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UFO Headline News Saturday/Sunday February 3rd & 4th, 2018

Here is the UFO Headline News for Saturday/Sunday February 3rd & 4th, 2018

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Carrickmacross, County Monaghan on 1996-09-30 00:00:00 – 30 minute observation of slow moving object moving east to west and overhead and then retracing its path

Synopsis: I live in the north east of ireland. in october 1996 walking home at 1am i noticed what looked like a very bright star in the distance and to the east, it was so bright i began to think it might be a search light on a helicopter although it didn’t appear to emit a beam, after a few moments i was unsure but felt it might be two seperate lights and decided it must be a helicopter in the distance and continued home. at 1.30am i went outside to put rubbish in a bin and saw an object almost directly overhead. i couldn’t make out a shape to the object but there were four rectangular white lights in the shape of a diamond and a green light in the centre. i am guessing it was at an altitude of 1000 to 1500 feet and if so then it was probably bigger in length and width than a jumbo jet and the lights were each as big as a bus. it was silent and moving north west at about 5mph. i watched it travel about 300 metres and it appeared to stop, it didn’t turn but started to move back toward me and retraced its path. i observed it for 30 minutes as it slowly moved back to the original position i had first observed it at 1am, this is how i determined it was the same object i had originally seen. my estimate of it’s altitude is based in part on the fact i had to move more than once to keep it in sight because the terrain and buildings meant i couldn’t keep it in view from one spot. i was now observing exactly what i had been observing at 1am and at this moment a young woman who lives nearby came along and i pointed it out to her, she told me that she and some friends had observed the same thing a week earlier doing exactly the same thing.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Smiths Creek, Michigan on 2018-01-10 07:15:00 – I was taking a picture of the clouds because they seemed to be forming oddly. i didn’t see any lights when i was taking the picture. it was only a couple days ago when i was looking at my photos that i noticed these lights in the sky in my photo.

Synopsis: I was outside shoveling snow at my home at 7:15 in the morning on january 10th. i am a sky watcher so when i noticed some odd looking clouds forming i decided to take a couple photos. i only witnessed the clouds forming. i didn’t see the lights that are visible on my photo until just a couple days ago when i was looking through my pictures. in my photo i saw two groups of lights, one on middle left side of photo and another group in the upper right of my photo. looking closer i noticed several other lights and a blue orb upper right of group of lights on left side of picture. to the left of the left group of lights i also noticed a square formation of 4 lights. there are also more lights to the left of those 4 square light, but it looks like i might have cut some out when taking the picture. like i said, i never saw any lights whatsoever. it was flurrying a little as you can see in the picture, but you can see the snow flakes show differently than these lights i captured.


Headline #3: UFO Sighting in California on 2017-11-28 14:27:00 – Spinning disc

Synopsis: Emeryville, ca around 2:00pm on november 28 it was a cloudless day with a light blue sky. warm and sunny. in our complex we have a spa that faces north. that day, i decided to go and use the spa to sooth my sore back. as i was sitting in the spa and facing north, i was looking above the roof of my complex and noticed something glittering up in the sky above my building up in the sky. i notice something moving back and forth in a zig-zag fashion. it would come closer then it would zig-zag back like 10 miles or so and then zig-zag back and spin. you can see it in the video i took of with my samsung 5 camera phone. the whole thing lasted about 3 minutes. but, i am sure this was already there when i arrived at the spa. due, to the brightness of the day, i was discouraged from filming more due to battery life and storage. i was mesmerized by the way it moved and exited to see it fly like that. i loved it!! not my first sighting. i am 65 years old and i have seen them throughout my life. i know they are there. i have always known they are here

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Malegaon, on 2018-01-18 18:24:00 – We have not seen the ufo its captured in camera

Synopsis: 1. we were on an open ground observing a possibly a plane or a asteroid or a meteor that we had been tracking since many days. first we sighted that object on 6th jan, 15th jan, 18th jan, 21st jan, 23rd jan, 26th jan and 28th jan. on all the above dates we clicked photos and took videos and to our surprise we found three unidentified objects around the bright light. 2. we noticed the object captured in photo and video. 3. ufo 4. the object has a reflective surface and a shadow at its bottom. it moves with a great speed which cannot be seen with naked eye. it path is not in a straight line but seems like its observing something around the possible meteor. 5. we were stunned to see the pictures on 6th jan. then we decided to take videos and photos of that meteor or plane around which we saw these objects. we informed every person in our contact to the same and almost in every picture taken from different parts of the city we found the object. 6. we never saw it from naked eye but for sure its not camera glitch. if it had been then a glitch does not occur in every camera at the same time.

