Here is the UFO Headline News for Saturday/Sunday February 24th/25th 2018

UFO Headline News | Daily UFO News Podcast - Powered by Inception Radio Network

Headline #1: UFO Sighting in Borrego Springs, California on 2018-02-17 08:30:00 – Two bright lights hover then fade out

Synopsis: We observed two bright, white, star-like objects that faded out during a camping trip. this happened at the southern end of clark dry lake off rockhouse canyon road due west of borrego springs. the sighting took place in the southern sky near sirius around 8pm. precisely, sirius was equidistant from the two objects and orion. i enjoy camping and teaching people astronomy. my fiance wanted to show off her astronomy knowledge by pointing out orion and sirius. she pointed to the left of sirius and asked “what are those stars?” i said “i don’t know, i’ll get out my phone to look at my nightsky app.” i was just looking at sirius and orion a few minutes earlier, and i didn’t see anything. she noted how bright they were, the word she used was “piercing”. i said “yes, they are definitely too bright to be stars, keep watching them”. i was fumbling for my phone and she yelled “one just disappeared!” i stopped fumbling for my phone and wanted to witness this for myself. about 6 seconds later, the second object “faded out”. it looked like a star trek “beam me up” type of fade away. this was about my 5 or 6th ufo experience. it was my fiance’s first. her life is changed. she is afraid of ufos, and she didn’t want to see them.

Headline #2: UFO Sighting in Chapin, South Carolina on 2018-02-18 22:30:00 – Pulsating orange and red lights in the sky inside the clouds

Synopsis: Last night (feb 18/2018) my wife called me to the window and pointed at the clouds asking “what is that?” we live in a more rural area so there are no city type lights to shine. it looked as though it was heat lightening type of event but it never stopped…And it was pulsing, not flashing light lightening. we then walked out to the back porch to get a clearer view and it was much larger of an area of lights than anticipated. i pulled out my phone and started recording it. after a few moments its just stopped, like someone had just flipped a switch. then nothing. i kept recording and my wife said…”this is what it did just before i called you into the room”. apparently she watched it for a few moments from the window, then it stopped, and once it started again she called me in to see if i thought it to be strange. once lights just shut off the hair on my arms stood up like crazy. we then contacted the local tv station to see if there was anyone else who reported and they said no. i explained the situation and sent them the video. they reviewed it and said they thought it was lights reflecting from emergency vehicles. i do not buy that as the light was so high in the sky and they also said there were no emergencies or anything in our area at that time. what i honestly thought it was when i first say it was a house on fire and the light emitted from the fire was being reflected by lower clouds. that’s how bright the red and orange was….Then when it just “shut off” i knew it was not a fire. again, i do have video of the incident from the time we walked outside. it was very odd. we then did some research online to see if anyone had reported anything similar and my wife found a woman found a post 3 hours prior of a woman in mississipi who described excatly what we saw. mississipi to south carolina is not just around the corner. just odd

Headline #3: UFO Sighting in Gainsborough, England on 1998-08-03 00:00:00 – It was 3 years after i took the picture, before i found it.

Synopsis: I had just bought a new camera and was trying it out by swizzling around and napping pictures to see if the was any blurring. i took about 10 pictures doing the same thing i only looked at the first couple and they seemed good quality. so i downloaded them into a file on my computer and never thought any more about it. then i acquired a program called picasa which found lots of photos on my computer looking through them i spotted this one i thought it might have been a bird in flight and passed it by. i have never bothered to much about it and it might be nothing at all, i will let you judge. best regards derek

Headline #4: UFO Sighting in Topeka, Kansas on 2017-07-31 03:23:00 – I woke to 2 beings floating into my bedroom.

