight diagonally. i saw the green orb moving ! when u zoom into the green orb thing it looks like an alien face ! the other brighter “star” light stayed stationary im pretty sure. but when i got home i zoomed in on all the pics i took, and that thing looks like it has structure to it. it seems to change it’s shape also. it looks totally different. it will look square sorta shaped, then it will look like a ufo with lights around it in a circle. it’s seems strange to me, so i wanted to report it, and see if u think it’s a ufo or what ?? i also saw a bright white light somewhere in the sky, so i have several pics, some i went ahead and cropped part of the night sky out. and some i just left alone…For comparison. they all need to be zoomed in so u can see every thing clearly. otherwise they look like a dot in the sky. i’ve seen other pics of stars and these look nothing like them, that’s also why i decided to send this. it just felt like i was being watched over. tho, who knows…I just feel what i feel and know what i know. anyways,.. here are the pics, i hope u can for sure tell me what u think, as i’m just curious 🙂 well, thank u for your time. ps. there is one pic of the moon that i thought looked kinda funny up close? not sure i will send it.. thankx again ~ ( i just noticed that pic 2 the green light looks like alien face sideways ) ps. the video was taken on another night..Jan. 25th, 2018.

Headline #9: UFO Sighting in California on 2018-02-16 00:00:00 – I see this almost nightly since 1-10-18

Synopsis: I see these lights almost every night from my bedroom window. my fiancé also sees them. they form triangles, they divide like cells, they have moods, they sometimes camouflage like stars or planes. always find them near the kallex radio towers on the berkeley hills. they disappear and reappear. there is always a main light. i have seen up to seven lights total. i’m watching them right now. i don’t have a great camera, just this one attached to my older generation ipad mini. the only footage i have that even captures anything was from the first night (so you can imagine my frustration thus far trying to capture more lol)

Headline #10: UFO Sighting in Culver City, California on 2018-01-22 12:25:00 – Star like light during day flys in, hovers, then changes directions, and disappears

Synopsis: I was taking a break smoking a cigarette near the parking lot of the building i work in when i looked up in the sky an object which looked like a star. it was about 12:20pm when i first saw it. it flew in from the east to the west, towards the area of marina del rey or santa monica, and was north of my position about 75 to 80 degrees above the horizon. it flew in a very straight line, slowly, then suddenly stopped. it sat there, hovering, for nearly a minute it seems, and the began to fly what seemed like straight up, gaining altitude. then, suddenly, it seemed to change direction and made what seemed to be a right angle turn and began heading east again. it flew in that direction for a little bit, maybe twenty seconds, then suddenly made another right angle turn and began to look like it was descending, losing altitude. then again it stopped. it hovered there for about a minute again, roughly about nne of me, in the direction of hollywood. then suddenly it took off, no acceleration, just immediate speed, towards the ne, it what seemed to be an ascending direction towards, i guess, the valley and disappeared. that event lasted very short, maybe only 3 or 4 seconds at most. i would like to say that this is the third time in the last 6 or so months i have seen the same/similar object while at work. this was just the first time i could take a picture clearly enough to see it. my work is in culver city next to the fox hills westfield mall, just off the 405 freeway exit for slauson and the 90 freeway, about roughly 5 or so miles north of the lax exit. lots of planes and helicopters around. i am a fan of aircraft of all types and can tell different types of planes, and their livery, from each other. this was not a plane or helicopter. my picture was taken at 12:25pm according to my phone.

Headline #11: UFO Sighting in Birmingham, Alabama on 2009-08-31 02:01:00 – Outside smoking a cigarette looked up at the stars and a few seconds later we observed a large glowing silent object traveling at a cruising speed?

Synopsis: I was standing out on the back of my buddys house. i had stayed awake because i have problems sleeping in unfamiliar places. his dad was still u as well we were standing outside smoking a cigarette talking and looking at the stars after a few seconds of looking up we saw a large (size of a house like 2 story house) glowing flying object. it had an aura around it and the light coming off the back of it changed colors. it flew over head and was absolutely quite. we both looked at each other and immediately tried to follow it through the woods but was gone within a minute or so. i couldn’t sleep after that. we spent the rest of the night talking about what it could’ve been and we both agreed that it wasn’t anything from our planet. this event has stayed with me for almost 9 years. i was 13 or 14 when i saw this. i know it wasn’t something that i had ever seen before. it went in a straight path. it went over a thick wooded area and was out of sight. i felt completely stuck when i saw it i remember being speechless for a few moments. my buddys dad looked at me and we both said what the ____ was that.