Headline #5: Alien Encounter in Oregon on 2017-11-20 17:00:00 – Was reviewing picture from a trip to the oregon coast when i notice a figure in the window.

Synopsis: Was reviewing a picture from a trip i took to the oregon coast when i noticed a human-like figure with big black eyes looking into the window. this came as a big shock to me as i did not experience anything paranormal during my stay. but, when i was around 7-8 yrs old i did see a ufo.

Headline #6: UFO Sighting in Montague, Prince Edward Island on 2017-07-20 22:25:00 – Lights in sky…Shot with android phone..Two videos about 10 mins long….Video kinda dark..Lights tuning to rings simultaneously..Lights would go out..Then others appear ..Illuminating the sky around and water under….Yellowish mist in air when all don

Synopsis: Reporting for my son who witnessed lights in the sky july 20 /2017 at approximately 10:25 pm…Was witnessed by himself..His girlfriend..Her brother and my grandson who is 8 yrs old..Was shot on an android phone two videos about 10 min long each..Was sent one of the videos to my facebook account..Video shows lights in the sky pulsating and not moving….Sometimes a couple at a time which simultaneously pulses and turns to rings and back again ..Was a mist in the air when sighting was over..Lights below in the video is the streetlights and car lights leading into georgetown pei..Video was shot in lower montague overlooking georgetown…Lights can be seen reflecting off of water as well and lighting the sky which is not seen in video son said a mist was in the air when sighting was over ..A yellowish mist …Have a video shared from my son to my facebook timeline..Unsure how to share to this report

Headline #7: Black Triangle Sighting in Buffalo Mills, Pennsylvania on 2018-01-28 19:30:00 – Double triangle shape red white lights south to east silent fast saw from front deck low clouds disappeared over mountain

Synopsis: In front of my house facing south putting dogs out, waiting for them to finish, looked straight in front of me saw big red, white lights randomly pulsated in double triangle pattern, could not see actual surface of craft. it moved at a very fast pace from south to east. the sky was cloudy, seemed like low cloud cover. could see the glow of the moon to the ne but couldn’t actually see it. it was moving toward the mountain to the se so i yelled for my wife to come look. we both saw it moving before if went behind the mountain. the mountain is state game land 48a which is 16,000 acres. it made one more appearance between mountain tops and disappeared again. at first i thought it was the space station but knew the cloud cover would prohibit that. i knew that based on cloud cover, apparent size, and speed, no noise, it was a ufo. i would guess the size to be as big as our house or more which is 40 x 60. 4 minutes later i saw 2 white lights, like leds move just north of our house from east to west. once it passed and i could see the tail there was one blinking white light. i thought maybe it was a plane but it was silent and had 2 front white lights not one light. i made this report right away so i could remember it as accurately as possible.

Headline #8:UFO Sighting in Monrovia, California on 2004-05-31 00:00:00 – Object appeared overhead for approximately thirty seconds before vanishing in the span of roughly three seconds