Synopsis: Just wanted to share an experience i had a couple months ago to see if anyone else could help me try and understand better what is going on and if anyone else has experienced something similar. date is between august 21st 2017 (solar eclipse) and august 31st 2017. my husband and i woke around 3:00am to sounds outside our bedroom door. when we looked outside we found our dogs crying to be let in. but we had locked our dogs in their crate before going to bed and our backyard gate is locked as well. jokingly my husband said “i think aliens teleported the dogs outside.” and i said “i hope so, that would be awesome.” my husband put the dogs back in their crate and we went back to sleep, but within a few minutes our bedroom door opened again and when i turned to look, two little beings floated into the room. as soon as they saw me looking at them i was instantly knocked into paralysis and could not move at all. this also shifted time into a super slow motion flow. i began to struggle and freaking out and that seemed to then knock me out of my body into another plane or dimension. i could now move and when i rolled over to look up at this being it had black colored wind moving behind and around it in slow motion. i never saw the second being that seemed to stand guard at the door, but i somehow knew it was there. it was hard to focus on it because time seemed to slow way down and it was as if my vision would vibrate when i looked at it. it had an extremely white head shaped like a chinese dragon mask. i thought it might be a mask at first with very protruding brows and forehead. i then saw it had a very slim neck and a collar at the top of the suit it was wearing. it was grey and form fitting with a belt or band in the middle. the energy it was putting off was very unfamiliar to me and i did not like the feeling of it. i immediately noticed that i could feel myself outside of my body from above at the same time that i could feel it from below in bed. i could see and remember everything at the same time from both locations. my instincts told me to create a protection field around my husband and i in bed and i pushed out this blue sphere of light around us from below. but as i was watching myself do this from above it looked like a flat blue circle instead of 3 dimensional. i was really struggling from below to move and wake my husband up. i could start to feel myself swaying and trying to shake. from above the energy was so uncomfortable that i wanted to get out of the room immediately. i started floating out my door and then hovering above my pool outside. it was well lit outside, not sure if it was close to a full moon or it was an artificial light from above. i felt as if my body inside could almost break free from this paralysis when i was sucked back into my room and i shot up in bed. i woke my husband up and said “they were just here, floating around like peter pan!” he could also feel that something was off and didn’t quite know what was going on. he ended up getting our 9mm out and stayed up in the living room for the rest of the night. the time on the clock when this started was 3:23 and when i shot up in bed it was 4:14. i wrote everything down to try and make sense of it all and a few months later my notes disappeared. i knew something was missing in that hour in-between the beginning and the end of the experience so i went to a hypnosis to try and recover my memories. 2.9.18 hypnosis session there was an hour of time missing from the night the 2 beings came into my room and this is what came to the surface during my hypnosis session. i felt sucked out of my bedroom, and floated out above our pool outside thru our sliding glass door. i then remember being in an extremely bright white room that eventually turned into a large oval shaped room with a metallic table in the center. i floated over to the table and realized that there were other beings in the room with me. they were very tall with white robes on and they looked like preying mantises. there were 2 or 3 of them, very big looking heads. there is a strange hum to everything. i then felt a warm golden light start to shine down on me from above and it seemed as if they were scanning me, downloading and uploading energy software or information. and then there were all kinds of lights that formed into small bubbles that seemed to have movies or videos playing inside of them floating all around me. i then floated horizontally next to another being that i could not remember seeing (just knew it was guiding me) down a long corridor of openings, and then i remember being submerged into a thick gel like water. it was pulsing with electricity and i felt my body being pulled outward as if being flattened with the waves of energy. the hum in the silence was very loud and i felt myself being pulled into a wormhole or tunnel. it was pumping me thru it like an ocean current, 10ft forward, 3 ft back, and i felt like this light lead me back towards my bedroom. as i looked back up into this light there were 4 blue beings looking back down at me from above. and then i shot up in bed in my room again, knowing instantly that the 2 beings were just in my room, floating around like peter pan right before all of this happened. it was as if i had floated above my pool and then was instantly sucked back into my room and body before recovering these memories during my hypnosis session. i do remember other humans being in this place also, whether they were helping or being helped also. this place did not feel as if it existed in this reality or time or universe. it was somewhere completely separate and outside of everything. after this experience i went to a float tank on oct 22nd 2017 and had memories of being in a craft and traveling thru wormholes out in the universe. that night i woke up to a violent episode where my eyes were banging around in my head so hard that i couldn’t move without throwing up for hours in the bathroom and had to be taken to an vertigo specialist that diagnosed me with bppv and i have had issues with it to this day still. i am an artist and i plan to try and draw or create images from what i saw this year


Headline #5: Ghosts of the Old Jail

Synopsis: This story is not particularly scary, but it is compelling.  I have been a casual believer in the paranormal for some time now, but I had never experienced anything until last year.