Headline #12:  UFO Sighting in Fountain Hills, Arizona on 2014-03-08 16:40:00 – Spotted in photograph

Synopsis: Original event date: march 8 2014 at 4:40pm while on vacation in the phoenix area in march of 2014 my girlfriend and i were being escorted on a sightseeing drive with friends. my girlfriend was taking random pictures of homes in the area and i asked to see some of her photos. ironically, i had watched a documentary on the phoenix lights a month or two before after stumbling upon it on netflix. it seemed suitable prior to my first visit to arizona lol. after glancing through some of my girl’s photos i noticed a peculiar thing in one. in the picture, taken at approximately 4pm, is two houses with a clear blue sky in the background. above the house on the left is six white spots in a slight vee pattern in the sky. after seeing the photo we looked around the inside of the vehicle to see if something could have cause a glare on the window and have simulated that in the pic and found nothing. i asked my girlfriend if she had ever heard of the phoenix lights before and she said she hadn’t. my friend, who was familiar with the lights (not firsthand) and had friends that had seen other similar phenomena, looked at the photo and was immediately intrigued. after showing my girlfriend a photo of the phoenix lights sighting (found on google) and comparing it to the on she took we noticed similarities. we have no idea what is in the picture, but it is quite obviously something. i have examined this photo many times an am no further ahead in explaining it. i should have sent this to you sooner, but i wasn’t aware of your organization and only found out from a friend while telling this story. i was hoping you could offer some insight and explanation to what’s in this photo. unfortunately, my girlfriend never never noticed the objects when taking the picture and so only took the one pic. although this report is made after the fact, the date and approximate time of the event have been determined based on the image file’s date and time stamp. the photo was taken on a samsung g3 cell phone with no filter. nothing has been done to alter the image and you are more than welcome to thoroughly inspect it. it is just as i received it and originally viewed it. i regret that our geo-tagging feature was disabled because we had our phones switched to ‘airplane mode’ to avoid accidental roaming charges. i have no way of telling you the exact location the photo was taken other than it was the fountain hills/phoenix area. i hope you can keep us in touch with your findings. if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me. i ask that, if used, credit be given to the owner of this image, thanks 🙂

Headline #13: WHAT WAS IN THE TREE

Synopsis: This is a true story even if no one believes me I am from a southern African country called Botswana and I leave close to the Okavango swamp lands.

Their is a lot of small islands that people camp.when I was about 10 my dad my uncle and my self where going on a campaign trip to a island that we gave the name butterfly island now this is not where the encounter the creator it was on the way to the island when we saw a island that looked nice to have lunch on so after we eat lunch my dad and uncle decided to stay the firsts night there this made me happy as I could explore.

After about 30 minutes of walking in the bush.when I heard a loud clicking sound from all around me it sounded like a predator but different

when suddenly I heard branches braking above me this made me fall as I thought the branches where going to hit me.when I looked up all I saw was red eyes looking down on me this made me feel hollow like it was looking through me.

when the black bodied creature started pushing its way through the the branches showing wings and it started to falp until it jumped down ready to grab an easy meal.when I saw that I didn’t even realize that I was sprinting through the bush until I ran into something .I looked up and saw it was my dad and when he saw me drained of color he ask what happened

all I said was it was a animal I can’t remember what but all i saw the rest of that trip was red eyes in my dreams no nightmares I don’t know what it was but I will never forget it.

Headline #14: Humanoid in Colorado

Synopsis: A little backstory first, my name is Jared (no not the one from subway) and I live in Estes Park Colorado. Normally my family and I go camping out in the middle of nowhere because we are literally so close to the mountains. But I’m begging my parents to get out of here and move to the city after what happened to me that dreaded night.

It was around a 4 days ago when my dad said we where going camping I was looking forward to it this time because I’m into unidentified creatures and such, so I was wanting to find Bigfoot or some other creature. When we arrived to the middle of nowhere I suddenly felt uneasy and no it wasnt being watched it was just like nausea like I wanted to puke right there. But it went away when we where setting up our tents. Fast forward to the next morning I remeber waking up around 4 AM and I remeber getting the same feeling again but 10 times stronger I went outside for fresh air.

I regret what I did right there because as soon as I got out of my tent I swear I saw what looked like Freddy Krueger had a kid with E.T, I hoped it didn’t see me and went right back to my tent. The rest of the day went on normally until night time when my dad and I where outside around the campfire around 2 AM when all of a sudden we hear a screech so terrible and demonic that would make you deaf for a second it took me a minute to remeber about what I saw that morning and I told my dad to pack everything and leave.

We didn’t leave until the next day which was 2 days ago. We packed everything up and left. I was looking through the window when I saw it again. It’s eyes where enormous with a lifeless stare that would leave you in shock. That dirty raggedy skin made it look worse but we rushed right past it. We got home and my family where watching a movie or something while I was ironicly watching darkness prevails when we decided to go to sleep. I felt the same dman feeling again for what seemed like ages but it never went away. I went downstairs to get a glass of milk and some oreos to calm myself. But all of a sudden I hear that screech again and in pure shock and fear I grabbed a knife and ran to my bedroom and stayed away from my windows then I remembered that while we brought our things in I left the backdoor open but it was too late I heard the back door open and I heard what was like centipedes next to my door.

I didn’t want to die that night and I actually cared for my life and my families so I turned my speager on and put a very loud alarm to wake my family up while I opened my window to get out of the house. We all left safely but I still remember that stare I looked up to my bedroom window and saw the thing staring down at me with hatrid. Right now I’m typing this at my aunts house in Denver and I’m thinking of staying here permanantly.

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