Synopsis: At the time of the encounter, roughly midday, i was laying in a large reclining lawn chair positioned in the center of the lower half of our yard. my mother was approximately thirty feet away, tending to her garden. my dog was in approximately the same area as my mother. for some reason i decided to look directly above me, where i saw the ovular object hovering perhaps three hundred feet directly overhead. if held at arm’s length, i would say it would take up roughly the same space as a small pizza along the longest axis of the object.The object was roughly twice as long as it was wide. i distinctly remember feeling curious, wondering what this strange thing was. i also remember feeling a slight apprehension or incredibly mild fear at the sight of object. watching it for several seconds, i noted that it seemed to lack a definite outline, seeming somewhat fuzzy. i blinked several times, fearing i might have accidentally looked at the sun and that this was some strange after effect to no avail- the object remained. the object itself was the deepest, darkest shade of pitch black i have ever seen. there seemed to be no shine, reflectivity, or other light affecting the coloration of the blackness. emanating from the center of the craft was an extremely dark purple pulsation that radiated outward from the center until it reached the edge of the object where it dissipated. watching it for several moments, the object eventually, in the span of one or two seconds, gradually faded out of sight. at no point did it perform any maneuvers or move in any way. i looked up, saw it, watched it, and it disappeared. i remember that it never occurred to look away from the object. i felt fascinated by it, and wanted to keep watching it. i’m also not entirely aware of how much time elapsed; thirty seconds is merely the best estimate i am able to give. being outside, i had no ready access to a timepiece. snapping back to my perceptions, i looked over and saw my mother and dog. i very matter of factly asked her if she had seen the thing in the sky. she then replied, “what thing in the sky?” since she hadn’t seen it, i dismissed the conversation with a quick, “never mind”. probably the oddest thing about this is that i remember the incident clear as day, while the memory of almost all of my young childhood is extremely faded or nonexistent. i’m not sure if this is relevant, but i feel i should include that i was noted very early in my education as being very intellectually gifted. i was a candidate to skip grades several times and was tested as having the reading ability of a college freshman in the fifth grade. also of note is that as a child, i was absolutely terrified being or sleeping in my own bedroom, such that i was more frightened by being in there than i have ever been by nything else in my life thus far.

Headline #9: Black Triangle Sighting in Mililani, Hawaii on 2018-01-26 21:42:00 – 3tubes triangle w/pinnacle star sized magenta light flashed 1x then brightened to white. off horizon from driver’s seat

Synopsis: 1. i parked on akamainui street about 20ft. before the firehydrant right side of street. checking fri. night text messages. 2. i just sensed something & glanced up. i did a double take before staring at it. 3.I thought nothing. just a glance up. then, went whoa!, and glanced again and saw a different thing than i’ve seen anywhere else. 4.Especially after i realized there were long horizontal lights down each tube, the tubes seemed to have some thick ribs spaced quite a disatance apart.Joined together with something thinner & darker. the pinnacle of the isocoles triangle had a space where a star sized light twinkled. then as i was trying to see it clearly, it flashed. after the flash it got a brighter white & all the other lights on the tubes grew brighter to drown out any definition. the clouds then moved until it was covered completely. 5.I was suprised. shocked how large this triangli noticed that there is a structure (metallic/lead)not very shiny,but also not reflecting the long bright white light. i was excited. the sky was clear too. each side, 2x the length of a 747 at boarding gate perspective, probably 2.5 miles awa towards pearl harbor. there were no other aircraft in the sky. i only kept looking because after i noticed the triangle shaped light in the sky, i grew up not far frorm a naval air base in the country, on their landing & departure path. bucks county fields where i saw f18’s pilot wave at me below radar as a kid on my bike. so, i know this wasn’t even a flying wing or black triangle. i know about the tr3b. i’ve driven down the highway at night when what i think was a stealth came in and was above my vehicle. afterwards, i looked around. haven’t seen a picture like this triangle. definately not. no light arrangement in a long rectangle. no “connecting dark tube? that lights up to a star sized magenta/orange, it seemed seperate from the triangle, then, it flashed brighter. and returned to normal. then it became brighter till it turned bright white light. then the tube lights lit up the cloud cover. i mean the moon was pretty much covered in the sky behind me. 6. lost sight of the object due to cloud cover moving in once the lights blinded out the structure. the poor quality video i took kindof on my i phone 5s is on my periscope. however, since i’m in hawaii on oahu;- i’ve seen so many lights manuvering the beach in the past. i tried to get them on i phone 5s and its not much to look at. i know the lighting wasn’t good either. so i decided to get a good look at it since the phone cam wouln’t have gotten the detail in the night sky on a fairly dimly lit street/ almost dark…Is a waste of time. i can try to make a drawing of it better than in colored pencil…Kinda sad


Headline #10: My Experience at Goatman Bridge

Synopsis: I used to be hard core into the whole paranormal thing when I was a kid, but like most people I would grow out of it as I got older.