I live in Northern Florida, which has a history older than most of the US.  We have St. Augustine and Savannah, two of the oldest and most haunted cities in the US, close by, for example.

I was working on a documentary project about local history as a sort of senior project.  For one of my scenes, I went to an old jail in a town nearby my own.  This jail doubles as a history center, and is in a small historical area.  The jail itself resembles a schoolhouse almost; a long, narrow, white building with bars on all the windows and a heavy door.  I experienced two events that I have deemed paranormal.

Again, these stories are not particularly paranormal, but I cannot find an explanation for them.

The first time I went to the jail, I came with a camcorder to record the exterior and interview people who worked there about the history.  Well, I came at a time they were closed, so I settled for recording the exterior.

After walking around the exterior, I thought I could get a really good shot of the jail looking at the door.  I filmed for a few seconds, and looked at it on my camera.  I found it was good, so I began to pack up my equipment.

As I was doing so, I heard a burst of speech come from inside the jail, like what you would hear at a party or something with a bunch of people, and then a sound like the cell bars were being rattled.

This caught me completely off guard, because I had tried the door and it was locked, and I was the only car in the parking lot.  I then thought that it could have been a radio from a car driving past the jail.  But I was certain it came from inside the jail.

I left confused, but resolved to return.

A few weeks later, I returned to the jail to interview employees for my history documentary.  The person I spoke to told me that the jail was in fact haunted, and told me some of her stories, and that it had been featured on some ghost hunting shows.

She then asked if I wanted to see the inside of the jail.  You know I accepted that offer.

She opened the door for me, and told me I’d have to go inside and explore by myself because she had to help other visitors in the office (a thick wall separated the office from the jail-you had to go outside to go between the two sides), but to have fun and to go upstairs if I wanted to see maximum security.

Inside the jail was a small room, like an office/booking room I guess.  There was a doorway to the left and right, and I chose to go to the left.  In the left was a small landing with stairs going up to the second floor, with a corridor running parallel to these stairs.

There was a room with an open door along the corridor.  I set up my tripod and filmed a few scenes to voice over.  After I finished this, I took my camera and made to go upstairs, when a few things happened at once.

People say that during paranormal encounters, they frequently encounter feelings of paranoia or outright fear.  For me, it wasn’t immediate, but I started feeling a slow, crawling feeling of dread.

About half way up the flight of stairs, this feeling grew until I felt threatened.

I slowly walked back down, feeling I should tread carefully.  I wasn’t welcome upstairs, and I wasn’t going to push whatever was giving me such dread.  At the bottom again, I felt uneasy still, but I wanted to get one more shot of the jail.  Before I could do this, however, the open door in the corridor next to the stairs slowly began to close on its own.

At this point, I was done.  I didn’t walk, but practically leaped to the door leading outside.  I lied to the employee and said I went outside, and decided that was enough filming for the day.

For a few days afterwards, I sort of regretted not going upstairs.  After doing some research, however, I now recognized it was probably a smart move.  Apparently, several people were killed during the jail’s history.

There were at least a dozen hangings in about 50 years time, and a warden was grabbed and violently stabbed to death by an inmate.  I believe this commotion was what I heard during my first visit to the jail.  The picture I included is of the cell the warden was killed in.  I found it online, I because like I said I never quite made it upstairs.

In addition, I have found that paranormal investigators have been scratched, hit, pushed, and otherwise physically assaulted in the jail during investigations.  After learning this, I am not so disappointed in myself for not going upstairs.

Anyways, thanks for the opportunity to tell my story.  I know it was somewhat long, but I hoped that taking a logical approach to my story might make it a bit more believable than just saying “I heard ghosts and got scared.” The paranormal does exist, and sometimes it shows up when its the last thing on our minds.

And no, I never did finish my documentary.

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