But a trip to Denton, Texas would open my mind back up to the idea that there are things that just cannot be explained. I live in Plano and have a pal who would often go exploring places in the DFW area, parks, creeks, even a few abandoned buildings.

My pal Kath decided to ditch the normal routine of exploring the usual and brought up the Old Alton Bridge in Denton as a spot to check out and said it was supposedly haunted and had well, a goat man there.

I laughed and asked why would a dinky old bridge be haunted, and that is when she told me about the man who killed and hung by the KKK, only to find that the noose they threw over the bridge with the man had nobody on it and no trace of the body.

She also told me that another local legend says that a goatman tromps thru the woods. I scratched my head at the 2 stories, after all it’s a bid odd to have 2 different kinds of spooky activity go on at place.

So I said for the heck of it lets go check it out. Now this is where it gets a little goofy…but then a little weird. I have a set of a Stormtrooper armor from Star Wars and I figured we could take some cool pictures in the area while we were at it. So imagine me in this plastic getup walking with Kath, checking the place out. It was pretty much empty when we got there, so we started going to the bridge.

It…had a lot of graffiti on it. And most of them were pretty strange.  “Kill yourself now, the goatman is watching.” “Oh goatman, save me” “Sacrifice yourself to him” I figured it was just some edgy kids being well, edgy.

So we walked across the bridge, not noticing really anything out of the ordinary and went our way into the woods. It was then halfway thru our walk that looped us back to the entrance of the other area of the bridge did I feel a strange feeling like I was all alone,  despite having Kath with me and like the presence that you couldn’t see. It was odd, but not unnerving enough to make me want to turn back. I took my helmet off and looked around before taking a deep breath and huffing it out. Kath asked me if anything was up and I said nah, and put the trooper helmet back on. I still felt watched, but kept going thru the trail. Here and there though, I started feeling that unnerving feeling grow slightly more and more as we walked. It was strange, whatever was making me feel this odd feeling was following us.

Maybe goatman  had never seen a plastic man before, I thought to myself. Me and Kath made our way thru about the rest of the trail and I could see the trees thin out. I then decided for some reason to look down and check for mud on my boots when I noticed a few noises around. Faint sounds of tree branches being moved. I looked around and had to take the helmet off again to get a better look. Kath asked me if I heard that.

Yeah I did, and we stood there for a good 5 minutes looking around trying to find where the noise was.

Kath asked if I wanted to get back moving and I decided to hang around another minute more checking to make sure the costume parts were all secure on me and we moved on. As we got to the end of the woods it was when I suddenly felt super creeped out and felt something gently push on the back plate of my chest armor. What the hell I said in a raised confused tone. Kath was in front of me and asked me if I was alright as I spun around bringing an arm up to try to touch whoever it was that touched me. But I nothing. Nothing was there. I felt myself get goosebumps and my hair stand on end.

I asked Kath what the hell just happened only to get told that she had no clue. I took my helmet off yet again and carried it in my hands the rest of the walk home, both of us looking pretty damn confused.

Neither of us said a word as we went our way to the rest of the trail and to her car. I took my gear off and hopped into the car thinking that was the end of it, but the weirdest part yet was to happen. I got home, and later that night went to bed pretty late, about 3 am if I recall. I fell asleep pretty easy, but I got woken up wide awake by a hard slam on my bed, as if it was done by somebody using their hand.

I usually sleep facing the wall on my bed and I was frozen stiff, too scared to look over to see what had done it. I stayed still, not moving an inch until the shock wore off and jumped out of bed scrambling to turn on the lamp by the bed. And not a damn trace of anything or anyone was to be seen. Nothing. Zilch. Its been a year almost since this happened, and I still cannot come up with an explanation to what happened, but I will tell you, I believe in the paranormal now.

There are some things that you can’t believe in until you experience it yourself, and I am somewhat grateful I haven’t had another encounter with whatever it was that decided to interact with me.

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